Obama signed the landmark law to regulate tobacco.
The law allows tough new FDA limits on tobacco.

Washington, D.C.
A landmark tobacco-regulation bill goes to Obama.
A landmark bill giving the U.S. government broad regulatory power for the
first time over cigarettes
and other tobacco products won final approval in Congress in June, 2009.
The U.S. House of
Representatives passed the legislation in a 307-97 vote one day after it
secured Senate approval.
It marked the culmination of a quest by tobacco industry foes in Congress
dating back more than
a decade to put cigarettes under the control of the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. The bill
allows the FDA to put stringent new limits on the manufacturing and marketing
of tobacco products
but stops short of banning cigarettes or their addictive ingredient nicotine.
Nearly 20 percent of Americans smoke, and tobacco use kills about 440,000
people a year in
the United States due to cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other ailments.
The measure also calls for larger warnings on cigarette packages, restricts
vending machine sales,
bans most flavored products and further curbs print advertisements targeting
children. The FDA
will finally say over new products and marketing claims such as light or
low tar. Tobacco is
such a serious and compelling public health problem, and we really do feel
by being able to regulate
tobacco and tobacco products. We can reduce the burden of disease and help
promote stronger
smoking-cessation efforts.
Source: Reuters、Washington June 12, 2009.
「ライト」や「低タール」といった誤解を招きやすい言葉を禁止することができる。 FDAの医師や
直接監督することが初めて可能となるという歴史的な決定である。 米疾病対策センター(CDC)の
引用 CNN June 12,2009
引用 AFPBB News June 13,2009
President Obama made a speech about the benefits of FDA regulation
to tobacco industry.

NHK TV June 23,2009.
Obama signed requiring the Food and Drug Administration to regulate the
tobacco industry would help.
Young people would be the most significant beneficiaries of FDA regulation.
Under the law,
candy-and fruit-flavored cigarettes are to be banned, as are tobacco-industry
sports and entertainment
sponsorships that have survived despite restrictions required with the
settlement of state-sponsored
lawsuits against Big Tobacco. Vending machines and self-service displays
-- the point-of-sale
promotion routes to youth that the tobacco companies exploited after the
lawsuits curtailed other
forms of advertising -- would be restricted to adults-only venues. Once
the FDA forces the tobacco
industry to reveal what, exactly is in cigarettes- we still don't know
for certain -- the agency would
be empowered to require changes in current and future tobacco products
that would reduce or
eliminate harmful ingredients and possibly remove from them the addictive
substances, which trap so
many in a habit they can come to hate. The president has really highlighted
how tobacco products
are and how great the need for this legislation is.
Source: Marie Cocco, Washington Post & Mainichi News, Japan, August
1, 2009.
2009年6月執筆 2009年12月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
The article was written in June 2009 by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2009 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.