Japan high speed railways
Tenryuji Temple and Togetsukyo Bridge
秋の京都 天龍寺 渡月橋

Tenryuji Tmple 天龍寺

(L)天龍寺門  (R) 竹林



(L)天竜寺曹源池庭園  (R) 回廊角の鐘

(L) 天竜寺方丈  (R) 法堂「雲龍図」

(L) 方丈:禅宗寺院の主僧や長老の居室  (R) 火灯窓

(L) 本堂庫裏 (R) 芍薬の花


(L) 京の町並みを望む (R) 境内精進料理店

(L)天龍寺本堂 (R) 弁財天

南禅寺:別格 天龍寺:第一位 相国寺:第二位 建仁寺:第三位 東福寺:第四位 万寿寺:第五位

Tenryuji is the head temple of the Tenryu branch of Rinzai Zen Buddhism, located in Ukyo Ward, Kyoto.
The temple was founded by Ashikaga Takauji in 1339, primarily to venerate Gautama Buddha, and its
first chief priest was Muso Soseki. Construction was completed in 1345. As a temple related to both the
Ashikaga family and Emperor GoDaigo, the temple is held in high esteem, and is ranked number one
among Kyoto's so-called Five Mountains. In 1994, it was registered as a UNESCO World- Heritage Site,
as part of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto."

Togetsukyo 渡月橋

(L) 渡月橋 欄干の端部 (R) Togetsukyo Bridge, Arashiyama 渡月橋




ある。承和年間(834年 - 848年)に僧、道昌が架橋したのが始まりとされ、現在の位置には後年に角倉了以が架けた

Togetsukyo is a 155-meter bridge over the Katsura River flowing in Saga-Arashiyama, a well-known scenic
place in the ancient capital of Kyoto. The artistic form of the bridge excellently matches the nature and is
a symbol of sightseeing in Kyoto as embodying the aesthetic sense of Japanese people. Name of the bridge,
Togetsu which means 'Moon crossing' stems from lore that when Emperor Kameyama, during the Kamakura
period (1185 to 1333), went boating on the river under a full moon, he said the moon looked like crossing
the bridge.
Source: Jnto Japan

kiyomizudera 2021 清水寺

Kyoto 2017
京都 東福寺  伏見稲荷大社  南禅寺 永観寺  天龍寺 渡月橋 真如堂 金戒光明寺 龍安寺 
詩仙堂 園光寺 清水寺 東寺 京都駅 JRおよび近郊鉄道

Smoke-free hotels in Japan
Smoke-free hotels in Tokyo
Smoke-free hotels in Kyoto and Nara
Domestic travel in Japan
Stress-free travel in Tokyo Metropolitan and Kyoto area
How to protect you from toxic tobacco smoke when you use a restaurant in Japan.
Travel sketch in Japan and the world in respect to smoking regulations

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on the on-the-spot investigation.

秋の京都 天龍寺 渡月橋
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs are taken in November 2017, and the article was written in January 2018,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., Ph.D.

Copyright (C) 2018 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Shinnyodo Temple, Kyoto

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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