Rusian Federation


The Amber Room in the Catherine Palace, near Saint Petersburg
(L) German-Russian masterpiece, looted by Nazi Germany during the World War 2.
(R) The Amber Room restored in 2003.

(L) Central Russian upland, near Zaravsk, Moscow Oblast (R) St. Nicholas Cathedral at Zaravsk, built in 1681

Russia, officially known as the Russian Federation is a country in northern Eurasia. The size of land is
about 17,000,000 sq km, the largest country in the world, covering a ninth of the area of Earth's land.
The population is estimated over 141,000,000 in 2009.

Russia is known as an energy superpower. The country has the world's largest natural-gas reserves,
the eighth biggest in oil reserves, and the second in coal reserves. Russia is the world's leading
natural-gas producer and exporter. The oil production in Russia overtakes Saudi Arabia, making it
the biggest producer of 'black gold' in the world.

(L) Key oil and gas supply pipelines from Russia
(R) Regional product per capita in Russia, as of 2007
Darker color means the higher productivity.

5 Russian Rubles banknotes
St. Sophia Cathedral is on the obverse, while Novgorod Kremlin is on the reverse.

Mt. Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a stratovolcano in the Kamchatka Peninsula., which is the highest (4,750 m) active volcano of Eurasia.
Its steep, symmetrical cone towers stand about 100 kms from the Bering Sea.
(L) Space radar image of Klyuchevskaya Spoka. (R) Volcano Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka Peninsula

(L) The brown bear is a symbol of Russia. (R) Kamchatka River, Kamchatka Peninsula

The Chishima Islands (Kuril Islands) are located in the North Pacific Ocean, between Kamchatka Peninsula
and Hokkaido. The northern islands are a part of Russia, and the southern islands, Etorofu and Kunashiri,
are a part of Japan. These two islands were being occupied by Russia since 1945, when the Second World-
War ended. It would mean the same to that United States would still hold the islands of Okinawa of Japan.
The long-lasting occupation of the Japanese own land by Russia, is entirely unjustified.


Source: University of Texas Libraries

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Soviet Union invaded our Kuril Islands Special Note: Northern Territories is a Japan's inherent Island.
After the world war 2 was over, Soviet Union invaded our Kuril Islands.
Russian President Medvedev of Russia visited Kunashir Island, our own Northern Territories, in November
2010 and July 2012. He promised to develop infrastructure of the islands. Now, many Japanese people
think that the country of Russia is 'untrustworthy country'.

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Russia will introduce a high-speed train.

Russia's first high speed train arrived in St Petersburg from Moscow.
Source: Garant-InfoCentre

Russia's highest speed railway is the Moscow-St. Petersburg Railway, with a speed of 250 kms/h. The first
upgraded 250 km/h train started to run in December 2009. Plans for the railway service between St. Petersburg
and Helsinki at the average speed of 230 kms/h. This would allow a traveling time to 3 hours, cut from 3 hours
45 minutes. Recently, serious talks with Japanese firm to use Shinkansen for the Moscow-Sochi route.

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A high speed train of Russia runs between Moscow and St.Petersburg, at 650km-distance, in 3hours 45minites,
with the highest speed of 250 kms/h.

Russia's first high speed train links St. Petersburg, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod.

Russia's deputy prime minister and senator admitted the safety of Japanse high speed train, Shinkansen,
which had no big train accident with victims in the past 40 years.
Source: NHK broadcast, January 9, 2009.

High-speed train, Sapsan


Boris Kustodiev's world of painting in Russia

Boris Mikhaylovich Kustodiev, 1978-1927, was a Russian painter and stage designer. He visited France and
Spain on a grant from the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1904. He traveled to Italy, Austria and Germany, and
again France and Italy. During these years, he painted many portraits and genre pieces. Later, he was back
once more'in our blessed Russian land'.

Source: Wikipedia.

(L) Bolshevik, a visual representation of the Russian Revolution, 1920 (R) Country, 1919

(L) Domovoi peeping at the sleeping merchant wife, 1922
(M) Russian venus with birch twigs in a rural banya, a Russian type sauna, 1926
(R) Self-portrait of Boris Kustodiev in 1912

(L) The Merchant's wife, 1918 (R) Portrait of Renee Notgaft, 1914

(L) Promenade along the Volga, 1909 (R) Portrait of Renee Notgaft, 1914

(L) Fair, 1910$B!!(B(R) Pancake Tuesday/Maslenitsa, 1916

$B!!','`'d(B $B'1'e'd'Z'_'Q(B $B'`'R'b'W'](B $B'g'`'Y'q'Z'_'Q(B 2013
The Siberian cat which has been sent from President Putin in return for a Japanese dog called 'Akitaken'
Siberian cat with a Russian name of Mir, presented by President Vladimir Putin to the Governor of Akita-prefecture
in Japan, has been handed over to his new owner.


Russia 2008-2012 Moscow Moscow 2014 Smoking ban in Russia Russian Smokers
Moscow Kremlin Church, museum and theatre of Moscow Moscow metro Moscow hotels
Russian life High-speed train, Sapsan Saint Petersburg Winter Palace Peterhof Palace
Catherine Palace Saint Petersburg metro Saint Petersburg hotels Pickpocket
Russia-Finland border


$B!z(BThis Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD. 2008 and 2014
Copyright(C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

A total smoking ban in Russia

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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