Segovia, Spain

Segovia, Spain

A map of Segovia, Spain

Segovia is the city that is well-known for the Roman's aqueduct bridge and is situated north of Madrid, 30 minutes
train ride by AVE ( Alta Velocidated Espanola ). The Renfe-120 operates at speeds up to 250km/h. The maximum
speed of AVE is 350kms/h, and links Madrid and Valladolid via Segovia, at a travel time of 56 to 70min.

(L) AVE train is now leaving Chamartin railway station of Madrid. The Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA) is behind the train.
(M) Multiple standard-gauge track lines near the Chamartin station.
(R) A high-speed train is approaching the snow-covered Sierra de Guadarrama mountains, extending from the province of Madrid
to Segovia. The tunnel south to Segovia is 28km-long and the fourth longest train tunnel in Europe.

(L) The interior of the AVE train (R) The high-speed train, Renfe 120 arrived at the Segovia station.

(L) A new standard-gauge tack line at the AVE Segovia Guiomar station
(R) The photo shows a Renfe reservation ticket from Madrid to Segovia. A smoking mark on the right corner of
a ticket was cross-marked by the writer. Spain's all trains are smoke-free since January 2006.
Photographed in May, 2010.

The municipality of Segovia counts some 55,500 inhabitants. The Aqueduct of Segovia is one of the most significant
and best-preserved monuments left by Romans on the Iberian Peninsula.

The aqueduct transports waters from Fuente Fria river, situated in the nearby mountains some 17 kms from the city
in a region known as La Acebeda. It runs another 15 kms before arriving in the city. The water is first gathered in
a tank known as 'Big House', and is then led through a channel to a second tower known as the 'Waterhouse'.
There it is naturally decanted and sand settles out before the water continues its route. Next the water travels 728
meters on a one-percent grade until it is high upon the Postigo, a rocky outcropping on which the old city center.
At its tallest, the aqueduct reaches a height of 28.5 meters, including nearly 6 meters of foundation. There are both
single and double arches supported by pillars. On the course of the aqueduct, it boasts 79 single and 44 double
arches, in total of 167 arches.

Segovia in the festival, 2010

Segovia in the festival, 2010

(L) A long-standing Roman Aqueduct observed from the site of Plaza de la Artilleria, Segovia (R) Segovia in the period of 1840

(L) A group of young girls are resting under the 'water bridge'. (R) The double arches supported by pillars

(L) A signboard of Segovia
(R) People are sitting on the outside seat of cafe enjoying a Segovia holiday, at Anenida de Frenandez Ladreda

Calle Obispo Gandasegui

(L)The main street for a day visitor near the cathedral (R) Alcazar de Segovia
(Picture source: Travel Safe)

Plaza Mayor and 'Catedral de Segovia'

The interior of Catedral de Segovia with a stained glass window

A dancing party was held at the Plaza Mayor. Anyone who wants to dance, do so.

A passionate Spanish dance in play at the Plaza Mayor, Segovia

(L) Old town of Segovia (M) Roman Aqueduct in the back (R) Air view of the Roman Aqueduct
( Source: World Heritage broadcast by TBS TV)

A town house of Segovia

(L) A bus-stop at Plaza de la Artilleria, for the AVE high-speed train station
(M) It costs 0.88 Euros from the city to the AVE station, at Gaiomar
(R) Scenenary near the AVE station, 5kms far from the city of Segovia

(L) A very quite Secgovia Red Convencional station, 2kms far from the city
(M) A train is arriving at the plateform of Segovia local terminal.
(R) A woman conductor is examining a passenger's ticket.

The train comes to a rise in the railway to approach the mountain pass of Sierra de Guadarrama, along with a highway to Madrid.

The highland houses, railway and train station

(L) A highland town with rich in greenery (R) A highway sign board showing the direction to Madrid

(L) A Renfe train is leaving from the Pitis station, which is the terminal of Madrid Metro Line 7, as well.
(R) The four-building at Estacion de Chamartin, Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA) is seen over the woods.
Photographed in May, 2010.




Railway Travel around the World
  All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.

 Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world

 Introduction of Spain: The first Spain's law to restrict smoking enforced in 2006.
 Spain enforced a total smoking ban in indoor public space in 2011.

Spain 2006-2011
Madrid tour Barcelona tour Gaudi's masterpiece Barcelona metro and railway Segovia 
High-speed train in Spain 
Smoking ban in Spain in 2010 

2010年5月執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken and the article was written in May 2010,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

Copyright (C) 2010 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

High-speed Spanish railways and stations

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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