第3回えひめ禁煙フォ-ラム(松山) Symposium of Ehime Network for Smoking Prevention
The Third Annual Meeting of Ehime Network for Smoking Prevention was held
at Matsuyama in Shikoku,
in November 2012.

(L) A program of the third annual meeting of Ehime Network for Smoking
(R) A presentation by Prof. Hiroshi Matsuoka, which shows that ' Quit smoking
is love' in a lecture slide.

(L) A passive smoking hazard at a various condition: A higher danger takes
place in the inside of building.
A toxic tobacco-smoke may flow through a ventilation fan in a room. It
could cause an adverse effect to children and family.
(R) Smokers die younger. A woman may die seven years earlier, and may be
forced to spend the eight years to fight against
illness. A man may die seven years earlier, and may be forced to spend
the thirteen years to fight against illness.

(L) A second-hand smoke is much more harmful to the human body than that
of the smoke that a smoker breathes in.
(R) This diagram shows that a high risk to the human brought by the inhalation
of an active and/or a passive smoking.
(L) Educational lecture: ' How to succeed to quit smoking' in the smoking-cessation
(M) A lecturer, Prof. Hiroshi Matsuoka
(R) A description guidance of Varenicline, a prescription medicine used
to treat smoking addiction.

(L) Chairmen of a debate about smoking in the food industries
(R) Four non-smoking cafe and restaurant owners in Matsuyama area discussed
about the financial risk and health benefit
when the shops enforced complete smoking ban.

Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto, a director of 'Smokefree.jpn.com' spoke for 60 minutes
about the subject, in the world,
how a total-smoking-ban policyis adopted: He presented many pictures of
the advanced countries, including that of
Northe America, most of Eeuropian countries, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
(L) A chairman of the society Dr. Sigeki Toyota introduced, who gives a
special lecture, entitled,
'The complete ban on the smoking inside is the rule of the World.' (R )
Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto, a guest speaker
Dr. Miyamoto showed hundred and forty-four color lecture slides at this
open forum.
The photos presented in the following are the selected twenty-six slides.
Smokers never realized that they are manipulated by a tobacco mafia.

(L) Governor Shigefumi Matsuzawa stressed the need to provide a separate
smoking room in public places.
Kanagawa Prefecture officially approved a waiter and waitress to work in
a restaurant, with full of toxic tobacco-smoke.
(R) Dr. Miyamoto strongly opposed to this Kanagawa Law, and published an
article on the Asahi-shimbun in 2008, and
Herald Tribune International in 2009.
However, the Japan Society for Tobacco Control enthusiastically supported
this 'unhealthy' anti-smoking ordinance.

(L) Spain once officially approved a separate smoking-room in restaurants
and bars. However, in 2011, a government admitted
that the policy to allow a smoking space inside of the building was the
mistake, and a total ban should be enforced
to all public buildings throughout the country.
(R) Dr. Miyamoto had stressed the smoking-related law should not allow
smoking in any public buildings.
Total smoking ban in a public building is the right way to stay at an international

(L) In the trains of JR-Tokai, JR-west and JR-kyushu, it announces in a
train at every station, that ' Please smoke
in a smoking booth of the train.
JR-Tokai and JR-West operate a smoking vehicle, which allow smoking without
any restriction.
A private railway company in Kansai district, which covers kyoto and Nara,
ancient cities, also run a smoking vehicle.
(R) An entire railway train is smokefree, in the following countries: Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, United States, Canada, New Zealand, India, Thailand,
Taiwan and Korea.
Avis and Budget announced that their fleets in United States, Canada and
Finland would be 100% smoke-free.

(L) All hotels in the Glacier, Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks
are 100% smokefree.
(R) The tobacco control Act of Bhutan allowed a smoking guest room. In
Thimphu, only Taj Tashi provides non-smoking rooms,
in a ratio of 77.4%. In other hotels in Thimphu, you may smoke inside of
a guest room.

In New York, restaurants and bars had been smokefree since 2003, and now
the city extended the restriction
to the city park, beach and a crowded pedestrian walk.
In contrast to that fact, there is no progress in the smoking ban about
restaurants and bars, in the city of Tokyo.

Auditorium of Ehime Medical Association, in which Third Annual Meeting
of Ehime Network for
Smoking Prevention was held.
The Ehime Shimbun reported the Symposium held at Matsuyama.
The Ehime Shimbun, the only major newspaper in the Ehime prefecture, reported the Symposium of
Ehime Network for Smoking Prevention, held at Matsuyama city, on November
11, 2012.


(L) A member of Ehime Network for Smoking Prevention and Dr. J. Miyamoto,
photographed in November 2012.
(R) Marionette clock at Dogo-Onsen, Matsuyama
松山ガイド Matsuyama Tour, 2010-2012
2012年11月執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
Photograph was taken and an article was written, in November 2012,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.