Health Advice USA

A medical specialist advised to follow the four lifestyle items to prevent cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular
disease and cerebral embolism.

1) keep eating a healthy food and maintain a standard body weight.
2) Excesise, 30 minutes a day or movements, 5 times a week.
3) Do not smoke, do not approach smokers.
4) Take a periodical doctor's examination and ask assessment
  of the degree of danger to your health.

American Diabetes Association
AACR(American Association for Cancer Research
American Heart Association
June 2004

Cancer Statistics for 2009

The American Cancer Society (ACS) tracks cancer occurrence, including the number of deaths, cases, and
how long people survive after diagnosis.

American Cancer Society.

U.S. adult smoking rates remain stalled.

Despite progresses in some areas, smoking rates among U.S. adults remained stalled in 2008. The study,
released in advance of the annual Great American Smokeout, found the 46 million ( 20.6 % ) Americans
were current cigarette smokers in 2008, which is virtually unchanged since the year 2004, in that time,
20.9 % of the adults reported being smokers. The findings of this study indicate an alarming trend, because
smoking is the leading preventable cause of death, killing more than the 443,000 people each year, with
the annual healthcare cost of $96 billion.The percentage of smokers to total population is higher ( 41.3 % )
in the group of the persons withGeneral- Education-Development certificate, in compared with lower
( 5.7 % ) percentage in the persons with a graduate degree. The current adult smoking prevalence
varied substantially across the 50 states. The highest state was found in West Virginia ( 26.6% ) and
Indiana ( 26.1 % ). The lowest state was found in Utah ( 9.2 % ), California (14.0% ) and New Jersey
( 14.8 % ).

Second-hand smoke is known to cause cancer, heart disease, and many other health problems. 'Smoke
-free laws' have many benefits to protect non-smokers, reducing heart attacks, and to encourage smokers
to quit smoking. It is covering public places inspirit people to adopt free-from-smoking policies at their
home. Nationwide, 21states and D.C. have implemented the comprehensive laws, which cover the wor-
kplaces, restaurants and bars. However, more than half of the country still lives in areas where they are
not protected by the clean-air law.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, November 12, 2009.

Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in US
By Gender:
Adult men: 21.5%, Adult women, 17.3%, All adults ( aged 18 years and older ), 19.3%
By Education:
GED diploma, 45.2%
The 9-11 years of education, 33.8%
High school diploma, 23.8%
Undergraduate Colledge's degree, 9.9%
Postgraduate Colledge's degree, 6.3%

Adult Cigarette Smoking in the United States: Current Estimate ( JAMA 2012 )

In Japan, the number of deaths from cancer has been increasing.

For the harmful effects of smoking is not well recognized by most Japanese people, including the non-smoking
persons. People continue smoking, without doubt, and the non-smokers are using a restaurant and cafe that
allow smoking inside. If there is a separate smoking room from the section which prohibits smoking, almost all
users feel safe, without pay attention for a leaked toxic side-smoke.

A politician in Japan has no willingness that tries to protect the health of residents, under the law named as the
tobacco business law, which states to promote the tobacco industry and to contribute the sound development of
the national economy and a stable financial income to the government. The government-affiliated agency has
been always opposed the extensive restriction of smoking in a public place. The restriction of smoking by law is
almost none, and largely estranged from other industrialized countries in North America, Europe and Oceania.

Smoking Rate Survey in May 2018 ( Jaoansese ) by JT

Over-all smoking rate: 17.9%

Male 27.8%: 0.4% reduction compared to the year of 2017
Female 8.7%: 0.3% increase compared to the year of 2017

A half of cancer is preventable. A study in Japanese

Source:NHK World, broardcasted on October 19, 2011

A study by researchers at the National Cancer Center revealed that about half of cancer patients in Japan have
developed the disease due to preventable causes using a statistically analyzed fact of the patients diagnosed
as cancer in 2005. As risk factors for cancer, they checked smoking and drinking habits or viral infections.

The study team found that the largest cause of cancer for Japanese males was smoking at 29.7 percent,
followed by infection with the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium or hepatitis and other viruses at 22.8 percent, and
alcoholism at 9 percent. For female patients, infections topped the list at 17.5 percent, followed by smoking
at 5 percent and drinking at 2.5 percent.

The study shows that about half of cancer cases in Japan were caused by preventable factors, indicating that
cancer can be reduced by improving lifestyles and the environment. It also showed that only 0.8 percent of
male patients and 1.6 percent of female patients developed cancer due to obesity. The figures are about
one-third of those in the United States.

Dr. Shoichiro Tsugane, who heads the institution's Epidemiology and Prevention Division, hopes to the people
with avoidable risk factors will make efforts to change their life style..

No.1 - Smoking....29.7%
No.2 - Infection, like C-hepatitis....22.8%
No.3- Alcohol....9%
No.1 - Infection, like C-hepatitis....17.5%
No.2- Smoking....5%
No3.- Alchohol....2.5%

Source:NHK World broardcast, October 19, 2011

Smoking is the greatest cause of cancer.

The study groups of Tokyo Unversity and Osaka University disclosed their research on the relationship
of smoking and other factors on the diseases of lung and esophagus cancer, and myocardial infarction.
The results showed Japanese, who died from smoking was 129,000, while the number of death from
hypertension reached to 104,000 in the year of 2007. Other contributing factor to the death was
insufficient or lack of exercise, high blood sugar (diabetic) and excessive intake of a salt; 52,000,
34,000 and 34,000, respectively. The researcher concluded that a strong and effective anti-smoking policy
is needed in Japan.

Source: Asahi Shimbun, January 28, 2012
Translated by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto

Life Expectancy: Smokers, can you see your life 30 years after?



1) 健康的な食事を摂り、健康的な体重を維持しよう。
2) 1日当たり30分、週5日は運動しよう。
3) タバコを吸うな。タバコを吸っている者に近付くな。
4) 定期的に医師の診察を受け、あなたの健康の危険度を評価してもらおう。






2011年10月, 国立がんセンターの発表によれば癌(がん)発生の主な共通原因は、喫煙・感染・飲酒であるという。

1位 喫煙…29.7%
2位 肝炎ウイルスやピロリ菌などの感染…22.8%
3位 飲酒…9%
1位 感染…17.5%
2位 喫煙…5% 
3位 飲酒…2.5%




引用:朝日新聞 2012年1月28日

States of USA

smorking ban New Jersey  New Jersey
smorking ban Illinois USA Illinois
smorking ban California USA California
smorking ban Beverly Hills California Beverly Hills, California 
smorking ban condominium Condominium of California
smorking ban Washington state State of Washington
smorking ban Oregon USA Oregon  
smorking ban Montana USA Montana
smorking ban Colorado USA Colorado
smorking ban Arizona USA Arizona 
smorking ban Maine USA Maine
smorking ban Vermont USA Vermont 
smorking ban Massachusetts Massachusetts state.
smorking ban New York New York 
smorking ban Maryland USA Maryland 
smorking ban Washington DC Washington,D.C.
smorking ban Virginia USA Virginia
smorking ban Minnesota USA Minnesota 
smorking ban Delaware USA Delaware 
smorking ban Ohio USA Ohio 
smorking ban Iowa USA Iowa 
smorking ban Utah USA Utah 
smorking ban Rhode Island Rhode Island 
smorking ban Nevada USA Nevada 
smorking ban Michigan USA Michigan 
smorking ban Wisconsin USA Wisconsin

2007年1月 執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This article was written in January 2007, and finally revised in December 2012,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
An information was added in July 2023.
Copyright(C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.


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