Australian airports

Sydney Airport is the major airport serving Sydney, a state capital of New South Wales. It is the busiest
airport in Australia. The airport is accessible by road and via the underground rail line of Airport Link.
The railway stations locate under the International and Domestic Terminals, and the railway is operated
as a part of the Cityrail network.

(L) A display in the cabin showing the aircraft is approaching to the Sydney airport.
(M) A young man is smoking at the site of entrance to the Sydney air terminal.
(R) Forbidden clauses posted at the entrance to the air terminal buildings.

Adelaide Airport is the principal airport in the South Australian capital of Adelaide and the Located next
to West Beach, it is approximately 6 kilometers from the city center.

Adelaide Airport and a Quantas Airline aircraft
(L) The city of Adelaide viewed from the international airport.
(R) A bar stands seen in the Adelaide airport terminal. No-smoking sign was in the center of shop.

A sign plate of 'No Smoking Area' written in a small letter pasted on the glass window of
the air terminal building.

Brisbane International Airport

Brisbane Airport in Queensland is the sole passenger airport serving Brisbane. It is the third busiest in
Australia, after Sydney and Melbourne, and located in the suburb of the city of Brisbane. The airport
has international and domestic passenger terminals and a cargo terminal. Brisbane Airport is accessible
by the central business district by the Gateway Motorway and the Airtrain rail service, which is linked
to the Citytrain suburban network.

(L) A notice to call passengers' attention to extinguish cigarettes at the entrance of Brisbane international airport.
(R) This photo shows the Brisbane domestic airport station, the terminal of Airtrain, Brisbane.
(L) The sign board shows the 4-meter restriction of smoking from the entrance of the air terminal building.
(M) A smoke-free workplace sign plate is posted in the domestic airport of Brisbane.
(R) A smoking is prohibited in the airport terminal buildings.

Smoking restriction of the world airports

A rainbow was seen from the site of Brisbane international airport terminal building.
The view of a Brisbane city center n the distance ( The center bottom of this photo )

ニューサウスウエールズ州では2000年に施行された「Smoke-Free Environment Act」に基づいたタバコ
「NO SMOKING AREA」の標識が貼られていた。

Australia 2007-2012
Australia Airport of Australia Northern Territory Kangaroo Island Adelaide Noosa Heads
Brisbane casino Brisbane railways Tobacco law in Queensland Western Australia Tasmania

執筆2007年5月 写真撮影 2007年5月執筆  2009年10月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written and photographs were taken by Dr. J. Miyamoto, in May 2007.
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Northern Territory

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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