Tabacco Control in Hong Kong

  Smoking Ban in Hong Kong

A night view of Hong Kong from kowloon

Hong Kong was a Britsh Crown colony. In 1984 the two countries signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration,
agreeing to transfer sovereignty to the People's Republic of China in 1997 and stipulating that Hong Kong
would be governed as a special administrative region, retaining its laws and a high degree of autonomy
for at least fifty years after the transfer.

Hong Kong in the late nineteenth century was a major trading post of the British Empire.

Hong Kong enforced a blanket smoking ban in public places.

Hong Kong's government is set to enforce a blanket smoking ban in public places from the July 1, 2009.
It aimed to protect workers in the city's bars, nightclubs, bathhouses, massage establishments and
mahjong parlors from second-hand smoke.
The Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong figures
that show restaurant business is up to
30 percent since the ban was enforced two years ago. However, people are more worried about
short-term job security than long-term health, because a ban is likely to make thousands unemployed.
The Entertainment Business Rights Concern group points to studies conducted in Britain that a bar
and pub business declined by around 15 percent in the two years after smoking bans.

In many countries in the world is now prohibiting smoking in public places. The smoke-free eateries
were becoming a worldwide trend, and the smoking ban is thought as a quite good measure, so is
welcomed by a tourist visiting Hong Kong. The government official also said in the statement "A number
of establishments have attracted guests who are non-smokers or dislike second-hand smoke after the
implementation of the ban.

The latest government figures showed about 840,000 people aged 15 or above, of the seven-million
population of Hong Kong, were smokers. Any smokers caught breaking the new law will be subject to
a maximum penalty of HK$5,000 (US $644).
Reference: Agence France-Presse June 29, 2009 and others.

Hong Kong cerebrates a new year of 2008. Photographed in December 2007.

No smoking sign plate in the Hong Kong International Airport. Photographed in December 2008.





引用 Tobacco Control Office ,Department of Health,The Government of Hong Kong

(L) An information board of the smoking ban in the public places. The max.imum fine is HK$,5000.
(R) Restaurants stand both sides of the Hong Kong street. Photographed in December 2007.

No smoking sign plate in the Hong Kong MTR station. Photographed in December 2007.

Hong Kong's government is set to enforce a blanket smoking ban in public places from the July 1, 2009. It aimed
to protect workers in the city's bars, nightclubs, bathhouses, massage establishments and mahjong parlors from
second-hand smoke.

Smokers on Hong Kong's street

A hanging screen stating that smoking is prohibited in a public transport facility.

(L) A woman smoker on Hong Kong's street (M) No-smoking sign on the pavement for pedestrian (R) A poster of 'smokefree environment'

(L) A sign plate informing the maximum penalty is HK$5,000 (M) A smoker often smokes besides a dust bin.
(R) A warning of that smoking is not allowed at this place, unless it is designated for putting light on cigarette.

No smoking is allowed in a public park of Hong Kong.

No smoking is allowed in a public park of Hong Kong.

(L) In a public transportation, smoking is prohibited. (R) The poster says it is their proud to be a smokefree venue.

(L) Smoking is not permitted except around the ashtray along the pavement.
(R) This smoking place at Hong Kong Convention and Exihibition Centre is along the side wall of the driveway.
Smokers have to be cautious for passing motor vehicles while smoking.

(L) An outside dinning table is exempted from the smoking-restriction law.
(R) No-smoking sign plate pasted on a pedestrian overpass in Hong Kong Island.

No smoking is allowed in an outside quay wall, and under-road subway

Hong Kong International Airport

(L) Smoking in the terminals is prohibited by Hong Kong law. However, it is allowed in the designated room.
The sign plate shows the direction of a smoking lounge. (R) Hong Kong International Airport provides a designated smoking lounge in Terminal 1.
Smoking Lounge in the Hong Kong International Airport (Source: Airport Authority Hong Kong )

Swire Hotels The Upper House in Pacific Place has announced that, effective from March 2010,
all of the hotel’s 117 guestrooms will be smoke-free. The hotel takes this preventative measure
to ensure its rooms are smoke-free at all times, something that a growing number of guests are

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.

(L) The city of Hong Kong viewed from aircraft. (R) The largest temple in Hog Kong, Won TaiSin Temple.
Photographed in January 1991.

Hong Kong Skykine

We often observed smokers standing near the hotel entrance or on the street near a dust bin. The majority of
street smokers are a traveler from China or other countries. The overall smoking rate in Hong Kong is 11.8%,
with 25% at males. In contrast, in the mainland China, the male-smokers rate is 63%. A man or woman who
is smoking while walking on a street appears not too many. This may be related the time we visited Hong Kong.
Although it was much warmer than that of Tokyo, this area was faced to the coldest season of the year. Even
though, sometimes, a pedestrian has to aspirate the side-smoke released from a smoker.

香港在住男性の喫煙率は25% である(男女平均は11.8%)。歩行しながら喫煙している人も見かけたが、比較的寒い
空間喫煙規制は厳しく、ホテル通路、ロビー、レストランなどは100% 禁煙である。香港国際空港はターミナル1の

Hong Kong/Macau
Hong Kong and HongKong Railway 2012 Hong Kong life Smoking ban in Hong Kong
Hotels of Hong Kong High-Speed Rail from/to HongKong
Macau Hotels of Macau

2008年2月執筆 2009年3月加筆  2009年11月英文加筆  2010年4月英文加筆  撮影 2012年12月 2013年1月一部加筆
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in February 2008, A photograph was taken in December 2012,
and information was added in June 2019, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD..
Copyright (C) 2008 (C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

A lifestyle in Hong Kong 2007
Tour in Beijing, Nanjing and and Shabghai 2019

Hong Kong Hotels

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium tobacco smoking ban
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