Republic of Malta

Malta has a predominantly Mediterranean climate.

Malta, an independent republic, consists of islands Malta and Gozo and small islands, located in the Mediterranean
Sea south of Sicily, with a total area of 316 square kms. The capital and leading port of the country is Valletta.
Malta is a densely populated developed country in European Union. About 400,000 people live on this island nation.
The islands of Malta consist of low-lying coralline limestone plateaus surrounded by impermeable clay slopes.
The highest point is 239 meters above sea level. Malta is also known for its world heritage sites.

(L) Malta, Valletta, seen from Senglea, panorama of Valletta's south coast (M) Lower Barrakka Gardens
(R) Mgarr Harbour, Gozo

Map source: University of Texas Libraries  A fishing man is making tidy a fishing-net at Spinola Bay area of San Giljan, Malta.
Under the British influence Saint Julian's changed from an insignificant locality to an important seaside village of pleasant residences.
(L) The Grandmaster's Palace, Valletta, Malta (R) The central area of Valletta

Gozo island is part of Malta: Visitors can currently reach the island by ferry.

Adults in Malta smoking less, young people more

Speaking on behalf of the Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Charmaine Gauci said that
there are certain factors, contributing to cardiovascular diseases, which are impossible to prevent or change,
citing age, gender and family history as prime examples.

Dr Gauci said, 'We constantly encourage the population to adopt healthier lifestyles. Although there are
currently 20.3 per cent of adults who are smokers, this contrasts with the smoker's ratio in the previous year
of 22.7 per cent. Worryingly though, while the adult smokers have decreased, young people, particularly girls,
are smoking more. Little do they know that they are increasing the risk of heart disease in the prime of their

'A stress management, eating a minimum of five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and using less salt and
processed foods can also reduce death by cardiovascular disease. Malta has one of the highest rates of child
obesity in the world, and we continuously stress the need of at least, 30 minutes of physical activity a day for
adults, and 60 minutes for children'.
Source: Malta Independent Online, December 15, 2009

(L)The sign plate placed at the entrance to the airport, which declares Malta International Airport is no-smoking airport.
(R) Nobody was inside of a separate smoking room in the air terminal building, at this time.
(L) A neon light no-smoking sign (R) No-smoking sign plate is stuck out from a pillar.   

Smoking restriction of the world airports

(L) An automatic bending machine for tobacco sale in the Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta
(R) A warning sign board for a fine if smoking

The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta has the total of 340 luxurious guest rooms, with the sparkling sea views from
a private balcony.
A gentle breeze from the Mediterranean sea makes a hotel guest more comfortable and relaxes with a Heavenly bed.
All accomodation facilities are smokefree.
The casino in the Westin Dragonara Resino is dived into two spaces of smoking and non-smoking.

Casino in the Westin Dragonara Resort, St.Julian's, Malta

Smoking Ban in Malta

From April 2005, smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public and private premises that which are open to
the public. This includes all premises where food and drink are served. All workspaces are also covered by
the regulations, and this includes any adjacent corridor, lobby, stairwell, elevator, lift, cafeteria, washroom
or other common area frequented by employees during the hours of their employment.

Total ban on smoking in public places from 2013

As from January 2013, it will be illegal to smoke anywhere inside public places and this includes all enclosed
areas such as clubs and restaurants, according to a legal notice. According to the new Smoking in Public
Places Regulations 2010, published in the Government Gazette, smoking in designated rooms will only be
allowed until 2013. After that, a complete ban will come into force in all enclosed public areas, including
temporary structures.
Source: January 16, 2010,

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.

Smoking Ban in European Countries:

 Italy  Malta   Ireland    North Ireland   UK   Germany   Switzerland 
 France   Holland   Portugal   Spain   Norway  Sweden  Denmark  
 Iceland   Finland


セントジュリアンの岬に建つホテル、ウェスティン ドラゴナーラ リゾート マルタには大きなカジノがある。セキュリテイは


ために喫煙者のみが立ち入れる空間で、この中で従業員が働くことを認めていない。米国の団体「Action on Smoking and
Health」によると、「欧州タバコ対策ランキング 2006」で、アイルランド、イギリス、ノルウェー、アイスランドに次いで、
マルタ共和国は第5位の上位に格付けされている。2006年5月に公表されたEU Observer の世論調査によると、マルタ島では

ほとんどのショップ内には、「No smoking please」の標識が掲げられていた。タバコの吸い殻は散乱していない。一度、

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
The photographs were taken in April, and the article was written in May 2006,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2006 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.


Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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