Smoking declines as tobacco taxes increase: A study in China


Source: University of Texas Libraries

Increased Cigarette Tax will save Lives.

Increasing the cigarette tax by CNY1.00 (JapYen13.74) per pack could help save thousands of lives and
generate almost CNY65 billion (JapYen 881billion) in revenue for the Chinese government, according to
a Chinese Association on Tobacco Control study. Currently, cigarette taxes account for 40% of the total
retail price, far below the global average of the 65-70%. The report indicates that after taking into account
inflation and buying power, cigarettes are now twice as affordable as they were in 1990. Smoking costs
China, CNY 186 billion (JapYen 2.536 trillion) a year, with direct medical costs accounting for CNY 14 billion
(JapYen 190.9 billion) ,or about 3% of the country's total healthcare spending. The report proposes
an initial tax increase of CNY 1.00 per pack, with a gradual increase to CNY 4.00 (JapaneseYen 54.5) per
pack (1 CNY=US$ 0.15).

Source: China Daily 2008.12.17

Percentage of males smoking any tobacco product.

NHK Special Program, 'China Power', broadcast on November 22, 2009.
Talk with a movie director with a cigar in his left hand.

Most staff members are smoking and mapping out a strategy how they can succeed in attracting
many audiences. It contrasts with no-smoking restriction in the indoor meeting room at Hollywood,


Dirty Ashtray Award

Over the years, Shanghai has pledged numerous times to prohibit smoking in public places. However,
we find smokers casually puffing away even inside the city's hospitals. In fact, a large majority of male
doctors in Shanghai and other parts of the country are smokers. At the same time, almost none of the city's
government buildings are smoke-free, despite the efforts of Minister of Health, Chen Zhu and another
100 experts pleading the governments to take the lead in banning smoking in workplaces in 2007.
No wonder these half-hearted efforts in outlawing smoking and fulfilling the WHO Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control (FCTC), ratified by the China in 2005, won the infamous Dirty Ashtray-Award Country,
at the WHO tobacco control conference held in Durban, South Africa. It was an award for making
a mockery of FCTC guidelines, including preferring better packaging of cigarettes to the health of its
citizens. None of the packets come with warning labels, such as decaying teeth or blackened lungs.
Even the mandatory warning words are often too small to be noticed.
Source: China Daily December 20,2008

Health authority in Beijing disclosed that the incidence of lung cancer is increasing to 57% in the past
10 years,and one-fifth of cancer patients are pulmonary carcinoma (lung cancer). Lung cancer ranks at
top cause of death from cancer. The Male lung cancer patients are more prominent ( 1.7 times ),
compared to the female.The disease is resulted from mainly smoking. However, soot at the time of
cooking and air pollution can be
the cause.

Shanghai will make laws to ban smoking in public places.

It enforced the smoking sites should be equipped with ventilation at indoor workplaces. Restaurants may
be divided into smoking and nonsmoking areas. Based on these processes, smoking will be gradually
banned from all public places and indoor workplaces, and second-hand smoking will hopefully be diminished.
China is the largest tobacco production and consumption country in the world, and it is as one of the
countries that suffers from the most from tobacco. One million people live in the China die from the
tobacco related illnesses.
Source: April 1, 2008. China CSR.

(L) No-smoking sign pasted to the window glass of taxi in Shanghai: Photo in December 2008
(R) Health warning of smoking

A smoking room in the Shanghai Pudong International Airport: Photo in December 2008


Real Estate Bubble in China

The prices of luxurious condominium are going up to the bubble level.

The prices of residence went up 20% in the 10-month period.
Many Chinese people complaining the housing price is too high beyond the level that they can afford to buy.
Source: NHK BS TV, December 29, 2009.

While newspaper in the U.S. is still filled with reports of foreclosures and ongoing declines in home
prices, the headlines in China tell a different story. One local daily reports that in Shanghai, more than
200 potential buyers crammed into the sales office of a new housing development, snapping up 120 of
the 150 available apartments in just one night. Several weeks earlier in the central Chinese city of
Wuhan, 300 people lined up to buy newly constructed apartments, some of them arriving two days
before the sale. A picture in the local press eager customers who brought chairs and folding beds to
camp outside the sales office with their families.

Such exuberance is both good news and bad news for China's leadership. The revival of the real estate
industry is a key reason that China's economy is emerging from the global recession with the strength.
However, frothy increases in home prices are also fueling concerns that the property boom could turn
into an unstable and dangerous bubble. According to government data, property prices in 70 cities rose
3.9% in October 2009 from a year earlier, the largest increase in14 months. In 20 of the cities, prices
jumped more than 1% from the month before. This phenomenon is not limited to just a handful of the
wealthy coast cities in China.

The reason is that the roaring real estate market is complicating Beijing'sdecision on when and how to
unwind the drastic stimulus measures that policy makers put in place to combat the global recession.
There is clearly a link between Beijing's ultra-loose monetary policy and the run-up in property prices.
The amount of new loans granted by Chinese's banks in the first 10 months of 2009 surged up 144%,
to $1.3 trillion, from the same period in 2008. This easy money policy has led to a fantastic increase in
property deals, up to 82% in October compared with the data of the month of a year earlier. There is
also concern permeating that home prices in major cities are rising out of the reach of the average
Chinese. It not only could that cause social discontent, but it may also damp consumption.
Source: Time com. Hong Kong, November 16, 2009.


3億2000万ドル(約367億円)と非常に大きい。 喫煙が直接・間接的な原因となって死亡する人は年間100万人と


引用: 中国新聞 2008.12.15 新京報道 2008.12.16

引用 Record China 2008.11.28




なった。 2009年2月に開催された肺癌治療薬の研究会で、喫煙や受動喫煙、調理時の油煙が女性の肺癌増加の


引用 新聞晩報  February 20, 2009



引用:京華時報 November 18, 2011



引用 2009.05.18 エクスプロア北京

Smoking Ban in China
Difficulty in introducing a carpet smoking ban in China. Smoking declines as tobacco taxes increase
Smoking Ban in a restaurant looks hazy. Smoking Ban in a restaurant appears to fail.
A new smoking ban in Beijing 2015

中国喫煙人口 3億5000万人 タバコのよる死亡者は年間100万人以上
2008年12月執筆  2009年2月加筆 2009年5月加筆 2009年12月加筆 2011年11月加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
The article was written in December 2008, and last revised in December 2009,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

Smoking ban in a restaurant and pub looks hazy in China

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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