German Government agrees to ban smoking in public places.

Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)

(L) Berlin in ruins after the World War 2, Potsdamer Platz in 1945
(R) A map shows the knowledge of German language in EU countries.

Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a country in the central Europe.
The World War resulted in the death of nearly ten million German soldiers.. and civilians,
large territorial losses and the destruction of multiple major cities.

Now, the country has developed a high standard of living and established comprehensive
system of social security. It holds a key position in European affairs and maintains a
multitude of close partnerships on a global level. Germany is recognized as a scientific
and technological leader in several fields. In 2008, the population in Germany is estimated
about 82,000,000, which accounts for the largest population among the member states
of the European Union, and is home to the third biggest number of international migrants.

German is the official and predominantly spoken language in Germany. It is one of the
three working languages along European Commission, with English and French. Around
the world, German is spoken by approximately 100 million native speakers and also about 80
million non-native speakers. German is the main language of about 90 million people (18%)
in the EU. 67% of German citizens are bilingual and 27% of them are trilingual.

Source: Wikipedia

(L) Source: University of Texas Libraries (R) A change of population of German territories, up to 2000.

With some of Europe's highest smoking rates, Germany's patchwork of smoking bans to
continue to be contested.

In Berlin, the non-smoking law came into effect on 1 January 2008. In addition, the bar
may not serve meals (only snacks), may not allow minors to enter and must post a sign
saying that the bar is for smokers. In practice, the smoking ban is generally observed
in cafes, theaters and restaurants (where food is served), but not in bars. Clubs and
discos must, officially, have a separate smoking room, but as controllers do not work at
past 10pm, these laws are not enforced.

Barden-Wuerttemberg   Lower Saxony  Hesse

In August 2007, the states of Barden-Wuerttemberg and Lower Saxony banned smoking
in restaurants, bars and clubs. In October 2007 Hesse also passed a law with similar
regulations. Most of the other German states followed in January 2008; however, many
of these ban still allowed smoking in separate ventilated rooms. Smoking is banned on
public transport, hospitals, airports and in public and federal buildings, including the parliament.



A smokers' seat and a nonsmokers's seat in a restaurant are in the same room.
(This picture was taken in 2005 ).

Bavaria loosens its restrictions on smoking in public, Germany's toughest.

Bavarian lawmakers have voted to loosen Germany's toughest restrictions on smoking in
a public indoor space. The state legislature in Munich decided to allow small bars will be able
to introduce special smoking areas starting August 2009, so long as they are labeled as
"smoking bars". Larger bars will be allowed to set a room aside, as will beer tents, for smokers.

That will end a complete ban on smoking in bars, restaurants and discos, that took effect in
January 2008 and bring Bavaria in line with looser restrictions observed elsewhere in Germany.
Bavaria's Health Minister Dr Markus Soeder explains it was impossible to enforce the legislation,
and relaxing the regulations will restore.
Radio Netherlands, January 20, 2009 and Canadian Press, July 15, 2009


全面禁煙とするかどうかは各州が判断することとし、議論のあと州首相が決定する。 ただ、




(L) A dining car of the German Railway ( Deutsch Bahn ), photographed in June 1989.
(R) ICE dining room of German railway: This was photographed in May 2011.


Germany's top court has ruled that the smoking bans introduced across
the country earlier this year is unconstitutional.

The ruling came after a case brought by the owner of two small bars, who claim that their business
has been unfairly hit by the smoking ban. The smoking bans in Germany have been poorly received
by tobacco-friendly Germans, about a third of whom smoke. The laws have often been ignored or
barely enforced, with the owners of small bars and restaurants claiming that their businesses were
threatened by the legislation. They claimed that their small-size bars prevented them cordoning off
a smokers' area, as other bars have been allowed to, putting them at a competitive disadvantage.
The constitutional court agreed.

Under the Nazi's smoking was frowned upon. After 1945 smoking became a symbol of post-war
freedoms and broadmindedness. Now, all German states will have to review their smoking bans
with new legislation by 2009, either banning smoking outright or allowing it in one-room bars too.
Source: July 30, 2008 Telegraph.Com.UK





参考  2008年7月30日、共同通信 2008年8月2日、朝日新聞夕刊

In February, 2009, Die Spiegel reported that the smoking bans in bars are being very weakly controlled
by the authorities, and in many places the ban is not observed at all. The magazine opined that in the
end the tobacco lobby seems to have gotten its will: if there is to be a ban, then it has to be one with
a lot of exceptions. In Germany, the tobacco industry lobby has a strong influence in politics.

Freiburg 2011
Germany Berlin 2011
Germany Smoking Ban in France and Germany 2011
Germany  What we can learn from a smoke-free action by the member of German SPD:
    A lecture talk in Tokyo


Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world

2007年3月執筆 2007年5月加筆 2007年9月加筆 2007年12月加筆 2008年3月加筆 2008年8月加筆  
2009年6月加筆 2010年12月加筆 2011年7月加筆
医学博士  宮本順伯
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Smoking Satus in Germany in 2013

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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