Oresund Bridge and Drogden Tunnel Connection

The Oresund Bridge is a combined two-track rail and four-lane road bridge-tunnel across the Oresund strait.
It is the longest combined road and rail bridge in Europe. It connects the two metropolitan areas of the
Oresund Region: The Danish capital of Copenhagen and Swedish city of Malmo. The international European
Route E20 runs across the bridge and through the tunnel. The construction of the Great Belt Fixed Link and
the Oresund Bridge and Drogden Tunnel have, together, enabled one to drive from Mainland Europe to
Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia.

E20 European Highway. Copenhagen, Denmark to Malmo, Sweden.
(L) A road sign showing the junction of Malmo and the city of Copenhagen.
(R) A long, long undersea road tunnel.

Now, we could see the exit of the undersea tunnel. As soon as a car left the tunnel, we suddenly met with a high wind and torrential rain.

A high wind and pouring rain still goes on as the two pylons approaches to us.

The Oresund Bridge is the highest point on solid structures in Denmark, over the Oresund strait.

(L) After passed through a long suspension bridge in a streaming rain, we finally arrived at the toll gate of Malmo site.
(R) A Landsat satellite picture of the Malmo toll gate.

Two days after・・・

A fine weather. We are heading to Copenhagen, Denmark.. After we leaved the city area of Malmo,
a highway runs in parallel to a railway. Soon after, the big road sign of 'DEMNMARK' which tells us
that this is the final junction for the access back to Malmo, and we are now leaving the country
of Sweden.

(L) The road sign board showed the junction to Malmo City. The straight direction is for the Copenhagen Airport.
(R) Advanced notice of a toll gate.

(R) Oresund Bridge Toll Station. A toll for passenger car is 3225 SEK, 36Euros. 
Four toll lanes: passenger cars in the left, trucks and trailers in the right.
(R) Toll station in the area of Malmo.

The tall pylons of Oresund Bridge came into sight. A fine weather, clean air, blue sea.

.Oresund Bridge: Two tall pylons are just ahead.

We are now between the part of bridge suspension. The pylons composed with iron and concrete are so big and so huge,
which bear the running load of a train, bus, truck and car.

After the highest suspension section of the bridge, a road started to descend to the tunnel.

(L)The entrance to the Drogden tunnel in the Peberholm, the artificial island. The total length of the tunnel is 4,050 meters.
(R) Maximum speed within the tunnel is 110 km.

Undersea Drogden Tunnel. A long flat section of the tunnel continued, then, a gradual upward slope began to the exit.

The road junction to two directions: Copenhagen Airport to the right, and the city of Copenhagen straight ahead.

(L) A satellite photo of Copenhagen International Airport. (R) Air France aircraft at the terminal

(L) Oresund Bridge seen from a beach of Oresund Strait.
(R) Only a few second, the Oresund Bridge appeared and noted from a window of the aircraft flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

開始され、2000年に開業した。Oresund Connection と呼ばれ、橋とトンネルの自動車道と鉄道の連絡距離は







人口島( Peberholm )を走る最高速度、時速110キロ、トンネルの全長は4.050メートルある。トンネルを駆け

Copenhagen Airport Copenhagen Copenhagen Railways Jutland and Fyn
Fyn and Zealand Oresund Bridge & Drogden Tunnel

 Malmo City and Malmo Central Station

 2008年7月 写真撮影 2008年8月執筆  2009年9月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in July, and the article was written in August 2008,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

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