

The city of Monaco

Monaco is a sovereign city state on the Cote d'Azur (French Riviera). It is surrounded on three sides by
its neighbor, France, and its centre is about 16 km from Italy. Its area is 1.98 sq kms with a population
of 36,000 as of 2011. Monaco boasts the world's highest GDP nominal per capita at $215,163 and is
the most densely populated country in the world. Monaco also has the world's top life expectancy at
almost 90 years.


Gare de Monaco, underground station. All rail services are operated by SNCF.

Monaco Monte Carlo station and underground passage to the city

(L) Marlboro advertisement posted in the underground passage of Monaco station.
(R) A signboard showing that the Monaco law prohibits smoking in the closed public area since November 2008.
This picture was taken at the front desk of Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo.

(L) In the Beach of Monaco, rising sea wave was observed under the building of the Fairmont Monte Carlo Hotel.
(M) A front view of Fairmont hotel
(R) Warm, dry summers and mild, short rainy winters reflecting a sea-side park in Monaco

Monte Carlo Casino

(L) This shows the interior of casino room. No Monaco citizen is allowed to join the casino games in here.
(R) Casino chips up to 5,000 Euros. Picture source: NHK broadcast on April 23, 2013

(L) Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo (R) Port Palace Hotel Monaco

Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo, just next to the Monte Carlo Casiono, has the 182 guest roomsin total. Fourty rooms are non-smoking
and they are located on the 1st and 2nd floor. In all other rooms of the hotel, a guset can smoke. Smoking rooms accounts to142,
and the percantage to the total rooms is

Fairmont Hotel Monte Carlo, located directly facing the rocky beach of Monaco, has 602 rooms. Floors designated for smoking guest
rooms are the 3rd and 6th floor. Non-smoking roomsare distributed in the 1st, 4th and 5th floor. Hotel provides almost same number
of guest roomseach floor. The rate of smoking rooms is

Port Palace Hotel Monaco is
a smoke-free hotel. They provide 50 non-smoking rooms.

Smoking Ban in Monaco
As of 1 November 2008, smoking is not allowed in enclosed or covered public spaces and places where
food or flammable goods are stored. Designated smoking areas are allowed except in educational
institutions and places open to athletes and minors. These designated smoking areas may not offer
any service, in an effort to prevent exposure to side-smoke by workers.
Reference: Angloinfo

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.

(L) Station board of Monaco (M) Souvenir shops at the narrow street of the Old Town, Monaco.
(R) Monaco is the city, in which we can enjoy the world's lowest crime rates.

There are 515 police officers for 35,000 people in 2 square kilometers, Monaco has the largest police force and
police presence in the world on the per-area basis. More than 500 video cameras are set over the city to make
surveillance of the streets.
Picture source: NHK broadcast on April 23, 2013

(L) A luxurious cruising boat (R) Visitors overlook the yacht harbor of Monaco.


いるが、その多くは実業家である。 通貨はユーロ。 モナコ国内の鉄道はフランス国鉄(SNCF)が運営する。

(L) モナコ日本庭園
Photo, Wikipedia (R) Grace Kelly グレース・ケリー

グレース公妃はカンヌ国際映画祭で知り合ったモナコ大公レーニエ3世と結婚。 親日家であり、日本庭園を造園したい
茶室「雅園」は、フランス語訳すると"Jardin de Grace"すなわち"グレースの庭"の意である。

France, Germany and Switzerland

Paris 2011 Mont Saint-Michel Marseille Nice Monaco Lyon Strasbourg Freiburg Basel
Berlin Railway Travel in Europe 2011
Smoking restrictions in France, Germany and Switzerland

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in May, and the article was written in June 2011,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.. TV scenes were added in April 2013.
In September 2022, the note and pictures were added about Princess Grace Kelly.
Copyright(C) 2011 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.


Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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