![]() Italia Rail: Trenitalia /Taormina、Sicillia |
Taormina, Sicilia
Taormina is a small town on the east coast of the island of Sicily. It locates at about midway between
Messina and Catania. Taormina has been a popular tourist destination since the 19th century.
(L) An allay, which remains the vestiges of the middle ages. (R) A view of the Ionic Sea from the highland of Taormina.
(L) The 9th April's square, upper town of Taormina. (R) Italy is the country of a delicious food.
Taormina attracts tourists and visitors all year round. Umberto, a popular pedestrian-only street in the upper section of the town.
(L) As a train runs down from the hillside, we can now see the town of Agrigento in the left.
(M) The Taormina station locates along the sea cost.
(R) An international telephone outside Taormina station building. A coin is not accepted.
(L) パレルモから丘陵地帯を南下すると左手にアグリジェントの市街が見えてくる (M) タオルミーナ駅は海沿い
(R) タオルミーナ駅の国際電話:「コインは使えません」と客待ちのタクシードライバーが小枝を挿入口に挟み込んだ
The panoramic view of Mount. Etna at sunset from the restaurant of Atahotel Capotaormina.
Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of activity.
タオルミーナ: シチリア島(シシリア島)東海岸有数のリゾート地
エトナ山と海岸線はすばらしい。 メインストリート、ウンベルト通りから一歩踏みいれば、そこに中世の面影に
Sicilia, Italia
Departure from Roma
Arrival to Palelmo
City of Palelmo
Crossing the island
イタリア鉄道紀行 6
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
The article was written and photographs were taken by Dr. J. miyamoto, in April 2006.
Copyright (C) 2006 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.
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