Stockholm County Railways


(L) Morby Centrum Station, the north terminal of Red Line
(R) Lilla Vartan connected with Baltic Sea ( photographed from a Red Line train )

(L) Emergency exit of Universitetet Station, Red Line. (R) Ropsten Station, the east terminal of Red Line.

(L) Condominium stands on the hill above Ropsten Station. (R) A long escalator to the hillside entrance of Ropsten Station.

(L) Platform of Ropsten Station, Red Line. (R) An elegant condominium with a view of Lilla Vartan.

(L) Norsborg Station, the west terminal of Red Line. (R) Condominium in front of Norsborg Station.

Fittja Station, Red Line is surrounded by rich green woods and blue lakes, which link with Baltic Sea.

(L) A hard rock wall seen just next to Axelsberg Station, Red Line. (R) A housing complex in front of Bredang Station, Red Line.

Labyrinth painted on the wall of Alby Station, Redline.

(L) We can observe many lakes, which link to Baltic Sea. (R) Liljeholmen Station, the junction of Norsborg Line and Fruangen Line.

(L) Gamla Stan Station, one of the centers of Stockholm.
(R) An alley going to the palace. Many restaurants and gift shops are in the old town of Gamla Stan.

(L) A stir up advertisement posted in the wall of Slussen Station. It appears to be Ad.of a cell phone.
(R) A woman with a special hair style seen in a subway train of Stockholm.

The Red Line consists of two lines:
Route T13: Norsborg - Ropsten
Route T14: Fruangen - Morby Centrum

ストックホルム T-BANA の地下鉄、近郊電車のアナウンスはすべてスェーデン語なので、その内容は全く分からない。
ただ、「Next Station ・・・・」と「次の駅」の言葉だけは英語を使用している。Red Line は Morby Centrum 駅
付近は地下を走るが、Lilla Vartan の水面を横切るときは地上に出て橋を渡る。途中の Universitetet 駅に大きな

レッドライン Ropsten駅は長い登りのエスカレータと下りの階段とエレベータとを備えた上下に伸びたユニークな駅
である。丘の上に立つ低層共同住宅への足と、下の平坦な土地を走る道路と、ここから出発する Lindingo 方面行き
トラムホームへの連絡のためである。T-BANA 電車の車窓からは、スエーデン鉄道の線路と交差する近くに、トヨタや

Railway Travel around the World 世界鉄道旅行
  All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.
Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world

Smoking Ban and Tobacco Control in Finland
Smoking Ban and Tobacco Control in Iceland
Smoking Ban in restaurants and bars in Sweden


Arlanda Express   Stockholm Stockholm Rail Blue Line Stockholm Rail Red Line Stockholm Tram
Express X2000 Gothenburg Malmo Oresund Bridge & Drogden Tunnel

2008年8月執筆 写真撮影 2008年6月 2009年9月英文加筆
医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in June, and the article was written in August 2008,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Stockholm County Railways
Stockholm TVarbanan

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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