
Saint Petersburg to Helsinki

The Allegro is a high-speed train service between Helsinki, Finland, and St. Petersburg, Russia.
The express train runs between Helsinki and Saint Petersburg in 3 hours and 36 minutes.
The units are equipped for both the Finnish and Russian railway technical systems. Doors have a retractable
step to make boarding from both Finnish 550 mm-high and Russian 1,100 mm-high platforms easy.

Saint Petersburg Railway Staion for Allegro

(L) There are four Allegro express trains linking Saint Petersburg and Helsinki.
(R) Allegro high-speed train at the Helsinki railway station

(L) The electric transit marking plate showing the destination, Helsinki
(R) Interior of the first-class vehicle

(L) A menu of late lunch served in the express train
(M) A custom officer of Russia was putting a stamp on a passport after confirming the face of a passenger.
(R) Dinner and tea service in the vehicle

(L) A free simple meal served for a first-class passenger (R) Interior of the international express train

(L) A passport controlled zone, Russian side
(R) A Finnish custom officer checking each passenger and bags, and asked how many days he/she staying in Finland.

On board, the train, as a rule, each passenger is visited by a Russian passport control officer and customs officer,
a Finnish passport control officer and customs officer.
Between Vyborg and Vainikkala, the international train travels in the custom-surveillance zone. During this period,
the restaurant is closed and nobody can leave the train without permission from a relevant officer.
The writer observed from a train about 12 Russian soldiers are in a forest near the Finland- Russian border.

(L) A map of Vainikkala station and Finland-Russia border line:
The area of the right lower part of this map represents the land of Russia.
(R) Air view of the boundary line of Finland and Russia

Passport control stamps and the Russian visa

(L) Vainikkala station, the last station in Finland's side (R) Allegro express train E-ticket

Kouvola station, Finland

(L) Tikkurilla(Finnish) - Dickursby(Swedish) station
Helsinki commuter rail: The network is operated by VR, the Finnish national railway company.
(R) A service-value-assessment button: How satisfied are you with the friendliness of train staff?

The express train arrived in Helsinki Central railway station on time.

March 2022

Picture Source NHK BS 2022.3.29

できないため、残された陸路での移動にAllegro が利用され、ヘルシンキへの鉄道列車が満席の状態で運行していた。

After Russia's military invasion of Ukraine began, the flight routes to Europe from Russia were closed.
Therefore, Allegro express trains were used for a travel by land, and the seat of Saint Petersburg to Helsinki,
the Finnish capital, is fully booked. However, under sanctions from Japan and Western countries to Russia,
the direct train link between the EU and Russia has come to the end on March 27,2020.

Finnish train operator VR announced that it would halt its twice-daily high-speed service, which was launched
just 12 years ago with Vladimir Putin on board the first train. The service is technically owned by a company
called Karelian Trains, a joint venture between VR and Russian Railways which each own a 50% stake in the

Allegro express trains linking Saint Petersburg, Russai and Helsinki, Finland ( Video length: 55 minutes )


広軌:軌間1524 mmの鉄道  ベラルーシ鉄道、 モルドヴァ鉄道、ロシア鉄道(ロシア連邦) ウクライナ鉄道
標準軌:軌間1435 mmの鉄道  ポーランド、スロヴァキア、ハンガリー、ルーマニアといった周辺国では標準軌が主流

Narita airport smoking rooms Train Travel over the World  海外鉄道紀行

 Saint Petersburg

Russia 2008-2012 Moscow Moscow 2014 Smoking ban in Russia Russian Smokers
Moscow Kremlin Church, museum and theatre of Moscow Moscow metro Moscow hotels
Russian life High-speed train, Sapsan Saint Petersburg Winter Palace Peterhof Palace
Catherine Palace Saint Petersburg metro Saint Petersburg hotels Pickpocket
Russia-Finland border

2014年7月撮影 2014年8月執筆  2022年3月加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel
The photographs were taken in July, and article was written in August 2014,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
A new information was added in March 2022.
Copyright(C) 2014 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

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