Second-hand smoke doubles the risk of heart attack and diabetes.

Cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke

Cigarette smoke is a mixture of materials over 4,000 chemicals, many of which are harmful to the human body.
All currently available tobacco products that are smoked will deliver substantial amounts of toxic chemicals to
their users and those who breathe their smoke. Cigarette smoke is a combination of:
1) mainstream smoke - the smoke inhaled by a smoker;
2) sidestream smoke - the smoke from the end of a lit cigarette; and
3) secondhand smoke - the smoke exhaled by a smoker plus sidestream smoke.

Of the more than 4,000 chemicals present in cigarette smoke, more than 60 have been identified as cancer-causing
chemicals, 11 of which are known to cause cancer in humans and eight that probably cause cancer in humans.

Cancer-producing chemicals in tobacco smoke include: Benzene; 2-naphthylamine; 4-aminobiphenyl;
Chromium; Cadmium; Vinyl chloride; Ethylene oxide; Arsenic; Beryllium; Nickel and Polonium-210.
Source: Ministry of Health, Welligton, NZ

The concentration of nicotine contained 2.8 times, tar 3.4 times more in the side stream of cigarette. The nicotine
and tar contained in the cigarette can be produced as much as the burning temperature of cigarette is low. The
temperature of the tip of tobacco is ranges from 700°C to 800°C, in comparison with 850°C to 900°C in the mainstream
smoke. This means that the sidestream is more harmful to a human health, and it provides why we have to establish
a clean indoor-air-law.

( L) The state in the mainstream
smoke (R) The state in the sidestreamsmoke
Source: NHK broadcast on October 31, 2008.

 Combustion science and smoke components

Source: Research and Development at British American Tobacco. November 2, 2009.

The repetitive inhalation and exhalation of fumes from burning plant material, tobacco can cause various changes.
The material is a toxic, irritant and arguable addiction. Nicotine produce feeling of euphoria or well being,
enhancement self-image associated of feeling more effective and competitive.

As the smoking puffs on the cigarette, the burning temperature reaches up to 950°C. The 92% of the main-stream
smoke is in the gas phase and 400 to 500 individual gaseous components have been identified. The composition
of gas constituents is nitrogen 50-70%, oxygen 10-15%, carbon dioxide, 10-15%, carbon monoxide, 3-6%.
The lessor, but significant property are nitrogen oxide, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, acrolein
nitroso compound and benzene. The remaining 8% majority of biologically active compound is nicotine phenol,
naphthalene, pyrene, benzopyrene and nitrosamine. Metals are cadmium, zinc, copper, mercury and lead.

The 85-90% of cancer of the throat are attracted to smoking. It may develop cancer in the distant organs such
as bladder, pancreas, kidney, stomach, liver and uterus. The carcinogenic materials that are soluble in tissue fluids,
along the respiratory tract,enter in the blood stream and travel to the specific target organ, which promote the
development of cancer.
Reference: Article by Bertel, 'facebook' October 20, 2009.

 Japan Tobacco Inc. foils an individual to recognize the hazard of tobacco smoke.

Japan Tobacco Inc. foils an individual to recognize the hazard of tobacco smoke, by diminish a bad smell caused
by cigarette smoke. The firm advertised on a major newspaper a new cigarette product, which cuts an unpleasant
smell from the tobacco. It is very clear that they intentionally conceal the adverse effect of the product on human

A newspaper advertisement that announced the new product by Japan Tobacco Inc.
It said the 75% people felt the smell was minimum.

english index tobacco control 日本語

2008年11月執筆  2009年12月加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
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Copyright (C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

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