Tobacco, the most sophisticated and engineered products on the market.


Tobacco on sale in Thailand.

Tobacco is the sophisticated and engineered highly addictive products.

A lot of people are under the misimpression that a cigarette is a piece of paper with some tobacco stuck
in it, and a filter at the end," says Erika Sward, the American Lung Association's national advocacy director.
"In reality, this is one of the most sophisticated and engineered products on the market. The tobacco
companies have manipulated everything."

That includes, Sward says, the size of the particle a smoker inhales, adjusted so that it delivers
"the rush of nicotine that they are craving." The industry used consumer feedback to manipulate even
the color of ashes that appear in an ashtray: After determining that dark ashes were a turnoff, it took
measures to lighten them.

These illusions are among the reasons why, after decades of trying to get Americans to stop smoking by
warning them of the dire health consequences, millions of people still do. Worse, about 1,100 teenagers
a day become "regular" smokers, Sward says.
Source: Marie Cocco, Washington Post. Mainichi News,Japan, August 1, 2009.

Brazil's third and current batch of graphic images, mandatory on all cigarette packs.



2009年12月執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
The article was written in December 2009.
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2009 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

FDA Tobacco Control had more power for cigarette products.

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