Japan high speed railways
Horyuji Temple in Nara

Horyujii Temple

Kondo and pagoda

Horyuji,( lit. Temple of the Flourishing Law) is a Buddhist temple that was once one of the powerful Seven Great
Temples, in Ikaruga, Nara Prefecture. Its full name is Horyu Gakumonji, or Learning Temple of the Flourishing Law,
the complex, serving as both a seminary and monastery. The temple's pagoda is widely acknowledged to be one of
the oldest wooden buildings existing in the world, underscoring Horyuji's place as one of the most celebrated temples
in Japan. In 1993, Horyuji was inscribed together with Hokkiji as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the name
Buddhist Monuments in the Horyuji Area. The Japanese government lists several of its structures, sculptures and
artifacts as National Treasures. A 2001 study of its 'shinbashira', the central wooden column almost suspended
inside the To (pagoda), concluded the building to be a century older than previously thought.

斑鳩の地は、生駒山地の南端近くに位置し、大和川を通じて大和と河内とを結ぶ交通の要衝であった 法隆寺は7世紀に
広さは約18万7千平方メートルで、西院伽藍は現存する世界最古の木造建築物群である。 法隆寺の建築物群は法起寺と共に、

Source: Wikipedia

(L) An approach to the Horyuji temple (R) A bus connects JR station and the temple

The central gate of Horyuji temple 南大門

Five-story Pagoda of Horyuji temple
Horyuji Temple was founded in 607 by Prince Shotoku, who is credited with the early promotion of Buddhism in Japan.
Horyuji contains the world's oldest surviving wooden structures.

(L) Eastern Precinct, Yumedono( Hall of Dreams ) 東院夢殿 (M) Yumedono roof decoration (R) Amidhaba paradise before fire

Dragon ornaments on the roof

(L) Large auditorium in the left 大講堂 Bell tower in the right 鐘楼 (R) Tsunafuzo ( a kind of storehouse ) 綱封蔵

(L) Eastern corridor 東回廊 (R) Houtyuji temple ( Kondo ) 金堂

(L) A bell tower beyond the corridor 回廊の先に鐘楼 (R) Kondo 金堂
(L) Saiendo 西円堂 (M) A Siberian cat at Sankeiin temple 経院西室のシベリア猫 (R) Sankeiin temple 三経院・西室

(L) Large auditorium and a bronze lantern 大講堂 (R) Pagoda viewed from the base level 五重塔

(L) Haiku stone monument 石碑: 正岡子規の俳句「柿食えば鐘が鳴るなり法隆寺」(R) Goshuin written at Houryuji temple

Sound of bell of Horyuji temple

(L) The hall dedicated to the souls of ancestors in the left, and Tumamuro in the right 左が聖霊院(左)右が妻室
(R) A connecting road between the Western Precinct and Eastern Precinct 参道

Toshodaiji Temple 唐招提寺

Toshodaiji temple, Nara

Toshodaiji is a Buddhist temple of the Risshu sect in the city of Nara. The Classic Golden Hall, also known as the kondo,
has a single story, hipped tiled roof with a seven bay wide facade. It is considered the archetype of 'classical style'.
It was founded in 759 by the Tang dynasty Chinese monk Jianzhen during the Nara period. Jianzhen was hired
by the newly empowered clans to travel in search of funding from private aristocrats as well. Toshodaiji is one of
the places in Nara that UNESCO has designated as World Heritage Site. A reflection written by Yan Wenjing on
the hope for friendly Sino-Japanese relations describing the author's discovery of Lotus flowers imported from China,
which was planted around the portrait of Jianzhen in the Toshodaiji temple is included as one of the oral
assessment passages on the Putonghua Proficiency Test.

(L) Jianzhen by anonymous sculptor (Toshodaiji, Nara) (National Treasure) 国宝 鑑真和上像
This Nara period wooden statue vividly represents both Ganjin's gentle personality and his indomitable willpower.
(M) Painting at the time of the Jianzhen's sixth success Jianzhen arrived to Japan 鑑真第六回渡海図
(R) The map showing travels of the Monk Jianzhen to Nara Japan in Tang dynasty (Source:Wikipedia)

多くの文化財を有する。 唐招提寺は1998年にユネスコより世界遺産に登録されている。

(L) The main gate 南大門
(R) A stone temple sign of Toshoudaiji temple

(L) Golden Hall of Toshodaiji (World Heritage Site) 金堂
(R) Bell tower

(L) Front blow-off deck of Golden Hall
(R) Raido 講堂

(L) Raido 講堂 (R) Koro in the distance 奥に鼓楼、右に礼堂

(L) Koro 鼓楼
(M) Raido 礼堂
(R) Goshuin: akusejo

The way to Gobyo ( Tomb ) of Jianzhen 境内の北東の静かな場所に開山御廟入口があり、突き当たりに開山御廟

Moss covers the entire garden. 開山御廟への道の両側一面に苔が密生

(L) Chozuya ( Temizuya ) and soundless pond 開山御廟の周囲には静かな池も (R) Houzou and Kyozo ( A treasure warehouse )

(R) Kyozo 経蔵: 唐招提寺創建以前の新田部親王邸の米倉を改造したものといわれ、唐招提寺で最も古い建造物であり、日本最古の校倉
(L) Houzo 宝蔵: 唐招提寺創建にあわせて建立されたといわれ、経蔵より一回り大きいその堂々たる姿は、校倉の典型である

 Toshodaiji temple, Nara

Smoke-free soba ( buckwheat ) shop, Sakamoto: It is located between Toshodaiji temple and NIshinokyo station.

Shrine and temples in Nara
Kasuga-taisha Todaij, Nigatsudo Horyuji, Toshodaij Nara Park
Osaka, Shitennouji, Dotonbori, Railways in Osaka Tennoji Zoo

Smoke-free hotels in Japan
Smoke-free hotels in Tokyo
Smoke-free hotels in Kyoto
Domestic travel in Japan
Stress-free travel in Tokyo Metropolitan and Kyoto area
Travel sketch in Japan and the world in respect to smoking regulations

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey

The ratio of a smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on the on-the-spot investigation.

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.

The photographs are taken and the article was written in April 2018,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., Ph.D.

Copyright (C) 2018 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Nara Park

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

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