タバコ王国、日本 海外のタバコ販売との比較

A convenience store and a big standing signboard showing tobacco sale in
Big tobacco sign boards in the city of Tokyo and other major cities are
very common, and most
all inhabitants do not feel that is quite unusual things in the world.

A tobacco sale counter on the basement of Sanno Park Tower, Tokyo,
where the headquarter office of Philip Morris Japan locates on the 22nd
floor, October 2010.

A tobacco display in the convenient store of Sanno Park Tower, Tokyo, in
October 2010
The image is processed and displayed.

(L) ''Breath Sparkling Shot'' -menthol tobacco advertisement (R) A display
said 'Your life is your story' LARK.
These photographs were taken at Chiyoda City, Tokyo, in November 2011.
In Tokyo and other big cities, Tobacco bending machines are placing in a few minute-walk distances.
Some machine has a colorful flushing light in the front panel of tobacco

Tobacco retail store and tobacco vending machine in Tokyo, February 2009.
This tobacco retailer was closed in May 2017.

(L) It is obvious that a store is doing a cigarette campaign by the name
of preventing tobacco sales to the minors.
(R) The photo shows an automatic vending machine for tobacco sale.
The price of cigarette is ranged from 290 yen to 320 Yen a pack.
One US dollar = 110 Japanese Yen, in September 2021

(L) ? Freedom to choose how to die This picture was taken at a residential
area of Tokyo.
- Photograph in March 2017
(M) A convenience store in Ueno, Tokyo placed a new notice at the entrance,
saying we started to sell tobacco.
- Photograph in March 2010
(R) Tobacco is the main most selling product that is focused. - Photograph
in December 2014.

(L) A tobacco corner in the souvenir shop at Nagoya railway station
The image is processed and displayed.
(R) A convenience store in Ueno, Tokyo placed a new big notice at the entrance,
saying we sell tobacco.
The line graph shows a steady increase until recently.
ーーーーー The number of cigarette vending machine
ーーーーー The cigarette sales proceeds

Numbers of a cigarette vending machine on yearly bas 70=700,000
Sales proceed 35,000=3.5 trillion yen ( 90 yen = 1 US dollar )
(Source: Japan Vending Machine Manufactures Association)
In October 2021, the Japan Tobacco Association will launch the adult identification
system "taspo"
for cigarette vending machines will end at the end of March 2026.
Smokers in Japan will no longer be able to buy cigarettes from vending
machines from 2009, without
an ID card that says they are adults. Under a new system that aims to make
it harder for minors to
buy tobacco. All of Japan's 570,000 cigarette vending machines will require a smart card called 'taspo',
an access card to buy tobacco, issued only to people who are at least 20,
the legal smoking age.
The proportion of Japanese adults who smoke has slipped to 26 percent from
34 percent a decade ago
and a peak of 49 percent in 1966. The company, half-owned by the government,
said a pilot program
for the new vending machines in rural Japan had no impact on sales.
Source: Reuter 09.10,2007

(L) An actor performing in TV commercial how easy to buy a cigarette. At
first, he applied to get the ID card,'taspo'.
(M) It is not necessary to carry a coin, because the card has a function
of electronic money.
(R) It is easy to buy a cigarette, we just touch 'taspo' to a bending machine.
That's all.

(L) So convenient to buy a tobacco.
(R) It says your cooperation by using 'taspo' is appreciated, in order
to prevent a minors' smoking.

(L) Virginia Slims, Duo, 10 Menthol Cigarettes ( Philip Morris Products
The word of 'slim', and the size of small 10 cigarettes, are attractive
to Japanese women.
(M)(R) Pianissimo 10, A new 10-pack Japanese tobacco, targeted mainly for
young women.
The image is processed and displayed.

Japan's tobacco habit runs into court a challenge.
One plaintiff is a cancer patient. Another is represented by his widow. The third has emphysema and
rolls into the courtroom on a wheelchair with tubes trailing out of his
nose. Three Japanese is waging
a minnow-vs-whale battle in one of the world's most smoker-friendly countries.
However, past judicial
precedents suggest that they are likely to lose, they hope their suit will at least draw attention to the
dangers of smoking.
She mentioned Japan as a smoker's paradise separated from the wide world.
Japanese government
still owns the 50% of stock of Japan Tobacco Inc.. The 2009 sales of tobacco were 6.832trillion yen
( $ 72.8 billion ).
Only action to protect children from tobacco hazard was an ID card, called
'taspo', which is necessary
to buy cigarettes from a vending machine. A pack of 20 cigarettes costs 300 yen ( about $2.85 ),
a third of New York Prices. Here, in a small print, they say 'Smoking can
be one of the causes for lung
Japan Tobacco officials still flatly deny passive smoking is a problem, arguing the dangers come from
burning cigarettes left on an ashtray, but not second hand fumes. Cigarette
ads are no longer appeared
on TV, though the tobacco company gets on the air with ads that discourage
tossing butts on the street.
The tobacco company frequently put ID card commercials, in which TV actor shows how to use 'taspo'
to buy a cigarette at a bending machine, and it is for the purpose to prevent
a teen-age smoking.
Cafe Tobacco, a smokers' only coffee shop in Shinbashi, Tokyo

Wide-range glass window and Smokers'-only sign board at the entrance.
Non-smoker can't stay in the shop not more than 5 minutes, felt dizzy.

(L) In both sides of the entrance of Japanese restaurant in Tokyo, there
are automatic
bending machines for sales of cigarette.
(R) A well-known discount store publicizes a smoking floor in the building.
Both pictures were taken at Akibahara, Tokyo, in September 2012.
A legal and social acceptance of a notion that much of the world takes
for granted: that smoking makes you
sick. However, in Japan, only few bars and restaurants ban smoking. In
April 2009, a major restaurant
chain opened a cafenamed Cafe Tobacco, a Tokyo coffee shop billing itself as a haven for smokers. It has p
roven popular among customers, who takes his coffee with a cigarette. A
manager Kishi said 'I do not want
to live an extra year or two by giving up what I love to do'.
Source: Yuri Kageyama, Associate Press, 1 Aug. 2009,
A few sentences and photograph were added by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D..

NHK TV 2010年10月27日放送
Broadcast by NHK TV October 27, 2010
An ashtray appears to be an important tool for the top politicians. This
photo was taken at the main meting room
of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan,
frequently abbreviated to LDP or
Jimintoh, is a diversely center to the conservative political party in
Japan. It is one of the most consistently successful
political parties in the world of democracy.
The LDP ruled almost continuously for nearly 54 years from its founding in 1955 until its
defeat in the 2009 election.
They never think about a smoking restriction inside, and always ignore
the Japan's Health
Promotion Law.

石破茂 ( 喫煙歴 40年 ) 自民党衆院議員は次のように述べている。飲食店によっては大部分の客層が喫煙者ということも
少なくない。 皆が持っている価値観を、他人に迷惑かけることなく実現出来るか。知恵の出し所であって、
( コメント )たばこ会社と同じく、「健康の問題」を「マナーの問題」に置き換えている。
引用 朝日新聞 Digital 2017年2月22日(公開期間を終了)
Tobacco Mafia??
出典:Record China:G20 February 2013 in Moscow
Finance Minister of Japan Rocks Gangster-style for G-20 Trip.
Finance ministers are not often recognized for their fashion sense. However,
Japanese finance minister Taro Aso
set ablaze with his gangster-style attire as he was leaving Japan for the
G-20 meeting in Moscow.
Source: Wall Street Journal, Feburaury 15, 2013
Smoking politicians
Please check other opinions. ( in Japanese )
FCTC 受動喫煙防止国際条約 タバコ規制枠組み条約第8条:
1. 締約国は、タバコの煙にさらされることが死亡、疾病及び障害を引き起こすことが
2 締約国は、屋内の職場、公共の輸送機関、屋内の公共の場所及び適当な場合には他の公共の
★★ Source: Cigarette smoking and thinning of the brain's cortex, Molecular
Psychiatry, 778-785, 2015
2018年5月 全国喫煙者率調査[日本]

男女平均 17.9% ( JT data )
男性喫煙率 27.8% −前年比0.4%減少
女性喫煙率 8.7% - 前年比0.3%減少
2017年 喫煙人口(推計値)は110万人減少の1,917万人
2018年 喫煙人口(推計値)は37万人減少の1,880万人(2017年に比べ減少幅が小さい)

This shows an advertisement displayed attached to the wall of the platform
of Tameike-Sanno subway station,
very closed to the prime minister's official residence.
(L) It says Japan Tobacco Inc. will make an effort to create a comfortable
society for smokers and non-smokers.
Three important items: keep smoking manner, do social activity to clean
a street and supporting creating of
a separate indoor smoking room.
(R) ひとのときを想う All pictures are not directly related with cigarette.
The meaning of this Japanese is not clear. It may be tried to arouse people's
awareness that
the human life and tobacco are an inseparable piece of connections.
The photographs were taken in May 2013.
Smokers, Get off sidewalks and go inside.
Photographs: Health warning for smoking.
On the other hand, in Thailand, we can buy tobacco at a convenience store,
although, no one can see a
tobacco package, unless a customer calls a clerk to show tobacco packages,
because a shatter was placed
in the container of tobacco in a store.
(L) A shatter placed in front of the tobacco container in a convenience store
in Thailand,
to avoid customers' eye fall upon a tobacco package, January 2009
(M) A smoking-kills warning appeared in a cigarette package sold in Thailand.

(R) In Iceland, a grocery store sells tobacco behind a counter desk, in order
to be not seen by regular customers,
July 2009

In Ontario, Canada, a grocery store stocks cigarette behind shatter to
avoid customers' eye fall
upon a tobacco package. This photo was taken in October 2010.

(L) The prices of tobacco: Malboro red 20 pk and Camel filter 20 pk cost
NOK 104 (about 13 dollars as of June 2015),
Paramount red maxi costs NKO 120. This picture was taken at a supermarket
in Sandane, Norway.
(R) The legal age to buy tobacco is 18 years in Norway; however, it is
said that the 10% of 15-year olds smoke.

(L) A tobacco container at a supermarket in Canberra, NSW: A certificate
by Australian Capital Territory is pasted on the door plate.
(R) A cigarette storage at a tobacco shop in Surfers Paradise, Queensland
Tobacco has been struck by being put in a black big box, like as the coffin.
(L) No one can see a cigarette unless a smoker asked to specify the name
of tobacco product to buy.
(R) When a shop clerk opened the top, a series of cigarette can be seen
at the first time.
These photos were taken by Dr. J. Miyamoto at Moscow in July 2014.
The image is processed and displayed.
The sale of tobacco from vending machines has been banned in England, with anyone caught selling cigarettes
in machines facing a fine of 2,500 pounds.
The Department of Health said the ban had been introduced to prevent under-age
sales to children and to
upport adults who were trying to quit. The rest of the UK, Wales and Northern
Ireland plan to implement similar regulations in 2012.
Some pub landlords say it is a further threat to a livelihoodthat has already
been damaged by the smoking ban.
However, Cancer Research and the British Heart Foundation welcomed the move. According to the Department
of Health, nearly all adult smokers started smoking before they turned
18. Of the children who regularly smoke,
11% buy their cigarettes from vending machines. It is also estimated that
35 million cigarettes are sold illegally
through vending machines to children every year. Under the new rules, pub landlords will still be able to sell
cigarettes from behind the bar, but they must ensure all tobacco advertising
on vending machines is removed.
Any person found guilty of displaying cigarette adverts ona vending machine
could face imprisonment for up
to six months, a fine of 5,000 pounds, or both. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said smoking was "one of the
biggest and most stubborn challenges in public health", with over
eight million people in England still smoking,
causing more than 80,000 deaths each year.
BBC News UK October 1, 2011
オーストラリア販売方法 The way how to sell cigarettes in Australia 
ロシア販売方法 The way how to sell cigarettes in Russia 
2009年2月執筆 2009年8月加筆 2010年10月加筆 2014年12月加筆 2016年8月加筆 2018年6月加筆 2020年9月レイアウト一部改定
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
All Photographs were taken by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
The article was written in February 2009, and last revised in November
Copyright(C) 2009 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.