Smoking ban in a restaurant and pub appears to fail in China.

China fails pledge on indoor smoking ban.

China's pledge to ban smoking indoors looks set to go up in smoke as the Jan 9 deadline
set five years ago approaches. Despite the promise on entering the World Health
Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2006, The Beijing Times
reported in January 2011, that China has witnessed no decline in smoking, but has 200
million more people suffering from the effects of second hand smoke over the past
three years.

A report of the Tobacco Control and China's Future, which will be issued in January 2011,
said three million deaths in China will be caused by smoking in 2030, accounting
for 25 percent of the total, compared with 2 to 3 percent for AIDS. The social welfare
effect of the tobacco industry has also declined sharply from 150 million yuan ($23 million)
in 1998 to minus 60 billion yuan in 2010, considering the high costs, including medical
and labor, which far outnumbered its contribution of tax and employment, the report said.
The situation will be even worse in the next 20 years," said Yang Gonghuan, deputy
director of the National Center of Disease Control of China.

Lax enforcement of tobacco control

Yang said it is hard for the government to take a knife to the tobacco industry because
it is an important tax payer, despite 60 experts' research finding the industry has posed
the greatest threat to people's health and become the main factor for the fast rise of
chronic diseases in China. Anti-smoking activists said a law is crucial to enforcing the
commitment to the tobacco control convention. However, China has yet to make one,
and its current Advertising Law doesn't even ban tobacco companies from advertising.

The loose enforcement of China's commitment was highlighted when tobacco firms, which
include Hongta Group, Guangdong Shuangxi and Shanghai Tobacco were nominated among
the top 10 Chinese social responsible enterprises in November 2010. The move triggered
heated debates online and was seen as an obvious violation to the WHO tobacco control
convention which required participating countries to ban tobacco advertisements,
promotion and sponsorship on the fifth year of committing to the convention. Despite
the freedom of advertising, tobacco firms have also tapped into the public welfare area.

A total of 52 tobacco companies donated to or sponsored 79 public welfare activities
in 40 cities and counties from September to December 2009, according to the information
by Chinese Association on Tobacco Control. The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration
of China established two funds In November 2010. China Women's Development Foundation
and donated 10 million yuan, which aimed to support two welfare projects.

The convention also requires warning information to cover at least 50 percent of a cigarette
pack's total visible area, but the only warning one can find on the fine-looking and tempting.
Cigarette packs in China are a line of small characters reading "smoking is bad to your health."
Zhi Xiuyi, a professor and a member of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, said
expensive cigarettes are generally used in gift-giving and public fund consumption.
"If we print disgusting pictures like rotten feet and lung on cigarette packs, they would lose
their market."

Low cigarette prices

A man suffering from lung cancer after smoking for more than 50 years said the
cigarette, he usually smokes one pack everyday, and costs less than 10 yuan a pack.
The low price is definitely a huge temptation for Chinese smokers compared with that
a pack of cigarette costs about 60 yuan to 70 yuan in Hong Kong and New York.

Yang Gonghuan said China imposed a 5 percent tax on the tobacco wholesale process and
raised its tobacco tax in 2009, which didn't cause a decline in the country's tobacco
consumption, but made the sales of some kinds of tobacco to keep a growing trend.
The tobacco tax was seemingly raised, but the sum of cigarettes that have price hikes is
quite limited," Yang said, adding only by raising tobacco's retail prices can control tobacco
consumption in the country.

Beijing's move

Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health said on Dec 24, 2010 that tobacco control is in
its 12th year plan and the city's public indoor spaces, working place and transportation
vehicles will be totally smoke-free by 2015, which means the goal is
postponed by five years from the original 2010. However, when a law will be issued is still
unknown, because "it involves the communication and coordination of many
government departments.

According to official data released in 2009, 70 percent of Beijing's public spaces have
banned smoking, 1,020 restaurants, 218 hospitals and 66,000 taxis after a new regulation
was enforced in 2008. However, the rule seems to have become loose recently, with
smoking and non-smoking areas not being separated in some restaurants and smoking
still found in smoke-free areas.
Source: Zhang Jiawei, china, January 4, 2011

Beijing airport bans all smoking indoors.

Beijing Capital International Airport has become China's first smoke-free international
air hub. Starting in May 2011, the airport shut down up to 36 smoking rooms in all three
terminals. The airport official said the latest measures are introduced to create a healthy
traveling environment for passengers. The suspended smoking rooms will not open to
the public again, and their future role remains undecided, airport officials said.
People's Daily Online June 01, 2011

The Beijing Capital International Airport began implementing a complete ban of smoking,
starting in May 2011, closing 36 smoking rooms at its three terminals and intensifying
inspections of the buildings and public areas.
However, at the request of Chinese
passengers, ten of the smoking rooms were re-opened.

Passengers only area:
Nine smoking rooms are provided in the terminal buildings.
International Departure Hall: within Boarding Gate1 and close to Boarding Gate 2-4, 7 and 14;
Domestic Departure Hall: within Boarding Gate 25 and close to Boarding Gate 24, 28, 36 and 41-49

Passenger-only area:
All closed.
Public area:

Smoking not allowed near entrance outside main terminal building.
Source: 15 January 2012

Tobacco sales in Japan
 Smoker caused a delay China's flight for two hours in Beijing airport.

A passenger smoked in a China Eastern Airlines plane toilet before the aircraft took off
from Beijing to Saipan and was delayed for more than two hours because it took an hour
to wait for police to arrest the offender away and another hour to go through a safety-check.
Source: Shanghai Daily, December 18, 2012








トイレで隠れて吸う旅客によって火災報知器が作動するケースが増 えたりした。喫煙者と空港

(引用、2011年12月3日付新京報、日本語訳:Yahoo ニュース)

Tobacco sales in Japan 首都国際空港が全面禁煙、利用客は「非人道的だ」―北京市 中国当局による?削除済
Tobacco sales in Japan 医師が患者の前で喫煙!公共施設での禁煙、今の中国には無理? =香港紙
Tobacco sales in Japan 公共スペースでの全面禁煙も効果なし、理由は政府とたばこ産業のつながり =米紙
Tobacco sales in Japan 中国人はなぜタバコを吸うのをやめないのか =米ハーバード大生が論文 
Tobacco sales in Japan 中国版新幹線が突然減速、原因は乗客の隠れタバコ =中国
Tobacco sales in Japan 上海空港喫煙所の外でタバコを吸う中国人

Smoking Ban in China
Difficulty in introducing a carpet smoking ban in China. Smoking declines as tobacco taxes increase
Smoking Ban in a restaurant looks hazy. Smoking Ban in a restaurant appears to fail.
A new smoking ban in Beijing 2015

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
The article was written in January 2011, and last revised in January 2013,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2011 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

Beijing introduced a tough smoking bans

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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