![]() Greater Copenhagen Railways コペンハ-ゲンメトロおよび近郊鉄道 |
The S-train (S-tog ) network is a suburban rail network of Metropolitan Copenhagen, Denmark. It connects
the city center with the inner suburb of Copenhagen. The first line was opened in 1934. Today, the network
forms the heart of the public transportation infrastructure in the city, serving more than 357,000 passengers
a day.
(L) The S-tog platform of Copenhagen Central station. (R) A very wide interior of the S-tog train.
(L) One-day pass, good for 24hours ( 115DKK ). (R) S-tog train departing from the Vesterport Station.
(L) Vesterport station next to the Central Station. One to two minutes walk to a metro station.
(R) Many bicycles left near the Vesterport Station.
A dog is also a passenger of the train. The space for a bicycle, baby carriage and pets.
Osterport Station
S-tog train runs near Osterport Station.
Herfolge Station of DSB.( Denmark National Rail ). It appeared as a stage of a fairy tale.
(L) A local line DSB train runs one an hour in an area rich in green. (R) Interior of DSB train.
(L) S-tog trains waiting for departure at Ny Ellebjerg Station.
(R) Koge Station. Koge Harbour is actually one of Denmark's oldest harbors.
(L) A well designed interior of a train with deep blue color.
(R) After Malov station, we cannot see a 4 to5 storied condominium any more, and the scenery changed to country fields
Landscape between Malov station and Frederikssund station ( Photo was taken at 21:30 ).
Terminal station of S-tog, Frederikssund ( The time: 21:50, still bright as a day ).
Frederikssund station and a red-colored S-tog train ( We must push a button to open a door ).
(L) A big cruise ship seen from the platform of S-tog、Nordhavn station.
(R) Ticket examiners in a train.
A passenger must register the time of enter to a platform, if not, has to pay a penalty of 600DKK.
Roskilde station platform. Passengers waiting for a train for Copenhagen Central Station.
A Roskilde Festival in the south of Roskilde is one of the five biggest annual rock music festivals in Europe.
Klampenborg Station of DSB and S-tog lines.
A house standing on an own ground increase as a train goes up to north along with Oresund Strait.
Norreport Station in the central area of Copenhagen.
Passengers with a bicycle are waiting for an elevator down to a subway station.
Copenhagen Metro is a rapid transit serving Copenhagen Metropolitan District in Denmark. The subway
system was opened in 2002, and has two lines, M1 and M2. In 2007, the line was extended to
Copenhagen Airport. The train runs automatically without a driver .
Vanlose Station, the terminal of M1 and M2. Automatic vending machine for tickets on a platform of a subway.
(L) A train runs underground in the center of the city. We can enjoy the view in a driver's eye.
(R) A Metro train at the platform of Vanlose Station.
(L) Many condominium buildings were under construction along the M2 line of the subway.
(R) A long high wall built railway to prevent noise caused by a train.
New condominium buildings seen along a railway
Kastrup station, next to the Copenhagen Airport
The Copenhagen metro adopted a computer-controlled driverless light train system.
Entering to Copenhagen Airport Station. The station has a full size platform screen door.
S-tog (エス・トウ)と呼ばれている鉄道が市内と近郊とを結んで走行している。赤い電車として親しまれているが、
コペンハーゲン地下鉄、METRO はすべて自動運転であり、運転手はいない。しかし、スタッフが車両内または駅の
ホームに待機するとされている。 だが、地中のコンクリートチューブ(トンネル)を運転手のいない電車が高速で
走行することは、始めて乗るものには驚きであった。ラシュアワーには2分ごとに発着する。M1とM 2との二つの
系統があり、Christlanshavn 駅の少し先の地中で分岐している。M2 がコペンハーゲン国際空港、ターミナル3に
Norreport 駅でS-tog などと連絡している。
Railway Travel around the World 世界鉄道旅行
All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.
Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world
Smoking Ban and Tobacco Control in Finland
Smoking Ban and Tobacco Control in Iceland
Smoking Ban in restaurants and bars in Sweden
Smoking ban and Tobacco Control in Denmark
Copenhagen Airport
Copenhagen Railways
Jutland and Fyn
Fyn and Zealand
Oresund Bridge & Drogden Tunnel
2008年7月 写真撮影 2008年8月執筆 2009年9月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in July, and the article was written in August 2008,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.