Bhutan Tour

Bhutan Tour 2012

This shows a map of Bhutan and a Route Permit, which was issued by the Royal Government of Bhutan.

The landscape of Bhutan ranges from subtropical plains in the south to the sub-alpine Himalayan heights
in the north, with some peaks exceeding 7,000 m. The state religion is Vajrayana Buddhism, and the
population of about 700,000 is predominantly Buddhist. The capital is Thimphu, which is the largest.

Mount Kangchenjunga is the Earth's third highest mountain, with a peak at 8,586 metres above sea level.
This picture was taken from Druk aircraft, near Paro, Bhutan, in September 2012.

Drukair from Bangkok, Thailand to Paro, Bhutan: This non-stop direct flight departed Bangkok at 4:50am for Paro.

(L) A Drukair stewardess with a smiling face (R) Drukair aircraft at the Paro International Airport

(L) An airport staff at the entrance gate at Paro (M) A passport check barrier of Paro International Airport
(R) A sign plate says that smoking is injurious to health.

The Paro Airpot terminal building and Drk airline aircraft

(L) A large board of Bhutanese King and Queen posted at the Paro Airport (R) The entrance gate of Paro Airport

Smoking restriction of the world airports

Bhutan money, Ngultrum, BTN, issued by Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
500: Punakha Dzong at center, Endless Knot, one of the eight auspicious symbols at the upper center
100:Tashichho Dzong at center, dragons in top left and right corners, Endless Knot, one of the eight auspicious symbols at the upper center
50:Tongsa Dzong at center, two mythical birds (Bja Tshering) at both sides

10:Paro Dzong at the center
5:Taktsang Monastery
1:Simtokha Dzong palace

Bhutan has diplomatic relations with 21 countries, and with the European Union, with missions in India,
Bangladesh, Thailand, and Kuwait. Only India and Bangladesh have residential embassies in Bhutan,
while Thailand has a consulate office in Bhutan.In 2007, Bhutan and India signed a new treaty that
clarified that Bhutan was master of its own foreign relations, superseding the treaty signed in 1949.
The superseded treaty is still sometimes misinterpreted to mean that India controls Bhutan's foreign
affairs, but the government of Bhutan handles all of its own foreign affairs, including the sensitive
to-India border demarcation issue with China.

Bhutan's economy is based on agriculture, forestry, tourism and the sale of hydroelectric power
to India. Agriculture provides the main livelihood for more than 80 percent of the population. Bhutan
and India signed a 'free trade' accord in 2008, which additionally allowed Bhutanese imports and exports
from third markets to transit India without tariffs.

A view of Thimphu, the Capital of Bhutan

A vegetable market in Thimphu: A chili is a favorite food for Bhutanese.

A vegetable market in Thimphu

A week-end market in Thimphu

The left photograph shows a blood pressure check of Bhutanese residents at a hospital booth.

A multi-stories residence in Thimphu, Bhutan

(L) A multi-stories residence in Thimphu (R) Clock Tower Square, the city center of Thimphu

An only movie theater and the Bhutan National Bank, Thimphu, Bhutan

The main street of Thimphu

In Bhutan, there is no traffic light. A policeman controls automobiles instructing by hand, at the intersection of the center of Thimphu.

A policeman controls automobiles instructing by hand

Many Bhutanese are walking on the main street of Thimphu. You have to watch your steps, because of a sudden defect of a sidewalk.

(L) Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital in Thimphu, Bhutan
(R) A guide map of the hospital

A sign board saying that the Hospital is a tobacco, alcohol and doma free.
Doma is a traditional addictive food of Bhutan.

Old Bhutanese house and a new apartment house, which is under construction in Thimphu.
There were many apartment houses under construction in the suburb area of Thimphu.

(L) A residential area of Thimphu (R) Thimphu Chuu River

A residence is standing a riverside of the Chuu. A highway runs in parallel to the Chuu River.

(L) The important road junction, at which traffic goes to Haa, 80 Kms, and to Thimphu, 31 Kms.
(R) A slum house was observed between the Thimphu-Haa highway and Chuu River.

(L) The trifurcation of river to Paro, Haa and Thimphu (M) A paved key-highway connects Thimphu, Paro and Phuntsholing.
(R) The important road junction to Phuntsholing, a border town in southern Bhutan with India

The main street of Paro: A street light in the right photo, which are rather a few in Bhutan's city street.
A few bicycles were observed in the town while staying in Bhutan.

(L) A restaurant in Paro: No-smoking sign is seen at the left upper corner of this photo. (R) Exterior of the restaurant

A gas station in Paro: Unlead gas costs a driver 65.38 Rupees ( about 1.27 dollars, 100 yen ) per liter.
The average gas price in the United States is 0.95-1.10 dollars, in Japan about 1.77 dollars per liter, in October 2012.

(L) Chuu River and playing flags
(R) Bhutanese residents walk and walk. Some students walk on a mountainous alley for 20 to 30 minutes to go to school.

Rice and bean fields, Paro: A Japanese Keiji Nishioka (1933-1992) has made great contributions to the rice cultivation
in Paro and other places of Bhutan.

(L) A cow in walking on the road of Paro
(M) School bus for a junior student: Not all students can use a school bus, here.
(R) Many students walk on the road, sometimes, more than 30 minutes.

(L)(R) Colorful traditional clothes for sale, at Paro (M) National dress of Bhutan is called gho for men.

These photographs were taken at a private house in Paro.
Bhutanese altar is located on the second floor ( the third floor from the North American standard ).
This room is served as a guest room. The first floor is for sleeping of the family.
The basement is designated for a cow and other animals.

A hand-made meal was served for a visiting tourist.

An English-speaking guide with an extensive knowledge (left), and a skilful driver (right)


民族はチベット系8割、ネパール系2割。公用語はゾンカ語と英語。首都はティンプー。 急速な近代化のなかで、
前国王が提唱した国民総生産にかわる国民総幸福量 (GNH) という概念、さまざまな環境政策、伝統文化保持の

国民総幸福量(Gross National Happiness, GNH)とは、1972年に、ブータン国王が提唱した「国民全体の幸福度」
を示す“尺度”である。国民総生産 (Gross National Product, GNP) で示されるような、金銭的・物質的豊かさを
客観的に判断するための基準にするのが主な用途で、 1990年代からの急速な国際化に伴って、ブータンに
政府による国勢調査では、 「あなたは今幸せですか」という問いに対し9割が「幸福」と回答したという。
Reference: Wikipedia

Japan Sapporo airport smoking rooms 2011・ブータン国王夫妻日本訪問・国王夫妻結婚式典

Bhutan:The first country in the world to establish a complete ban on smoking.


観光客に禁煙を強制するものではなく、 たばこ200本まで、他のたばこ製品は150グラムまでであれば100%の
関税と100%の付加価値税 (合計200% )を払えば持ち込み可能である。すでに開封してあるタバコには関税は


ブータンでは レストランを禁煙とするなど、受動喫煙(2次喫煙)の知識はあっても、喫煙者が部屋や衣類に残す
残留有害物質 (3次喫煙)に関する知識はない。旅行代理店を通じた予約では、参加者は加算金を支払った


2012年9月 執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯


Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan and the National Memorial Choeten, Thimphu

Prayer wheels, prayer wheels are used to accumulate wisdom and merit and to purify negative act of life in the past.

(L) No-smoking sign in a restaurant/bar
(M) A note PC, which is an important goods for a travel guide, is usually keeping in the large inside pocket space.
(R) There is no traffic signal in the country of Bhutan.

A Thimph street, a hotel and residence
Sources: Nippon Television Network December 4, and NHK broadcast, December 9, 2011

Google Map of Bhutan

A spectacular landing on the Paro Airport, Bhutan 2012: Original Video ( Video length: 14 minutes )
A spectacular landing on Paro International Airport, Bhutan, with explanation of images in English
多くアクセスされた人気のビデオを英文解説を加えて 2024年再編集 (14分)
A direct freight from Bangkok made a spectacular landing on the Paro International Airport, Bhutan.
雨の降りしきる暗い早朝のバンコクの空港出発後に撮影したビデオ (上記ビデオと重複する部分あり) (17分)
Drive from Paro to Thimphu, Bhutan 2012, Original Video ( Video length: 15minutes )
Drive from Paro to Thimphu, Bhutan 2012, with explanation of images in English (15分)
多くアクセスされている人気のビデオを英文解説を加えて再編集 2024
 An air trip from Paro in Bhutan to Siliguri in India (Departure from Bhutan ) 2012 (11分)


2022年9月: ヒマラヤ山脈の小国ブータンが23日、2年半ぶりに観光客の受け入れを再開した。1人1日当たり
増えるなど、厳しい経済の状況がある。 最近の観光客の減少に値上げした入国税が一因とも考えられたために、

The country to prohibit a tobacco sale Bhutan tour 2012 Bhutan temple 01 Bhutan temple 02
Bhutan Thimphu's hotels Bhutan Paro's hotels Bhutan smoking law

ブータン: パロ・ティンプー
2012年9月写真撮影 2012年10月執筆 2023年10月 2024年3月情報加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The articles were written in November 2011 and partly revised in October 2012,
and March 2024, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D.,PhD.
Information was added in October 2023 and March 2024.
Copyright (C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

Bhutan temples

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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