
The city of Bern is the capital of Switzerland, and, with a population of 126,000 ( in December 2011 ).
Bern is also the capital of the Canton of Bern. The official language of Bern is German, but the main spoken
language is the Swiss German dialect. In 1983, the historic old town in the centre of Bern became a
UNESCO World Heritage Site. Bern is ranked among the top ten cities in the world for the best quality of
life in 2010.
Source: Wikipedia

Aerial photography of Bern: The Aar flows around the Old City of Bern with a loop shape.

(L) Federal Place of Switzerland, Swiss Parliament Building (R) Kornhausebrucke, opened in 1898

River Aare: Swiss railway train is crossing a railway bridge over the river.

River Aare and Altenbergsteg foot-bridge

You may see a peaceful residential district with a lot of trees, from River Aare side in the Old City.

(L) Hotel Schweizerhof and Bahnhof Bern in the right
(R) Arcade in the Old City of Bern: This is the longest weather-protected stretch of a shopping promenade in Europe.

(L) Zytglogge Clock Tower (R) The eastern half of the Kramgasse, looking toward the Zytglogge and the Simsonbrunnen.

(L) Corn House Square, with the statue of Child Eater Fountain (R) A unique Bern water fountain

(L) SimsonBrunnen (M) A cute decoration in a house in the Old City (R) An event venue of Radio Bern1

(L) A tram car connects a suburban area and the center of city.(R) The wall decoration in Bern

(L) A tramcar runs on Kramgasse street of Bern (R) Bern is known its 16th century fountains.

(L) A record shop on Kramgasse street of Bern (R) A pharmacy in the Old City of Bern

Kramgasse street of Bern, seen from the place of Zytglogge Clock Tower

At Macdonald shop at Bern railway station, small-size cheese bagel costs 11.5 franc.
This is equal to 1,223 yen or 12.28 USD.

(L) Swiss railway train decorated with animal cartoon, seen on the platform of Bern station.
(R) This train in the underground station of Bern serves the region between Bern and Worb Dorf.

Train-travel from Bern to Martigny, via VISP, Switcherland

Germany. Austria and Switzerland 2013
Narita to Frankfurt EU trains 2013 Heidelberg Heidelberg University Munchen Salzburg Hellbrunn
Hallstatt Wien Bern Ovronnaz Geneva Zurich Station/Airport London Heathrow Airport 2013

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This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in June 2013, the article was written in July 2013,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

Copyright (C) 2013 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.


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