NHK is reporting the Wold's worst new Government's smoking restriction law.



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An eating and drinking shop owner to support smoking inside

There is no restriction in smoking in my food shop. I believe what I have done so far, and looking at the regulars,
the ideal is as it is now.

In the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare under the umbrella of Minister of Health, Kato,
a separate smoking booth is allowed inside of a restaurant, and in a small size food shop, smoking
is freely allowed when the shop displays this is smoking facility.
The sorting line, whether a large or small is not determined yet; however, many members of LDP insist the line of 150$B-V(B.

2020$BG/$KEl5~%*%j%s%T%C%/$r7^$($k$,!"2a5n$N8^NX3+:E9q$G$O;vA0$KH3B'IU$-$N< In the past, all Olympic host countries have laid down indoor total smoking ban with a penalty.
Japan would first break the past no-smoking healthy tradition in 2020 Tokyo Olympic.

WHO and IOC agreed to promote smoke-free Olympic in 2010.

$B=BC+$G#3#0-V$N%P!<$r1D$`E9 $B0l;~E*$KGd$j>e$2$,8:>/$7$?$,!":#$O=w@-!"%+%C%W%k!"309q?M$,A}$($FGd$j>e$2$,A}2C$7$F$$$k(B
This small size ( 30$B-V(B) bar owner prohibited smoking in a shop two years ago. At that time, 30% of guests are a smoker.
Store sales temporarily decreased after that; however, now, women, couples and foreigners have increased,
and sales have increased.
Picture source: NHK 'News 9' January 30, 2018


How are foreigners in town looking for smoking in a restaurant?$B=BC+$G#3#0-V$N%P!<$r1D$`E9 $BEv;~(B3$B3d$N5R$,5J1le$2$,8:>/$7$?$,!":#$O=w@-!"%+%C%W%k!"309q?M$,A}$($FGd$j>e$2$,A}2C$7$F$$$k(B
$B!&(BThis woman from UK shows clear discomfort for smoking in a restaurant. She stressed that in UK, in all restaurants, smoking is prohibited.
$B!&(BThis man from the US said a complete ban for smoking inside is the best choice.
In many countries, smoke-free area is expanding. It is good that Japan will do so. A woman from Ausralia said.

This small size (30$B-V(B) bar owner prohibited smoking in a shop two years ago. At that time, 30% of guests are a smoker.
Store sales temporarily decreased after that; however, now, women, couples and foreigners have increased,
and sales have increased.
Picture source: NHK 'News 9' January 30, 2018


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$B!!(BFCTC $BrLs(B $B%?%P%35,@)OHAH$_>rLsBh(B8$B>r(B:


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Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Yasuhiro Shiozaki said 'Smoke-free bill should not be ashamed
of the world$B!G(B.
$BBg?CCLOC$G$O!V$$$^$@B?$/$N9qL1$,0{?)E9$d?&>lEy$N!X8x=0$N=8$^$k>l!Y$K$*$$$F?<9o$J $BHo32$KAx$C$F$$$k!W$H6/D4!#!V9qL1$NB?$/$,@.N)$rK>$s$G$$$?K!0F$NCf?H$KIU$-!";DG0$J$,$i7kO@$K(B


$B$7$+$7!&!&!&!";DG0$J$3$H$K!"@5$7$$?.G0$rJz$/Bg?C$O!"FHA1$r=E$M$kJ,1l;Y;}$N0BG\ $B!V%?%P%3$HGY$,$s!W$H$N4X78$r5?Ld;k$9$k!"Kc@8:bL3Aj$N1F6A$b
However...unfortunately, the Minister Shiozaki, who has the right beliefs is an ally of assassinated
Prime Minister Abe, who is self-righteous and supports separate smoking areas. His dismissal was
probably influenced by Finance Minister Aso, who questioned the relationship between tobacco and
lung cancer.

$BBe$o$j$K!"5J1l<+M3$r $B<+L1E^5D0w95<<$O5J1l<+M3(B$B$G$"$j!"$=$3$G $B$=$N$h$&$JLnHZ$J!"Hs7r9/E*9T0Y$r9T$&@/<#@*NO$,F|K\$K$O:#$@$KB8:_$7!"$=$l$r;Y;}$7$F$$$k9qL1$b>/$J$/$J$$!#(B

$B%?%P%3$,G'CN5!G=$K1F6A$7$F$$$k2DG=@-$r<(:6!!(BMolecular Psychiatry
Suggestion has been made that tobacco may affect cognitive function of Human.

$BD+F|?7J90U<1D4::(B 2017




2016$BG/!"(BNHK$B!V%/%m!<%:%"%C%W8=Be!W$Ge$2$?(B $B in Japanese
$BEl5~ETrNc$r@$3&4p=`$K6a$E$1$k$?$a$N(B2017$BG/Ds8@(B $B5\K\=gGl(B in Japanese
2017 proposals to bring the Tokyo Metropolitan Passive Smoking Prevention Ordinance closer to global standards

NHK $B%K%e!<%9(B9$B!V
$B0zMQ!'(BNHK 2018.1.30 $B!!D+F|?7J9D4::!!(B2017
Picture source: NHK TV January 30, 2018
The article was written in January 2018, and revised in September 2018, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Information was added in June 2019, and February 2024.
Copyright(C) 2018 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

www. kinenseki.net

$B@k8@(B $B!!(B2018$BG/(B11$B7n(B22$BF|!!(B$B5\K\=gGl(B
$B<+8J$N7r9/$r $B$I$N$h$&$J>u67$G$b(B


The poster of 'Welcome to Smoke-Free Dining' was permitted to use
by the courtesy of Clifford Chang, MPH, director, Coalition for
a Tobacco Free Hawaii, and the associated artists.

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
$BrNc!!(B $B20FbA4LL6X1l!!(B $B20Fb5J1l@_HwE15n!!E4F; Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
$B!!!!(BTwitter@worldviewtokyo$B!!(BTwitter$B!w(Bsmokefreejpn Twitter@criticismjpn