Paris Metro・RER・TRAM

The Paris Metro is the rapid transit system in Paris. It has 16 lines, mostly underground, with a total
length of 214 kms. Paris has the most closely spaced subway stations in the world, with 245 stations
within the 105 City of Paris. The Paris's busy Metro carries 4.5 million passengers a day, and
an annual total of 1,365 (in 2005).

A route map of PER、B Line
The Paris RER is 5 express train lines connecting Paris city centre to surrounding suburbs.
In Paris the RER acts as an express underground or subway train.

(L) A ticket to the city from Airport Charles De Gaulle
(R) A subway train is crossing the Seine river on the Austerlitz viaduct.

People who live in Paris are composed of multiple races, just like in New York.
The 37% of immigrants in France live in the Paris region. Their majority is from Asia and Africa.

(L) RER, Champ de Mars station, closed to Tour Effel.
(R) An elevated bridge near the RER C Line, Issy Station.

(L) A Metro train crosses a bridge over the Seine river and enters a tunnel.
(R) A RER train seen near the Issy Station.

(L) A RER train running C Line. (R) The interior of a Paris's subway train.

(L) There are occasional specific designed subway station in Paris.
(R) Gare Concorde, under the Concorde Square ( Place de la Concorde )

(L) A plateform screen door at full-height observed in the refurbished Paris's subway.
(R) A Metro sign pole in a town, Paris.

A railway route map around the Bois de Boulogne, Paris.

(L) The train departs from the tram-stop of Issy Val de Seine.
(R) A ticket register near the tram doors. Passengers must validate their ticket with this stamping machine.
Otherwise, a railway company may impose a heavy fine.

(L) The interior of a tram car. (R) There are switching buttons inside and outside of a tram, to open a tram door.

A tram car passing the area of Suresnes.

(L) When a tram runs in the area of hillside south to the La Defense, you may see the Effel Tower at some distance.
(R) A cafe along the tram lines.

A cafe and rail in the area of Suresnes

シャルル・ド・ゴール国際空港ターミナル2駅を始発とする RER電車はターミナル1駅にも停車する。パリ市街地に
網羅されている地下鉄との乗り換えにはGare de Nord(北駅)がよい。北駅は多くの路線が交差する拠点であると

パリの地下鉄(Metro de Paris )はパリ市内および近郊をカバーする鉄道である。多くの路線は地下を走るが、川を
渡るときや市外に出ると地上に出る。郊外から乗り入れている路線にRER があるが、B線の Gare duNord (北駅)
以北などはSNCF (フランス国鉄)が経営している。パリの Metro は1号線から14号線まであるが、この経営は
RATP (パリ交通営団)による。SNCF、RER は左側通行、Metro および Tram は右側通行で走行している。多くの


France 2008/2010
Charles de Gaulle Airport Smoking ban in Charles de Gaulle Airport 
Quick tour in Paris Paris Metro, PER Paris Rail Terminals Tobacco & Paris

France, Germany and Switzerland 2011
Paris 2011 Mont Saint-Michel Marseille Nice Monaco Lyon Strasbourg Freiburg Basel
Berlin Railway Travel in Europe 2011
Smoking restrictions in France, Germany and Switzerland

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.

Photographs were taken in June, and the article was written in August 2008,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

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    All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.
 Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world

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