Hotels in Korea

The Shilla in Seoul
Smoking-room ratio in hotels in Korea
The government policy about smoking ban in hotels is not clear. Each hotel
in Korea has their own policy. Nobody in
hotels can exactly answer the rule of the law which controls the hotel
facilities.The following results show that there is
a high rate of smoking guestrooms and no strict smoking rule about a restaurant
and bar.
The Shilla in Seoul: 460 rooms/smoking 67 rooms-7th and 10th floor, ( 14.6% )
All restaurants are smoke-free. No smoking booth is provided inside.
The Plaza Seoul: 400 rooms/ smoking 60 rooms-10th and 11th floor. (15.0% )
No smoking booth is provided inside.
Millennium Seoul Hiltonl: 679 rooms/ smoking 180 rooms ( 26.5% )
Seoul Place Hotel: 270 rooms/smoking 111 rooms -3rd, 4th and 4th floor.
(41.1% )
No smoking booth is provided inside. Smoking is allowed in a bar.
JW Marriott Hotel: 495 rooms/smoking 60 rooms ( 12.1% )
Four restaurants out of six are non-smoking. Smoking is allowed in a bar.
The Westin Chosun: 456 rooms/all non-smoking. However, the Circle lobby
lounge is
the designated smoking area in hotel, and a smoker can put light on cigarette
between 8 pm and 1 am.
Grand Hyatt Seoul 480 rooms/smoking 50 rooms ( 10.4% )
Smoking is allowed in a bar, including that of a lobby lounge.
Seoul Lotte Hotel: 1.120 rooms/smoking 180 rooms-7th,8th, 9th, 24th and
27th floor. ( 16.0% )
Gyeongju Hilton Hotel: 324 rooms/smoking 150 rooms ( 46.0% )
All restaurants are non-smoking.
Busan Lotte Hotel: 649 rooms/smoking 363 rooms ( 56.0% )
Hotel provides a smoking booth inside of the building.

(L) The entrance gate to Shilla Hotel (M) A designated smoking place outside
of the Shilla
(R) A lobby entrance to the Shilla Hotel

(L) A lobby of the Shilla (M) Guest room of the Shilla (R) The entrance
to the main building and a reception pavilion, viewed from a guest room.

Gyeongju Hilton Hotel and a dinning room
(L) Busan Lotte Hotel (M) A smoking booth on the first floor beside a lobby
lounge (R) A non-smoking floor sign of the Busan Lotte Hotel

A lobby lounge of Grand Hyatt Seoul
(L) JW Marriott Hotel (M) The Westin Chosen, Seoul (R) A concierge desk
of Busan Lotte Hotel

Korea is trying to close the separate-room system for smokers at a public
indoor place.
An enclosed smoking space of 16 business firms of Korea is, as a general
rule, to be closed to the law of 2009. The firm
includes hotel industries. However, a smoking guest room isexcluded from
the smoking restriction, as most of the other
countries. Now, a smoking booth provided in a hotel in Korea is very small
in its number.

No-smoking floor sign plate in Shilla in Seoul
客室数は363にも及ぶ。一方、禁煙客室は286であり、喫煙客室の全客室への比率は56% である。
今まで68室の喫煙客室は閉鎖され、模様替えされた。全室数、456, 喫煙客室比率、0%
高速バスターミナル駅近くのJWマリオットホテルは全客室が495あるが、禁煙客室は435, 喫煙客室は60室
市庁舎近くのザ・プラザホテルの客室は全部で400であり、そのうち喫煙客室は60, 10階と11階にある。
併設しているミレニアム・ソウル・ヒルトンの全客室は679, そのうち喫煙客室は180, 禁煙客室は499室で、
460, うち喫煙客室は67で7階と10階に位置する。禁煙客室数は393であり、喫煙客室比率は14.6%となる
Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Tokyo
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Korea
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Macau
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Bangkok
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Hong Kong
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Vancouver
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Seattle
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at San Francisco
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Shanghai
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Nice
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Berlin
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Austria
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Germany
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Switzerland
Total smoking Ban in hotels at Moscow, Russia
Total smoking Ban in hotels at Saint Pertersburg, Russia
Smoking ban in hotels of Canberra and Sydney
Smoking ban in hotels of Gold Coast
A partial smoking bans in hotels do not protect guests from dangers of
Hotels, that have the smoking and non-smoking rooms, do not adequately
protect people from the dangers of tobacco.
That is the conclusion of a new San Diego State University study published
in the Journal Tobacco Control.
Researchers took air quality readings and tested surfaces for evidence
of tobacco-smoke in a random sample of San Diego
hotel rooms. Ten hotels had complete smoking bans while 30 others had some
dedicated non-smoking rooms. Compared
with hotels that prohibit smoking, hotels with only partial bans had higher
surface and air nicotine levels.
That was true even in the non-smoking rooms in hotels with a partial ban.
Only five U.S. states , Indiana, Michigan,
North Dakota, Vermond and Wisconsin, require all motel and hotel rooms
to be smoke free. Four cities in California,
including Santa Monica, have such a law. Researchers say guestswho want
to avoid tobacco exposure should stay only
in smoke-free hotels.
Source: KPBS, San Diego, May 15, 2013
Korea 2009 Hotels in Korea Railways in Korea Korean tours Korea 2012
2012年5月写真撮影および執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in May 2012. All photographs were taken in May
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
A new information was added in January 2017.
Copyright (C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.