![]() Smoking should be banned in all public spaces 屋内全面禁煙の法制化を 受動喫煙防止でWHOが各国政府に勧告 |
WHO Headquarter at Geneva, Switzerland
写真はジュネーブにあるWHO本部 Photography by Dr. Miyamoto 2013年6月撮影
Smoke-free policies bring health benefits.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has announced that the implementation of
smoke-free policies in many Western countries has reduced the prevalence of smoking and had
subsequent health benefits. Furthermore, such smoking bans to have not had adverse financial effects
on the bar and restaurant industry, it says.
Dr John Pierce (University of California, San Diego) and Dr Maria Leon(IARC, Lyon, France) have
prepared a special report on the subject, published in the July 2008 issue of Lancet Oncology.
They showed that comprehensive smoke-free-laws significantly reduce exposure to secondhand
smoke, which has been associated with undesirable health outcomes. Studies of the effects of smoke-
free- policies consistently showed that passive smoking is reduced by 80% to90% in high-exposure
settings. In turn, this has had health benefits in terms of a reduction in heart-disease morbidity,
a reduction in respiratory symptoms, and an expected decline in lung cancer.
Tobacco industry tries to impede smoke-free policies.
The tobacco industries are trying to impede the introduction of smoke-free policies. They have done
this by, for example, casting doubts on the adverse health effects associated with exposure to second-
hand smoke. Further, cigarette firms will often try to promote alternatives to total smoking bans,
suggesting environments that allow both smoking and smoke-free areas or encouraging other solutions
to smoking, such as ventilation, rather than outright bans.
Source: Theheartorg. July 1, 2008.
Japan Tobacco Inc. insists to keep a smoking room in all public places, including an airport terminal.
The researchers of the company propose the various separate smoking systems, like in the terminal
buildings in New Chitose Airport, Hokkaido. There is no entrance and/or exit door at the smoking room.
The company claims tobacco smoke may not flow into a passenger waiting lobby. They were tried
every possible means to oppose a total smoking ban.
No-smoking sign at WHO Headquarter at Geneva, Switzerland
Photography by Dr. Miyamoto 2013年6月撮影
WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic
February 7, 2008, Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization
I am speaking to you as the head of an agency described by the tobacco industry as its biggest enemy.
Today, we intend to enhance that reputation.
The WHO Report on the world-wide tobacco epidemic is the most comprehensive collection of data on
tobacco use and control measures ever assembled at the global level. It provides a benchmark for now
and a roadmap for the future. The standardized country-by-country statistics tell us where we stand.
The tobacco epidemic is growing. It is shifting towards developing countries, with tobacco use growing
fastest in low-income countries. The rise of tobacco use in girls and young women is among the most
ominous of recent trends.
The report pinpoints the factors behind these trends: the low-price of tobacco products, aggressive
marketing, lack of awareness about the dangers, and inconsistent public policies to protect citizens.
The report also provides a roadmap. It sets out a package of five cost-effective policy measures selected
because of their proven power to reduce tobacco use. These are straightforward common-sense
measures within the reach of every country, regardless of income level.
Among them, increasing the price of tobacco through higher taxes is the single most effective way to
decrease consumption and encourage tobacco users to quit. This measure can also operate as a sustain
-able funding mechanism for governments to continue their efforts in tobacco control. I would argue
that these measures are the silver bullets of preventive medicine. Their power to prevent disease and
death matches that of breakthrough drugs.
These measures work. The importance of their impact reflects the magnitude of harm caused by tobacco.
I am referring to more than five million annual deaths globally, a figure that is expected to surpass
8 million by 2030. By that year, 80% of these deaths will be occurring in the developing world. As a
global community, we cannot allow this to happen.
The tobacco epidemic is entirely man-made, and it can be turned around through the concerted efforts
of governments and civil society. Having said that, I want to remind governments in every country of the
range and force of counter-tactics used by the tobacco industry- an industry that has much money and no
qualms about using it in the most devious ways imaginable.
We have another powerful signal that the measures set out in the report are effective. The tobacco
industry has fought tooth and nail to prevent or delay the introduction of each one.
Industry does not want higher taxes. Industry does not want graphic images on packs. Industry does
not want bans on smoking in public places, bans on advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, or help
for the majority of smokers who want to quit. Industry knows very well that these measures cut
tobacco consumption and shrink markets. That is exactly why we are recommending them.
We are at the starting point with this roadmap. As the report reveals, only 5% of the world population
ives in countries that have fully implemented any key-measures for reducing demand. This gives you
an idea of the potential. We have to shrink tobacco markets, prevent disease, and save several million
lives. This is the kind of change that WHO and its partners aim to fuel by issuing this report.
Tobacco taxes, smoking bans set to save millions of lives.
Anti-smoking measures, including higher taxes on tobacco products, bans on adverts and controls on
lighting up in public places could prevent tens of millions of premature deaths across the world,
researchers said. Similar steps taken by Turkey, Romania and 39 other countries between 2007 and 2010
were already saving lives, the independent study published by the World Health Organization (WHO) said.
"If the attained by these ... countries were extended globally, tens of millions of smoking-related deaths
could be averted," Professor David Levy, the study's lead author from Georgetown University Medical
Center in Washington, said in the WHO's monthly bulletin.
Wider use of the controls could also lead to lower health care costs and higher birth weights for babies,
he added. Tobacco-control measures already introduced in the 41 countries, including Pakistan,
Argentina and Italy, were on track to persuade an estimated 15 million people not to smoke, the study
said. That would prevent around 7.4 million smoking-related deaths by 2050, it added.
The researchers found the most effective measures were increasing taxes and banning smoking in offices,
restaurants and other public places. The first method would prevent 3.5 million smoking-attributable
deaths, while the second would prevent 2.5 million, they said. "If anything it is an under-estimate,"
Dr. Douglas Bettcher, director of WHO's department of non-communicable diseases, told Reuters in an
interview at his Geneva office.
It is a win-win situation for health and finance ministries to generate revenues that have a major impact
on improving health and productivity," he added. Turkey's steps led to a sharp drop in smoking rates to
41.5 percent among men in 2012 from 47.9 percent in 2008, he said. Six million people die every year
from smoking, and the toll is projected to rise to eight million by 2030, according to WHO, a United Nations
agency waging war on "WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which came into force in 2005,
lays down measures to curb smoking and tobacco use.
About 175 countries have ratified the pact, shunned by others that are home to large tobacco companies,
including the United States, Switzerland and Indonesia. Measures include raising taxes on tobacco products
to 75 percent of the final retail price, smoke-free air policies, warnings on cigarette packages, bans on
advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and offering treatments to kick the habit. "We know that in many
poor countries, the poor spend a lot of money on tobacco. They would be able to use it for nutrition and
education, which is a huge opportunity cost," said Dr. Edouard Tursan d'Espaignet, from WHO's Tobacco
Free Initiative.
Source; Reuters, Jun 30, 2013
No-smoking sign seen at a restaurant in Burnaby, B.C.,Canada
屋内全面禁煙を勧告 受動喫煙防止でWHO
するよう勧告した。勧告は、分煙や換気によって受動喫煙の害を減らすことはできない と指摘。各国政府が公共の
場での屋内全面禁煙を法制化し、順守を徹底させるよう求めている。 WHOのマーガレット・チャン事務局長は
引用:ジュネーブ 2007年5月29日発共同通信
WHO: Smoking should be banned in all public spaces.
Inspection by Dr. Judith Mackay, senior policy adviser, WHO
Dr. Judith Macky is a physician qualified by the Roral College of Physician,
born in England (UK) and lives in Hog Kong.
Picture source: NHK TV December 14, 2016
(L) Dr. Judith Macky is taking a picture of bending machine of tobacco, which is the world's best number.
(R) It is very strange to see a smoking area in a public space. She evaluated it as advanced initiatives.
An evaluation had changed soon after she inspected a restaurant.
This shop adopted the air-curtain system to prevent leaking a side-smoke to a non-smoking area, using a wind to blow down.
Dr. Judith Macky criticized strictly, saying we cannot prevent the side-smoke spreads to another area in the indoor space.
When we deter from diffusion of a harmful tobacco-smoke, it is necessary to produce the energy
equivalent to a tornado. It is impossible to settle the complete separate-anti-smoke system in a restaurant.
Dr. Judith Mackay said the tobacco policy in Japan is the worst in the world.
It is very important to establish the smoking restriction by law until 2020, when Tokyo Olympic will take place.
引用: 2007年7月11日asahicom および人民日報
ロシア、米国、日本となっている。 規制先進国では若者への禁煙教育や、禁煙支援、受動喫煙の防止策が
進んでいる一方で、喫煙を禁止した場所が増えていないことを指摘している。 調査し179カ国のうち74カ国では
引用: 2008年2月8日 AP通信
Olympic Games and a restriction of smoking in a train by the host countries
★This table shows the smoking ban in a train at the Olympic host countries in and after July 2014.
China Government charges 2,000 Yuan for a violation of smoking restriction in a high-speed train.
In UK, a penalty of the maximum 200 pounds is applied for a smoking at a smoke-free designated vehicle.
Japanese Government admit to installing a smoking booth in all trains to support smoking act.
列車内の喫煙室を上質の旅客サービスと考える( 時代錯誤の)JR 東海、JR 西日本、近畿日本鉄道
列車内喫煙を許している国は日本のみ (世界の鉄道車内は完全禁煙)
禁煙していることが出来ないのか? JR東海、JR西日本、近鉄は『鉄道車内喫煙禁止の世界ルール』を
「一匹狼の国」著者 医学博士 宮本順伯
Smoking Regulation Awareness Survey in Japan
Do you support the indoor total smoking ban?
Smoking should be prohibited in all indoor public space 83.7%
The individual firms select the state of smoking restriction and show the outcome in the entrance 9.2%
A smoking-space separation in a facility 5.5%
Gender display of voters: Male, 61.8%, Female 36.6%
Source: Asahi Shimbun Awareness Survey on smoking regulation performed in April 2017.
Smoking Rate Investigation in Japan
Overall smoking rate: 17.9% of the total population in Japan
Gender display: Male, 27.8%, Year-on-year 0.4% decrease
Female 8.7% Year-on-year 0.3% decrease
Source. JT data May 2018
US: Overall 11.5% (Gender display: Male, 13.1%, Female 10.1%) in 2021
How to protect yourself from toxic tobacco smoke when you use a restaurant in Japan.
Tokyo International Airport has 69 smoking booths or rooms: the largest number among airports in the world.
Superexpress train, shinkansen, bound for Kyoto runs, with a smoking car or a vehicle with the booth
for smokers.
All sleeper-trains in Japan are connecting a smoking vehicle.
Department of Health, Labor and Welfare announced to assist an establishment of
indoor smoking room in restaurant and hotels, and will increase the financial support rate
from the present 25% to50% of the whole construction fee in 2013.
Japan Tobacco Inc. is trying to brainwashing Japanese people, using TV commercial.
The worst anti-smoking measures have announced by Japanese Government in 2018.
Olympic healthy sports environment is frustrating.
A new proposal about smoking regulation by the Health Ministry of Japan in January 2018:
1. A smoking booth is allowed in a large-sized restaurant and bar.
2. Smoking is freely allowed in small-sized restaurant and bar when 'smoking sign' is posted
at the entrance into the facility.
3. How to classify is undetermined. Members of Liberal-Democratic Party ( Prime minister Abe,
Minister of Finance, Aso, etc.)
are requesting the line of 150sqm. If so, about 90 % of eating places s are included and,
in almost in all restaurants, smoking is allowed.
This appeared to be the worst anti-smoking measure in the World, neglecting the WHO and
IOC agreements.
January 2018 Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D.,PhD.
Political Background:
In June 2017, the former Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Shiozaki has said that the anti-smoke law
should not be ashamed before the world. The minister stressed that many citizens still suffer serious
second-hand smoke in public facilities, such as restaurants and workplaces. He also said,' For the 2020
Tokyo-Olympic, we are responsible for succeeding the tradition of the Olympic without tobacco.
If a restricted exception was set up at a small-scale restaurant, the Minister said that the principles and
exceptions would reserve and in most restaurants and bars, and the user can put a cigarette at a food
-serving shop.
The flow of politics has changed greatly toward unfavorable direction, in August 2017. Prime Minister
Abe and Finance Minister, Aso dismissed Minister Shiozaki, because he disagreed to a request of LDP
members who admit smoking in the restaurant and bars. As a result, the Tobacco Chairperson of LDP
was nominated as a Minisiter in demand of Tokyo Olympic Games. He is the brother in law of Finance
Minister Aso. At the same time, Representative Kato, who claims a separate smoking booth in a restaurant,
was newly appointed as the next Minister of Health.
日本の対策『前世紀並み』「分煙は効果なし」 WHO
・・朝日新聞報道 2017
RAILWAYS & RENTAL CAR 海外鉄道の喫煙規制情報 (抜粋)
France フランス 2004年 TGVを全車禁煙
2006年 在来線を全車禁煙
2007年 法令により公共交通機関をすべて禁煙
Germany ドイツ 2007年9月 法令により鉄道全車両を禁煙、タクシーも全車禁煙
Italy 2004年12月 イタリア 法令により鉄道車内を全車禁煙
Korea 韓国 2003年に鉄道、バスを全車禁煙
台湾 2009年に鉄道、バスを全車禁煙
中国 2014年 高速鉄道を全車禁煙
ロシア 2014年 全鉄道車内を完全禁煙
USA 米国 2004年 全車禁煙
Canada .カナダ 2004年(時期推定)全車禁煙
日本で唯一、全車禁煙のクルーズ寝台、七つ星 (JR九州)
Railway Travel around the World 世界鉄道旅行
All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.
Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world
受動喫煙防止法令に関するNHKの最新情報 2018
守るために効果的であるとのリポートを発表した。 国際がん研究機関(IARC)の科学者らによるリポートでは、
引用 2008年6月30日 ロイター通信(ロンドン)
FCTC 受動喫煙防止国際条約 タバコ規制枠組み条約第8条:
1. 締約国は、タバコの煙にさらされることが死亡、疾病及び障害を引き起こすことが科学的証拠により明白に
2 締約国は、屋内の職場、公共の輸送機関、屋内の公共の場所及び適当な場合には他の公共の場所における
守らないことは日本国憲法第98条第2項違反(憲法違反)となる。憲法 第98条第2項
WHO 喫煙シーンのある映画が未成年の喫煙行為を助長
日本でしか見られない喫煙者最優先のカフェ(喫煙率75% ??)
喫煙率低下防止を意図した JTの分煙推進キャンペーン
A video created by WHO to stop tobacco-industry-interference campaign.
WHO製作ビデオ:たばこ会社の不当な干渉を防げ:あなたはJTの巧みな罠に はまっていませんか?
Indoor smoking ban in each country
★'一匹狼の国' 口絵より引用--著者自身が自己の現地検証と複数の信頼できる資料をもとに作成
Copyright (C)2015 Junhaku Miyamoto All rights reserved.
受動喫煙対策「屋内原則禁煙、譲らない 」塩崎厚生労働大臣
安倍首相と麻生財務大臣( Huffpost )
日本タバコフリー学会総会(東京) 2017
日本タバコフリー学会総会(東京) 2013
著作 医学博士 宮本順伯
東京都受動喫煙防止条例:「国際標準」にどう近づけるか、その方策を提言 2017 宮本順伯
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
2007年7月執筆 2008年2月加筆 2009年7月加筆 2009年12月英文加筆 2013年3月加筆 2013年7月写真添付
2015年10月写真添付 2016年8月資料添付
2017年9月加筆 2018年9月加筆
This article was written in July 2007 and finally revised in September 2018, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D.,PhD.
★This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
Copyright(C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.
宣言 2018年11月22日 宮本順伯