Kintestu Express Trains

A trip to Ise and Toba, Mie

Kintetsu Railway Company abbreviated to as Kintetsu is a Japanese passenger railway system is
the largest in Japan, excluding Japan Railways Group. The railway network connects Osaka, Nara,
Kyoto, Nagoya, Tsu, Ise, and Yoshino.

This map shows the railway track route of the Kinki Nippon Railway ( Private rail company )

Toba-Nagoya Line

(L) The underground passage to the Kintestu terminal station (R) Limited-express train, Vista Car of Kintestu Railway

(L) Kintetsu's express fare table at Kintesu Nagoya station (R) The underground station premises of Kintestu Nagoya terminal station

(L) Interior of the Vista Car to Kashigojima (M) The tall building near Nagoya station (R) Tunnels goes through a mountainous area of Toba.

(L) A standard-type express car (R) The train view is good at the section between Iseshi and Toba.

(L) Aside from the railway track, the rape blossoms are in full bloom. (R) Express and local trains at Ujiyamada station

(L) Ujiyamada station of Yamada Line and Toba Line. This is the closest station to Ise Grand Shrine.
(R) Isuzugawa station

Toba station and express trains

(L) A new Ise-Shima Liner at Toba Station (R) a destination indicator board at Toba Station

(L) Urban Liner express train at Toba Station (M) An interior of the deluxe car (R) The driver's seat is the best panoramic seat.

(L) Ise-Shima Liner express car (M) A rail-track junction at Isenakagawa (R) A train is crossing the Kisogawa Iron Bridge.

An express train is now approaching to the underground Kintetsu-Nagoya station.

Osaka-Nagoya Line

(L) An express train to Nagoya is arriving Osaka-uehonmachi station. (R) The seat in the deluxe car has three seats in one row.

(L) The driver's seat is the best panoramic seat.
(R) After the train left Tsuruhashi station, it stops at Tsu station only ( beyond Kii peninsula ) until the destination of Nagoya.
A passenger enjoys a peaceful country-side spring landscope of Kii Peninsula.

Kintestsu Osaka Line merges with Yamada line at Ise-Nakagawa.

(L) An interior of the deluxe express train (R) The train passes through Suzuka River, Nagara River, Kiso River and many small rivers.

(L) A large river (M) A train depo (R) An electric guidance

(L) A train depo (M) Kintstu Nagoya station is located underground. (R) An electric information board announced we are almost arrived at Nagoya.

Ise Grand Shrine
Toba Aquarium
 Tennouji Zoo

病気、2020年以降は「密閉、密集、密接 」の場で、コロナウィルス感染症に罹患することを誘発しかねない

The railway company leading a passenger to health damage
  Smoking rooms are provided in Kintestu Express trains, in 2017.
  Attention on the Kintetsu express trains:
When you reserve seats, take a carriage as far as possible from smokable vehicles.
Request for removal of smoking places in a train station and all smoking booths inside of an express train
  of Kinki-Nippon express-trains  15の学術団体から近鉄内喫煙室の撤去を求めての要望書 (日本語)
The response of Kinki-Nippon Raulway Company 近鉄からの回答書 (日本語)
Japan is the only country in which smoking is allowed on the train.

 After three months of delays in deciding to abolish smoking rooms at JR Tokai, JR West, and JR Kyushu, the Kinki
 Nippon Railway Company has finally decided to abolish a total of 126 smoking rooms installed on limited express
 trains from March 2024.●●●


 近畿日本鉄道は、特急列車に設置している喫煙室を2024年3月から廃止することを決めた。 近畿日本鉄道は、一部の観光特急を
 しかし、JR東海、JR西日本、 JR九州での喫煙室の廃止の決定を受け、また乗客から「喫煙室を廃止してほしい」という要望が
 3月から廃止することを決めた。 廃止後、喫煙室として使っていた場所の活用方法については、今後、検討するとしている。
 快適な車内環境を整えます」 としていた。先進国が2003年から2007年の間にすべての列車内喫煙室を廃止したことも無視、


執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written, and all photography was taken by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto in April 2017.
Information was added in June 2020 and February 2024.
Copyright (C) 2017 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

No-smoking policy in all trains throughout the world,
except that Japan only allows smoking in the train.

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
  Twitter@worldviewtokyo Twitter@smokefreejpn Twitter@criticismjpn