Restrictions on Smoking in Korea

Smoking ban in Korea

The South Korean government announced that the national parks were to be completely non-smoking, in order
to improve the protection of the environment and tourists' health.
Korea National Park management plan, which will begin from 2013, all national parks will be completely smoke-free,
offenders face 100000 won ($88 ) fine. "We plan to start in the entire national park main attractions to achieve
' smokeless'," officials said, "so that everyone can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful natural scenery, the need for
public voluntary active complexes."

No smoking sign on the approach road to the Seokguram Grotto in Gyeoooongju

No smoking signs: Seokguram Grotto, Busan Tower park and Gyeonbokgung Palace

Seoul has prohibited smoking in large buildings for several years but has not taken similar steps for outdoor
smoking even in areas where large numbers of people gather.Smoking has been cited for causing various
forms of cancer and other life-threatening diseases, and could put a strain on the economy by causing a rise
in medical outlays down the line. Secondhand smoke is also a problem as it endangers the health of non-

(L) A separate smoking area of Haendel and Gretel Cafe, Seoul
(R) A smoking area outside the Lotte department store, Seoul
No smoking is allowed within the ground of Chang Deok Gung Palace, and of Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul, South Korea.

No smoking sign plate at the Chang Deok Gung Palace and garbage boxes in the Chang Deok Gung Palace

Since 2006, smoking has been banned inside government facilities and office buildings with a floor area of
more than 1,000 sq.m. The legislation does apply to smaller facilities or smoking in the immediate vicinity
outside the buildings. Seoul instituted a ban on pedestrians smoking on streets, which went into effect in
August 2010. South Korean Health, Welfare and Family Affairs Ministry banned smoking in 16 kinds of public
places in March 2011. Those places included the largest buildings, hotels, schools, sports arenas, large
restaurants, comic book stores, government buildings, train stations and airports.

(L) No-smoking signs observed at train platform and inside train (R) No-smoking area sign observed at Seoul station

Smoking booth is located at the entrance to the Busan Gimhae International Airport.
Seoul Incheon International Airport provides separate smoking rooms, at Passenger Terminal, Departure Area, 3F,
at Passenger Terminal, Domestic Airline Offices, 2F, at Passenger Terminal, Public Area, 1F, at Concourse, 2F, and Concourse, 3F.

(L) Cigar shop near the entrance to the Shilla Hotel, Seoul (R) A drop flag of cigarette sale on a pedestrian walk, seen in Seoul.

A street booth which sells tobacco products

Smoking to be banned at all South Korean restaurants by 2016

The South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that it would gradually impose a smoking ban
for all restaurants throughout the country by the year of 2016. The Seoul Metropolitan Government also
said it will enforce the all-out ban from 2014. Currently, restaurants with area bigger than 150 square meters
are required to allocate half of their space to be smoking-free areas. The announcement came on the same day
that a law to impose a fine of 100,000 won (US$86) on that caught smoking at 1,950 public spots in the capital
came into effect. Places where smoking is banned include Seoul, Gwanghwamun and Cheonggye plazas in
downtown Seoul, which was under non-smoking regulation, as well as large boulevards in southern Seoul,
bus stops and parks.
Source: The Korea Herald, Seoul, June 1. 2012

Smoking ban in all restaurants and bars starts in January 2015.

South Korea enforced strict smoking bans in public places from July 2013, with fines of 100,000 won on any
spotted smoker and up to 5 million won on shop owners not following the law. From December 2012, smoking
has been completely banned in the following places: Bars and restaurants larger than 150 square meters,
cafes, government buildings, kindergartens, schools, universities, hospitals, youth facilities, libraries, children's
playgrounds, private academies, subway or train stations and their platforms and underground pathways,
large-sized buildings, theaters,
department stores or shopping malls, large-scale hotels and highway rest areas. More places now offering
smoking-areas separated by glass walls. The law has extended to bars and restaurants larger than 100 square
meters since January 2014.
From 1 January 2015, South Korea will completely ban smoking on all bars,
restaurants and cafes regardless of size, including any smoking rooms. Any spotted smoker must pay fines
of 100,000 won, and up to 5 million won on shop owners not obeying the law.

South Korea enforced strict smoking bans in public places since July 2013, with fines of 100,000 won on
any spotted smoker and up to 5 million won on shop owners not following the law. It is illegal to smoke in
all bars and restaurants, cafes, internet cafes, government buildings, kindergartens, schools, universities,
hospitals, youth facilities, libraries, children's playgrounds, private academies, subway or train stations
and their platforms and underground pathways, large-scale buildings, theaters, department stores or
shopping malls, hotels and highway rest areas. The strict bans came into force gradually beginning with
a firm larger than 150 square meters in 2012, extended to 100 square meters in 2014, with a full-fledged
complete nationwide ban in January 2015.
Source: Wikipedia

いる。 一部メディアの報道によれば2009年12月から16に及ぶ公共施設内では喫煙が禁止されているはずである。

しかし、今回の喫煙規制検証では、 かなりあいまいな部分があることが判明した。例えばホテルでの喫煙禁止であるが、
多くの国で喫煙客室を私的空間として例外扱いしてるが、 韓国も同じだ。問題はロビーと空間を共有しているバーで
喫煙を許しているところが多々存在することだ。ソウルのハイアットホテルが そのひとつであるが、チェックイン

見かけたが、普通の飲食店でタバコを吸っている人は見かけない。釜山のタクシー運転手の話では「タバコを 店内で
である。 「韓国ではすでに製造段階でタクシー車には灰皿をつけていない。」「タクシーの中でタバコを吸うと
乗客には10万ウオン(約7,000円)、 運転手が吸うと100万ウオン(約70,000円)の罰金が科せられる。」 との


されたKT&G (Korea Tobacco & Ginseng )があり、国内販売シェアは80%近くで、世界市場でも6位と記載されて


増進法」の施行規則改正案をまとめ、立法予告すると発表した。 改正案によると、面積が150平方メートル以上の
禁煙が義務付けられる。 全面禁煙区域に指定された場所で、外部と遮断された換気扇付きの密室の喫煙空間を設置

引用:朝鮮日報日本語版 李智恵 June 28, 2012

喫煙者となっており、経済協力開発機構( OECDO )加盟国の中で最も高い

New Year brings in smoking ban in Korea.

Policy will outlaw cigarettes in all cafes, bars and restaurants. Starting January 2015, smoking will no longer
be allowed at restaurants, cafes or bars, regardless of their size, though it appears neither shop owners nor
smokers are ready to accept the policy. The ban now also applies to about 600,000 smaller restaurants, coffee
shops and bars nationwide.

However, smoking will be allowed only if those stores set up ventilated smoking booths that are completely
separate from where food or drinks are served. Still, the exception seems meaningless to most shops that
came under the new year’s no-smoking policy.
Source: Korea JoongAng Daily, 1 January 2015.


Smoking in South Korea

Smoking in South Korea is similar to other developed countries in the OECD, with a daily smoking rate of 19.9%
in 2013 compared to 20.9% in Germany and 19.3% in Japan. However, male smoking is among the highest
at 36.2% while female smoking by far the lowest at 4.3%. The South Korean government aims to take down
male smoking rate to the OECD average of 29% by 2020 by making the country one of the world's most difficult
places to smoke, using a combination of significant price hikes, mandatory warning photos on cigarette packs,
advertising bans, financial incentives and medical help for quitting along with a complete smoking ban in
public places including all bars, restaurants and cafes.

South Korea enforced strict smoking bans in public places since July 2013, with fines of 100,000 won on any
spotted smoker and up to 5 million won on shop owners not following the law. It is illegal to smoke in all bars
and restaurants, cafes, internet cafes, government buildings, kindergartens, schools, universities, hospitals,
youth facilities, libraries, children's playgrounds,private academies, subway or train stations and their platforms
and underground pathways, large buildings, theaters, department stores or shopping malls, large hotels and
highway rest areas. The strict bans came into force gradually beginning with a ban on places larger than 150
square meters in 2012, extended to 100 square meters in 2014, with a full-fledged complete nationwide ban
on 1 January 2015.


Smoking is illegal and strictly prohibited in the following premises:


Korea 2009 Hotels in Korea Railways in Korea Korean tours Korea 2012

 2012年5月写真撮影および執筆 2012年7月加筆 2014年12月加筆 2015年1月加筆 2017年3月加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in May and revised in January 2015. All photographs were taken in May 2012,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
A new information was added in January 2015 and in March 2017
Copyright (C) 2015 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Korean Tour

Special Note: 日本語表示

 Russia unduly occupies our Northern Territories of Japan.
 Smoke-free hotels in Japan
Domestic travel in Japan
 WHO: Smoking should be banned in all public spaces.
 World population: seven billion v.s. Declining birth rate in Japan
 Nobody in the earth can destroy the natural beauty of the land.
 Stop merging war criminals and war victims at Yasukuni Shrine.

Copyright (C) 2006- Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.
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