Smoking Ban in Paris
France's smoking ban took effect.
A widespread ban has been into force in France on smoking in workplaces. People lighting up in airports,
railway stations, hospitals, schools, shops and offices will face fines. Restaurants and bars have until
December 2007 to comply. The BBC Paris correspondent says 70% of people in France say they favor
the ban as do half of all smokers.
Source: February 1, 2007 BBC News
Smoking ban in cafes puts French off cigarettes.
Cigarette sales in France dropped to a record low in 2008, research by BAT( British-American Tobacco ).
France BAT said 54.4 billion cigarettes were sold last year in France, down 2.3 % from 2007.
In 1998, almost 85 billion cigarettes were sold in France. A ban on smoking in most public places came
into force in early 2007, followed by a ban on smoking in bars and cafes at the start of 2008,
as part of government efforts to reduce smoking for health reasons.
The French market has not been at such a low," BAT said in a statement. "And analysis shows that,
when it comes to tobacco, what is lost is never regained. This winter, many Paris cafes have equipped
their outdoor seating areas - where smoking is still allowed - with heaters so customers can keep
puffing away while enjoying a coffee or glass of wine in the cold weather. The prices of cigarettes,
which are heavily taxed, has risen steadily in recent years. The average price of a packet was 5.30 euros
last year, up from 2.96 euros a decade earlier. Cigarette sales in France do not tell the whole story.
However, as some French smokersprefer to buy packets abroad where they are cheaper.
Source : 6 Jan.2009 Reuters Paris
No reduction of a tobacco consumption in France even after the smoking law:
'It must be very cold outside.' 'No, smoking made my body warming up.' 'I smoke in my house outside.'
When restrictions on going out for measures against coronavirus infection are relaxed,
many French people rush into a half-priced tobacco shop in Spanish border town.
Paris extended a ban on smoking to parks and gardens, and
Marseille forbit smoking in beaches
Picture Source: NHK BS June 1, 2019
The city of Paris extended a ban on smoking to 52 parks and gardens. Smokers in the French capital face
further restrictions on their to light up with a new measure to ban smoking in 52 parks and gardens in the
French capital, Paris from June 2019.
The measureis aimed at “reducing the number of smokers in these parks and cigarette butts thrown on
the ground; explained the directive issued bycity authorities. The French have long cherished their smokes,
from Gauloisesto Gitanes, and France ranks among the EU’s heaviest smoking nations. The new move to
increase public health standards will be phased in. Following the sensitisation phase, offenders will be fined
38 euros for lighting up. Smoking has already been banned in the 500 children’s playgrounds of Paris parks
since 2015.
In February, the Paris City Hall;established a project designating 19 streets; without butts. It's now forbidden
to smoke on three beaches in Marseille.
Every hour, 100,000 cigarette butts are thrown on the ground in Marseille. This number is alarming and even
more worrying when you think about the fact that one simple cigarette butt can contaminate up to 500 liters
of water. To limit the pollution of both sand and sea, the city council has decided to make three of Marseille's
beaches, the Pointe Rouge, Escale and Bonneveine Beaches, smoke-free.
The city of Marseille took all the necessary means to prevent smokers from being tempted to light a cigarette,
and police officers are ensuring that people respect the measure at the entrances to beaches. We've made
public announcements to warn people about the measure, and they're rather cooperative. Those who wish
to keep smoking either don't know about the restriction or forget about it because of their smoking habits.
We've only been doing prevention so far, and we don't fine people except those who really disrespect us.
For now, it seems the measure is being followed although it's caused mixed reactions. Even though the
measure is well-intentioned, it's caused new problems. The beaches involved will be cleaner for sure!
Source: France 24 com/en May 31, 2019 and Easy Voyage UK June 1, 2019
Dropping a cigarette butt in Paris to prompt €68 fine.....
Beat cops have been issuing flyers to Parisians caught dumping cigarette ends in the street, warning them
that real, €68 fines would take place in one month’s time.
Source: France 24 com/en September 4, 2015
Picture Source: NHK BS June 1, 2019
The articles were written in January 2008, last revised in August 2009, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
フランス喫煙規制の範囲拡大へ: バー、レストラン、カフェを全面禁煙
レストラン、カフェの全面禁煙化を伝えるNHK ニュース
NHK Japan broadcasting a news of a total smoking ban in France
準備期間を経て喫煙規制対象にレストラン、 カフェ、バーなどの飲食店を加えた。強力な換気設備を備え、完全
バシュロナルカン保健相は2007年12月、 パリジャン紙上で「喫煙禁止法令が施行されることは、みんな知って
引用 2007.12.30 AFP 通信
2009年1月のロイター通信は、2008年のタバコの販売量は前年に比し、2.3% の落ち込みを示したと発表した。
殺到 店ではレジに透明な仕切りを設け客に手の消毒を求め、車の数をを最大400台に制限した (2020年5月)
An information and photographs were added in May 2020.
Cigarette Butts Are the Biggest Contaminant of the Oceans
Picture Source: People. Com/human interest April 30, 2019
Cigarette Butt Pollution
4.5 Trillion Cigarette Butts ? the Biggest Man-Made Ocean Contaminant ?
Are Littered Each Year According to the outlet, while many smokers will frequently dispose of their cigarette
butts directly onto the beach, filters often find their way to the ocean via storm drains, streams and rivers
far away from the shore. But once in the water, the butts will slowly dissolve and release the pollutants
they absorbed from the tobacco ? such as nicotine, arsenic and lead ? into the ocean. As these toxic objects
float in the water, they can be eaten by sea animals that mistake them for food, and fragments of cigarette
filters have been found in 70 percent of seabirds and 30 percent of sea turtles, the report stated.
Source: People. Com/human interest April 30, 2019
2019年6月よりパリをはじめとするフランスの公園、庭園、海岸などでの喫煙を禁止する法案が施行された。 フランス
人は中国人とともにタバコ好きで有名であるが、吸える場所はごく限られたところに 狭められる。日本を除く世界の
国々では、屋内スペースの喫煙は禁止されているが、屋外カフェなどでは タバコを吸える。新たに加えられた公園など
で喫煙すると38ユーロの罰金が科せられる。街中でのポイ捨てに対しては2015年から 68ユーロの罰金が科せられて
2019年6月執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
The article was written in June 2019, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Layout changes implemented in November 2023.
Smoking Ban in Charles de Gaulle Airport
Paris 2011
![]() Smoking Restriction in the city of Paris ![]() |