
Oyama (Ohyama)

(L) The location of Ohyama  (R) Autumn's foliage color at Afuri Shrine, Ohyama

Mount Oyama (Mt. Ohyama) , also called as Mount Afuri, is a 1,252 metres high mountain situated
near Isehara in Kanagawa Prefecture. Together with Mount Tanzawa and other mountains, it formed
the Tanzawa-Oyama Quasi-National Park. Mount Oyama is a popular sightseeing spot around
the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

A special 'Romancecar' is operated by Odakyu Electric Railway during fall season, from downtown, Tokyo
to Isehara railway station. A bus connects the station on with the cable car station at the foot of
the mountain. Narrow road runs directly between the town areas and the cablecar station.
The cable car climbs to the top station. It is not far from the lower Afuri Shrine. Hiking from there,
it takes two hours to climb to the top of the mountain. Be aware that there was a death cased by
falling from this narrow mountain path.

A special express train, Odakyu's Romancecar started at Kitasenjyu, Tokyo.

A special limited express 'Metro-Momiji' for Isehara railway station

(L) Ohyama cablecar station (R) Afuri Shrine in autumn leaf color

Ohyama funicular railway 大山ケーブルカー

Afuri Shrine at Oyama (Ohyama), Kanagawa Prefecture

Mount Oyama has long been regarded as a holy mountain and object of worship. Religiously motivated
mountain climbing has been practiced since the 1751-1764 period. At the top of the mountain is
the head shrine of the Oyama-Afuri Jinjya. On the halfway up to the mountain, there is the temple,
called as Oyama-dera. 'Afuri' refers to the high amount of rain and clouds associated with the mountain
Farmers pray at Oyama-Afuri Shrine to the rain god.

(L) Ohyama slope seen from the lookout
見晴台 (R) A shrine on the way to the lookout.

(L) (M) Oyama-dera temple (R) Fall on the way to the lookout

Bright red autumn foliage at Oyama-dera temple 大山寺
All photographs of Oyama were taken in November 2012.

It takes about two hours to the summit from the Afuri shrine. However, a climber has to be very careful ]
on the narrow mountain trail, which is facing on the edge of a sharp slope, and there are a couple of death

大山(おおやま)は、神奈川県伊勢原市・秦野市・厚木市境にある標高1,252 mの山で、丹沢山などの丹沢の山々と
大山信仰として、古くから庶民の山岳信仰の対象とされていた。信仰登山は宝暦年間(1751年 - 1764年)から

事故が起こった急な崖に面した細い山道 があるので、雨の日や日没後の歩行は禁物である。

 Enoshima and Kamakura tour
 Mount Takao
 Mt. Mitake
 Moomin-Valley Park

執筆 2012年11月 写真撮影 2010年9月、及び 2012年11月
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in November 2012,by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Information was added in 2013-2019
Copyright (C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

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