Siginoi Hotel, Beppu, Kyushu
別府温泉 杉乃井ホテル

 Siginoi Hotel, Beppu, Kyushu

(L) Guide Map of Suginoi Hotel
(R) Suginoi Hotel: From left side, it shows the main, middle and Haba-wing buildings.
Picture source: Wikipedia

A timetable of courtesy shuttle bus between the Beppu JR Station and Suginoi Hotel

Suginoi Hotel is located on the top of the hill Kankaiji hot spring area of Beppu. Suginoi Hotel consists of
three buildings of the 14-story Main-wing, which has 328 rooms, the 13-story Hana-wing, 215 rooms,
and the 7-story Middle-wing building, 57 rooms. These are called as Hon-kan, Hana-kan and Naka-kan,
respectively. The total number of guest rooms is 641 at present.
All guest rooms of the main building are smoke-free. Hana wing had 44 smoking guest rooms.
The middle wing had 27 smoking guest rooms. The percentage of smoking guest rooms to the total was 11.8%.
The hotel recently renovated total facilities, and all guest rooms are now smoke-free.

This hotel can accommodate the maximum of 2,630 guests. In the recent ten years, the number of a group tour
from Taiwan and Korea is increased, making up a high percentage of the hotel guests. A Japanese common
folks is also accounted as a main part of the hotel guests. Many hot springs facilities in this hotel are certainly
one of the largest in Japan. There are many restaurants and cafes, which are smoke-free, except a bar in
the Hana wing. Smoking is allowed in terrace seats outside.

(L) Aqua Garden of the hotel: An open-air bath, 'Tanaya' is the next door ( No photography is permitted in the public bath)
(M) A mountain ranges with occasional geothermal wells
(R) A sunrise at Beppu Bay observed from the guest room of the14th floor.

(L) A geothermal power plant at the Suginoi hotel: About 50% of total electric consumption is depended on this geothermic power plant.
(R) A tree-shaped rooftop planting

A dinning hall and a Japanese restaurant in Suginoi Hotel: A smoking is allowed in a terrace seat.
A buffet‐style dinner is well known as a superior in its kind and taste. You may enjoy a feeling of fullness after a smorgasbord.

A reception desk and lobby on the first floor of the main building

(L) A smoking corner at the elevator hall of Hana-wing: No partition or wall is present at this section, despite many hotel guests pass through.
(M) A smoking corner at the basement of the main-wing building: No partition or wall to block the adverse second-hand smoke.
The side-smoke goes up to the reception hall of the first floor, which might affect to the hotel guests and workers of the reception desk.
(R) This smoking area is set outside of Sugino Palace.

A smoke-free guest room at the Hana-wing

A guest room with the Japanese-style 'tatami' section of the main building: All rooms of the main-wing are smoke-free.

(L) A water show is held every evening at the Aqua Garden.
(R) An illumination display at outside of the Suginoi Palace

A wedding hall and a bridal costume shop at Suginoi Palace

 Website of Suginoi Hotel

History of Suginoi Hotel:

In 1966, the Hana-wing building was completed, followed by Suginoi Palace with the large jungle bath and theater.
The main-wing building was open in 1971. It has been enjoyed a great success in managing the hotel during the high-
growth period. However, after 1980, a reduction of the number of group excursion throughout Japan and the facilities
of the hotel became decrepit and bankrupted with the debt of 137 billion yen (1.34 billion US dollars).
After 2003, the hotel repaired the old facilities and demolished the giant public bath and opened the open-air bath,
'Tanayu'. In 2004, a new approach for inviting a group-tour from Korea and Taiwan in the Suginoi hot-spring resort.
In 2010, Aqua garden was opened, and in 2012, a wedding hall was completed.

The writer first visited this spa resort in 1968, two years after the new construction of the Hana wing.
The impression of this hotel at present is somewhat different from those of 1968s. It became more popular for
a general public, and the number of group tour from Asia is markedly increased. In hotel corridor, buffet restaurants,
we can always hear Chinise or Korean languages talking loudly. However, the tradition of Suginoi Hotel had been
taken over. Always, all staff members greet to a hotel guest with a smile. They quickly responded faithfully to
request items. A private communication was well handled.

Smoke-free Hotels in Japan
A summary of non-smoking-room rate studied in local hotels of Japan

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.

別府温泉 杉乃井ホテル
執筆および写真撮影 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.

The article was written and photography was taken in May 2014, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Hotel information was revised, in September 2016.
Copyright (C) 2014 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Hells of Beppu and Yufuin

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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