Japan has been demanding the return of the four northern islands, including the Island of Shikotan, based
on the Japan-Russia Treaty of Friendship, which was peacefully exchanged
with Russia in 1855. Russia has
abandoned the Japan-Russia non-aggression treaty, and has positioned it as a "loot" as a result of invading
Japanese territory.
Russian who has a villa at islands of Shikotan said you can see so beautiful nature. We really enjoy our full and fruitful
life here.
Picture source: NHK broadcast, February 13, 2011
Picture source: NHK BS broadcast 8 February 2019
Russians have little knowledge of the territorial consciousness about south
Chishima, that Soviet Army
abandoned the non-aggression treaty between Japan and Soviet Union, and
at the right end of the
World War$B-6(B, the troops invaded South Chishima, including Hokkaido, and
occupied the lands after
the Yalta secret agreement. In there, now, at a local school, teachers drew a border line between
Hokkaido and the Habomai Islands, calling Habomai Shikotan Islands as "Konan
Kururi Islands."
Are they not watching TV broadcasts from Japan?
According to a Russian government polling agency conducted in November
2018, 77% of people oppose
the transfer of territory to Japan. On the other hand, 14% of the respondents are in favor of territorial
transfer, and 4% say they will "absolutely transfer." Some Russians
have a conscientious view that
"Japan's unique territory occupied by Russia for years, by a very short battle, should be returned to
Russia is developing on the islands of Hokkaido, the Island of Shikotan.
Putin has designated Shikotan
Island as a special economic zone, as if he completely ignored Prime Minister
Abe, who was impatient
to end the peace treaty with Russia. He pused the policy to attract people with high salaries, accelerating
migration, and supporting the growth of the Russian population. Contrary
to the former president
Elytin's promise to return the four islands, it seems that the current
Russian government has fixed all
four islands as Russian territory. It is an expression of the intention not to transfer the land. The cause
of this was the war act of the Japanese military, the former US President
Roosevelt, who continued to
hate Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was a secret agreement
with Soviet, but it must have
been a "throaty gift" for the Soviet Union, which was hungry for territorial expansion to the south and
to the south. Based on this, Japan should insist that "territorial
expansion by military secret agreement
is not allowed" until the end.
Development progressing on the Skotan Island
The firm tripled salary, built kindergarten and hospital to increase the islander population, and to encourage migration from all over Russia.
The power plant built by Japan for humanitarian assistance is aging.
Russia has built its own power plant and has stated that it no longer needs Japanese assistance.
Construction rush accelerates as Russian government designates the Island of Shikotan as a special economic zone.
Construction of a modern fish-processing factory ahead of one of the world's leading fishing grounds.
Village mayor asserts that President Putin will not sell "Russian territory."
Picture source: NHK BS broadcast 1 March, 2019
Political barrier to her dream visit to Japan
Russians born in the Northern Territories cannot enter to Japan.
Japanese born in the Northern Territories cannot enter the islands occupied by Russia.
Cheremitsukaya ( The exact spelling is unknown), a college student who teaches Japanese at Yuzhno-
Sakhalinsk in Sakhalin, was born on the island of Hokkaido, Shikotan. When
she was young, there was
a visa-free exchange between Japan and Russia, and she was intimately interacting with Japanese
people. The Japanese teacher taught her very enthusiastically.
She has dreams of studying abroad in Japan, and has aspirations to become
a bridge between Japan
and Russia. However, she was told that it was impossible to travel to Japan. The reason is that the visas
of Russia stating that she was born on the Iskand of Shikotan cannot be
accepted in Japan. If a visa
to Japan is issued, the Japanese government should recognize that Shikotan
is a Russian territory.
Cheremitsukaya couldn't understand it at all. Currently, Japanese cannot freely go to the Northern
Territories, and Russians in the Northern Territories can't travel to Japan.
The illegal occupation of
Russia's four northern islands poses these serious problems.
Picture source: NHK BS May 18, 2021
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This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in May 2021, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2021 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.
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$B!!(BEnglish Version: Russia unduly occupies our Northern Territories of Japan.