Rail travel Ireland/Luas

Dublin Luas

It has helped improve transport into the Dublin city center by introducing two efficient routes,
the Red and Green line. The Red Line travels from Tallaght to Connolly Station. The estimated
average distance of this journey is 50 minutes. The Green Line will bring customers from
Sandyford to Stephens Green in 22 minutes. All Luas trams run every five minutes during
the peak times and run at 10 minute intervals during off peak.

The Smart Card allows passengers on the Luas to pay as they go. This new system is simple to use.
Customers present their smart cards to a blue platform validator at the Luas station before
boarding and after exiting the tram. The validator will tell Luas passengers the exact fare that is
being deducted from their Smart Card.

(L)The Luas tram cars at the platform of Connolly terminal station.
(R)A Luas tram car runs on a street with somewhat comfortable tinkling sounds, in front of the store of 'Insomnia'.
Insomnia = 不眠症

(L)The tram car runs through a commercial district of Dublin nimbly.
(R) The place a passenger gets off is the entrance to the building.
A Luas tram runs on the track with a rich grassy lawn.

A tram car in Dublin




Ireland and North Ireland
Arrival to Ireland Airport and Railway Hotel and bar smoking ban in public places
Luas Tram, Dublin Dublin Area Rapid Transit Dublin-Belfast Express Train
Giant's Causeway in North Ireland North Ireland

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This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.

The photographs were taken in September, and the article was written in October 2006,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2006 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Rail travel Ireland/Dublin Area Rapid Transit

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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