2012年 第85回日本産業衛生学会シンポジウム(名古屋)
The 85th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Occupational Health was held
in Nagoya, in May-June, 2012.
Nagoya Congress Center 名古屋国際会議場

Dr. Yumiko Mochizuki, National Cancer Center Research Institute presented
the interference, using various shrewd tricks
by a tobacco company. It is hard to understand that, in a conference of
the health of workers, there was no labor's side opinion
to insist to protect their health from the toxic tobacco hazard.
A video created by WHO to stop tobacco-industry-interference campaign.
Tobacco industry interference is the theme of this year's World No Tobacco
Day in 2012. The campaign
focuses on the need to expose and challenge the brazen and increasingly
aggressive attempts by the
tobacco industry, to undermine worldwide efforts to control smoking. The
global tobacco epidemic kills
nearly 6 million people each year, of which more than 600,000 are people
exposed to secondhand smoke.

(L) Symposist, Dr Miyamoto and Prof. Yamatato
(M) Many participants attended the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for
Occupational Health.
(R) Abstract book composed of 559-page manuscripts.
Prof. Horoshi Yamato presented his experiments saying nobody can prevent a tobacco adverse action by
dividing the space into the non-smoking and smoking. A toxic gas spread
from the cigarette may easily
leak out the smoking section, which confirmed the separate system would
not prevent the nonsmokers
from a tobacco hazard.
「進んでいる世界の受動喫煙対策」e-ヘルスネット[厚生労働省]サイト 筆者、大和浩教授

Dr. Miyamoto, a director of ' Smokefree.Jpn' talked about the theme entitled
' A total smoking ban in the public space is the rule of the world'
More than two-thirds of audience who cannot get inside the hall watched
a video placed in another room.
Chairpersons: Dr. Abe and Prof. Ozaki ( R )
Dr. Miyamoto presented the pictures, including his own photographs. He
said that Japan is the country
that promoted tobacco sales.Tobacco retailers decorate the counters how
much they can sell tobacco,
using an attractive advertisement. Many restaurants and bars in Japan do
not prohibit smoking. In
contrast, advanced countries in North America, Europe and Oceania ban to put light on cigarette.
This difference comes from the politicians, how they protect their people
from the toxic substances.

(L) Smoking can kill you.
(R) JR-Tokai, JR-West and Kinki Nippon Railway company are running a smoking
The toxin from tobacco smoke can seriously harm the health of a train conductor
and a sales staff on the train.

(L) The basic point in difference in tobacco control between Japan and
other advanced countries is that what the political leader
thinks about smoking hazard.
(R) Australian government is informing that if you smoke, it means you
breathe 4,000 detrimental substances in the body,
using TV broadcasting.

(L) Dr. J Miyamoto insisted that we consider the workers' health first
in establishing a smoke-free law.
(R) All train in the world should prohibit smoking in a train.

(L) Smoke-free rental cars with Avis and Hertz (R) All restaurant/cafes
in NZ are smoke-free.

(L) In 2004, Irekland established a rule to ban smoking in all work places.
(R) Hotels in the advanced country abandoned a smoking guest room in order
to protect a hotel guest and laborers.

(L) An anti-smoking law may set the upper limit of smoking rooms to the
total. However, in Taiwan, Guam island, Boston,
and states of Wisconsin and Michigan prohibits a smoking room in a hotel.
(R) This map shows the lower limit of non-smoking rooms of a hotel. For
instance; Hawaii, 80%, Michigan and Wisconsin, 100%.

(L) In July 2006, Queensland established an outstanding smokefree act.
(R) Spain abandoned the 2006-law for smoking restriction, and adopted a
new law to prohibit smoking all public spaces.
学会:2017 日本タバコフリー学会総会(東京):2017年9月
海外招待講演:Dr.Domilyn C Villarreez(フィリッピン)
Dr. Hong Gwan Seo、Dr. Jak Young Lee ( 韓国)
学会: 2015 日本タバコフリー学会総会(松山)2015年9月
学会: 2013 日本タバコフリー学会総会(東京)
講演 「屋内全面禁煙は世界のルール」:特別講演: 宮本順伯
2012年11月 第3回えひめ禁煙フォーラム:愛媛県医師会館ホール(松山市)
A presentation entitled ' A total indoor no-smoking is the rule of the
Lecturer: Dr. J. Miyamoto, a director of 'SmokefreeJapan'
学会 2010年 日本禁煙学会シンポジウム(松山)
The Fifth Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Tobacco Control in Matsuyama,
新聞 Herald Tribune International (ヘラルドトリビューン紙掲載)
Japan must move faster on anti-smoking laws. 受動喫煙防止法の制定を急げ
Nagoya Castle
2012年 日本産業衛生学会シンポジウム
2012年6月執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
The article was written and photographs were taken by Junhaku Moiyamoto, M.D.,PhD.in
June 2012.
Copyright (C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.