Tougher smoking ban in British and American ships.
Many British cruse lines now prohibit smoking anywhere inside the ship even in a private cabin or at the casino,
and some are making it illegal to smoke in a balcony. These rules are seemed to be less severe in the most
American cruise lines.However, they are gradually moving to tougher regulations. A smoking room in many ships
is now gradually disappearing.
Total smoking ban on anywhere inside of ships.
U.k.-based P&O Cruises are the latest major player in the shipping market to bring in rules restricting smoking
to just outside areas on all their ships. They aim to ban smoking in cabins and casinos by May 2010 will bring
an end to smoking indoors on their boats.
Three of their vessels have already carried a strict no-smoking policy inside, after the UK banned smoking in
public places just over two years ago. The three ships that will have a proposed ban in place by 2010 will be
Aurora, Oriana and Arcadia. Smoking will be allowed on cabin balconies and designated open decks but there
will be a strict ban on anywhere inside. Anyone caught flouting the law will be punished accordingly.
Some other cruise line companies have even banned smoking on cabin balconies and restricted further where
passengers can have a puff, but they have not expected to impose a complete ban just yet. "Since Britain went
to smoke free in July 2007,$B!!(BBritish public has become accustomed to be in a smoke-free environment. Seventy-six
per cent of the general public support the ban. We hope that becoming smoke free will give all our passengers,
especially children, a cleaner and more pleasant environment in which to enjoy their holiday on board." said
Nigel Esdale, the managing director of P&O Cruises.
Source:$B!!(BAug 6, 2009 News.carrentals.co.uk
Carnival Cruise Lines To Ban Smoking on Cruise Ship Balconies
Starting the fall 2014, cigarette smokers will no longer be able to light up on their balconies on all Carnival Cruise
Lines ships. Effective October, 2014, the cruise line will ban all smoking on cabin balconies; the line already
prohibits smoking in cabins. According to company spokesman Vance Gulliksen, the change to the line's smoking
policy is in response to "the preferences of a majority of our guests." Additionally, the updated policy is consistent
with most other major cruise lines' smoking policies. With this change, Norwegian Cruise Line and Holland America
Line become the only mainstream cruise lines to allow smoking on cabin balconies. Smoking will continue to be
allowed in designated open deck areas, as well as night clubs and certain areas within the casino. Passengers
who are caught smoking in their cabins or on their balconies will be assessed a $250 cleaning and refreshing fee.
Source: Cruise Critic July 8, 2014
Cruise Line Smoking Policies
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Italian MSC Cruise ship ( Geneva ) anchored to the Yokohama Pier, May 2015.
$BJF9q(B Royal Caribbean Int.$B!J%m%$%d%k%+%j%S%"%s%$%s%?!<%J%7%g%J%k!K!"JF9q(B Regent Seven Seas Cruises
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$B!z(BThis Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in August 2007, and revised in May 2015, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.