
Kyushu Shinkansen with a smoking room

A superexpress ( Shinkansen ) train heading to Shin-Osaka or to Hakata at the Kagoshima-Chuo terminal,
waiting for departure

JR-kyushu has been operating all their trains in non-smoking vehicles, prohibiting smoking inside of the
train,since 2004 until 2011. However, the construction work has completed to connect the rail trucks of
JR-Kyushu with JR-West in 2011. The railway company agreed to install a smoking booth inside a new
train, which was jointly manufactured with JR-West. As a result, JR-Kyushu abandoned the policy to forbid
smoking inside of the train vehicles. Now, all Shinkansen trains provide a smoking space in all trains
bound for Shin-Osaka and vice versa.

All seats are non-smoking, except for the separate smoking room in the trains.

(L) In-car announcement of ' Welcome to the Shinkansen.
Please put a cigarette on in a designated smoking booth in the train.'
(R) A well-equipped, wide toilet is built in the train for a physically handicapped passenger.

There is a sliding door between the smoking booth and nonsmoking pass way.
Three ashtrays are provided in each smoking booth. A tobacco smoke often flows out into the train space,
at each time a smoker open and closes an automatic sliding door.


Risa が長崎で撮影

高速鉄道路線(新幹線)。 博多駅と長崎駅を結ぶ整備新幹線計画(九州新幹線〈西九州ルート〉)のうち、
武雄温泉駅 - 長崎駅間がフル規格新幹線として先行整備され、2022年9月 に武雄温泉駅で在来線と
フル規格新幹線の対面乗り換え方式により開業した。実距離66 kmという距離は、全国の新幹線において最短となる。

Oita Railway Staion and Express Trains in JR Kyushu

A limited express train, 'Sonic' and woman attendant

A limited express train, 'Sonic' and the entrance to the green car

'Sonic' limited express train: (L) An economy-class vehicle (R) The entrance of the first-class vehicle and its interior

(L) A limited express train of 'Sonic': Green-car and wide toilet in the vehicle
(R) An inter-city express-train 885 and 787 in Kyushu Railway Company

Sonic is the name used by Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu) for the limited express train service
operating between Hakata and Oita via Kokura and Beppu along the Kagoshima and Nippo Main Lines
in Kyushu.

(L) A logo mark of JR Kyushu (M) A commuter train 817: A simple and elegant vehicle (R) A commuter train, 813

(L) The 885 series 'White Kamome' is operated on JR Kyushu, between Hakata and Oita using the Nippo lines.
(R) The platform of Oita JR station

(L) The platform of Oita JR station (R) JR Kyushu's short-distance diesel rail-car

(L) A new sophisticated designed Oita JR station was completed in March 2012.
(M) A unique entrance to a toilet (R) A smoking room on the platform

A new Oita JR station: The ceiling of Oita station, outside passage and a coin rocker

The Kyushu Railway Company, also referred to as JR Kyushu, is one of the constituent companies of
Japan Railways Group. It operates intercity rail services in Kyushu, Japan. In 1987, Kyushu Railway
Company was born. However, an operation was at a loss under recession of Japanese steel industry,
and competition from highway-bus and air flights. To restore, the company then diversified its business,
especially in developing and commercializing its properties, such as train stations.


 朗報 東海道新幹線の車内が2024年春から完全禁煙になる。 JR東海は、東海道新幹線の車内にある「喫煙ルーム」
 を、2024年の春にすべて廃止すると発表した。 JR西日本も、JR九州も同時期に廃止する。健康増進志向の高まりや


画像引用 NHK 2023.10.17


学会講演 2017:世界の鉄道車内は全面禁煙


Explanation in English。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

An anti-smoking measurer of the JR-Tokai and JR-West is really putting the clock back!
Japanese Government does not prohibit smoking in a train vehicle.

The smoking policies of JR-Tokai and JR-West Companies are against the current world
anti-smoking measures, and support smokers to put a cigarette in a railway carriage.

A smoking room is provided in each high-speed train of JR-Tokai and JR -West.

(L) The entrance to the smoking vehicle ( First Class ): This picture was taken in June 2012.
(R) A smoking scene in a smoking vehicle of a bullet train operated by JR-Tokai and JR-West
was up in YouTube by Anthony Leong.
(L) JR東海グリ−ン喫煙車両(撮影2012年6月)
This video was up in YouTube by Anthony Leong.

The standard composition of JR-Tokai and JR-West Shinkansen train:
Car No. 10, 15 and 16 are smoking car.No. 10 is a first-class vehicle.


JR Tokai launches new N700A bullet train.

Operation of the N700A shinkansen, the first new bullet train developed by JR-Tokai in roughly
six years, began on Feb. 8 2013, with crowds of railway fans turning up to see the train off
at departure ceremonies in Tokyo and Osaka. Its external appearance is practically the same
at that of the N700 bullet train and has the equal maximum speed of 270 kilometers per hour.
However, the new model has a braking system that kicks in during power cuts caused by
earthquakes and other events, and the distance it takes the train to come to a stop has been
reduced by 10 percent. N700A is controlled by a computer through use of an automatic train
control system, with a "constant speed controller" enabling the train to quickly recovering
the delays, which is the first system of its kind in a bullet train in Japan. The new model also
has safety enhancements with a system to detect abnormal vibration and prevent accidents.
We're proud to have the best and latest carriages," said Seki, chief of JR Tokai's bullet train
operations division, at a ceremony before the departure. "Half a century has passed since
the birth of the Tokaido Shinkansen. We have served as one of Japan's main arteries, and want
to continue providing the world's highest standard of transportation services.
Reference: The Mainichi, February 8, 2013

However, JR-Tokai neglected the world's trend to abolish smoking room in a railway train. JR-Tokai,
JR-West and some other railway companied in Kansai district still provide a smoking car, in which
smoking is allowed in a train seat, or smoking booth in a train. This is harmful to a train passenger
and against to the health policy. Unfortunately, Japanese Government and a local prefecture
do not control the undesirable policy of these railway companies. I think that Japanese technology
is one of the highest standards throughout the world, although
the way of thinking about smoking
control is entirely devoid of good sense or judgment
, compared to the advanced countries.
The article was written by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D.,PhD, on February 8, 2013.

All Shinkansen train stations between Tokyo and Osaka will have an enclosed
smoking rooms

JR Tokai, Central Japan Railway Company announced on Ferruary 15, 2013, it would abolish
open air smoking areas on the platforms of all 17 stations between Tokyo and Osaka.
It would build an enclosed smoking room on platforms or other alternative sites at all of
the stations, excluding Tokyo and Nagoya, which already have such facilities. Under
460 million-yen project, all outdoor areas of the shinkansen stations are expected to be
smoke-free by the spring of 2014.
Source: Kyodo, Tokyo, February 15, 2012

An enclosed smoking room is not the solution for the adverse effects of

JR Tokai announced that it would abolish open air smoking areas and built an enclosed
smoking room on platforms or other alternative sites at all the shinkansen stations.
However, this is not the good solution to avoid the toxic influences of tobacco products.
Two side effects exist when a person put light on cigarette. The one is the second-hand
smoking. The other is the third-hand smoking. 

The residue on clothing, wallpaper can react with a common indoor pollutant to generate
dangerous chemicals called tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA). Substantial traces of
TSNA was also found on the inside surfaces of a smoking room packed with a heavy smoker.
Smokers themselves are also contaminated. Smokers actually emit toxins from clothing
and hair. Researchers say the third-hand-smoke is a health hazard, and suggest
a complete ban on smoking in the enclosed places to eliminate any risk. Nicotine residues
from a tobacco-smoke hang around for weeks or months.

An information guide of smoking rooms in the train of JR Tokai super-express train

How to avoid a toxic side-smoke leaked from a smoking room provide by JR Tokai, JR West
and Kintetsu Express trains:
For example, when smoking booth is provided in the carriages of No.3 and No.7, it is strongly to
advise a non-smoking passenger to take a reserved ticket for No.5-carriage, to eliminate any kind of health damage.

Narita airport smoking rooms JR's N700 high-speed train provides a smoking room.
The smoking room in the train infringes the health of the passengers.
Narita airport smoking rooms Kinki-Nippon Railway Company claims the necessity of installing the room for smokers in all express trains.
The smoking room in the train adversely affects the health of the passengers.

Three major Japanese railway companies think that the smoking car and/or smoking booth
in a train are the superb service to train passengers.

JR-East Railway
Kinki-Nippon Railway company still operates smoking vehicles.
The railway company leading a passenger to health damage

I have traveled over many countries using a train, in Canada, US, India, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia,
New Zealand and European countries; however, nowadays, I have never experienced to hear the
announcement of to guide a smoking room or booth in a train. This kind of guidance might be all
train passengers to recognize the need of smoking space in a train, and for smokers, inhibit the
feeling not to smoke for a while. As a result, it might work as promoting a smoking during his train
trip until he arrives at the destination.

In 2017, 50 countries, including the above-mentioned countries, allows smoking inside of the train.
Japanese government should restrict such a smoking in a train by law. Otherwise, it will put our
people in Japan shamed at the coming 2020 Olympic game.
Junhaku Miymoto, M.D.,PhD.

 Announcement in a train with smoking booth of JR's Tokaido-Shinkansen super-express

Cars 1, 2 and 3 are for the passengers without seat reservations. Smoking is not allowed on
this train except in the designated smoking rooms located in cars 3, 7 and 15. The smoking room
in car No.10 is for the passengers in the Green Cars. Please refrain from smoking in the train, 
including areas at either end of the cars.

When I was on the Shinkansen platform at Kyoto JR Station, I heard a loud announce voice echoing
in the ears just before the train entering to the station; smoking rooms are located at the Car3, Car7,
Car15 for regular vehicles, and Car10 for a Green Car (first-class). A loud announcement for smoking
facilities of the Shinkansen trains coming to the Kyoyo Station, which is the representative of Japan's
old capital railway station would make the tourists from abroad might feel uncomfortable! Such an
excessive support of smoking behavior leads Japan as a country preferential to a smoker, and it counters
the positive impression of Kyoto.
Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D.,PhD. November 2017

Railway Travel around the World 世界鉄道旅行
  All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.
 Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world

Health warning tobacco Beware of Third-Hand Smoke

Japan's effort to curb exposure to secondhand smoke is one of the worst in the world
Health Ministry 2016

A newly introduced luxury sleeper train prohibits smoking in the vehicle.

廃止された全席禁煙の高速列車(新大阪ー博多間)Rail Star
All non-smoking super-express train, RailStar was abolished.
A new deluxe sleeper-train provides smoking vehicles 2017.
 新クルーズ寝台に喫煙車両:警告 健康障害を受けることあり


1948 XIV  ロンドン(イギリス)       列車内喫煙禁止
1952 XV Helsinki railways ヘルシンキ(フィンランド)   列車内喫煙禁止
1956 XVI Australia rail trip メルボルン(オーストラリア)  列車内喫煙禁止
Stockholm railways ストックホルム(スウェーデン) 列車内喫煙禁止
1960 XVII Italia rail trip ローマ(イタリア)       列車内喫煙禁止
1964 XVIII Japan high speed railways 東京(日本)         列車内喫煙OK
1968 XIX  メキシコシティ(メキシコ)   情報不足
1972 XX  ミュンヘン(西ドイツ)     列車内喫煙禁止
1976 XXI Canada smoking ban モントリオール(カナダ)    列車内喫煙禁止
1980 XXII  モスクワ(ソビエト連邦)    列車内喫煙禁止
1984 XXIII United States ロサンゼルス(アメリカ)    列車内喫煙禁止
1988 XXIV Korea  ソウル(韓国)         列車内喫煙禁止
1992 XXV Spain  バルセロナ(スペイン)     列車内喫煙禁止
1994       Norway リレハンメル(ノルウェー)   列車内喫煙禁止
1996 XXVI United States  アトランタ(アメリカ)     列車内喫煙禁止
1998       Japan high speed railways 長野(日本)            列車内喫煙OK 
2000 XXVII australia  シドニー(オーストラリア)   列車内喫煙禁止
2002      United States ソルトレイクシティ(米国)   列車内喫煙禁止
2004 XXVIII Greece  アテネ(ギリシャ)       列車内喫煙禁止
2006       Italia rail trip トリノ(イタリア)       列車内喫煙禁止
2008 XXIX China 北京(中国)          列車内喫煙禁止
2010       Canada smoking ban バンクーバー(カナダ)     列車内喫煙禁止
2012 XXX  ロンドン(イギリス)      列車内喫煙禁止
2014        ソチ(ロシア)          列車内喫煙禁止
2016 XXXI Brazil リオデジャネイロ(ブラジル)  列車内喫煙禁止
2018       Korea 平昌(韓国)           列車内喫煙禁止
2020 XXXII Japan high speed railways 東京(日本)           列車内喫煙OK
2022       China 北京(中国)           列車内喫煙禁止
2024 XXXIII   パリ(フランス)          列車内喫煙禁止
2028 XXXIX United States  ロサンゼルス(米国)       列車内喫煙禁止



列車内での喫煙室設置を禁止する立法措置が求められている。 「一匹狼の国」著者 医学博士 宮本順伯

2014年6月から喫煙客室の全面廃止とホテル屋内での喫煙行為を禁止している。「一匹狼の国」 35頁記載


 朗報 東海道新幹線の車内が2024年春から完全禁煙になる。 JR東海は、東海道新幹線の車内にある「喫煙ルーム」
 を、2024年の春にすべて廃止すると発表した。 JR西日本も、JR九州も同時期に廃止する。健康増進志向の高まりや


画像引用 NHK 2023.10.17


It has been announced that all both inside the Tokaido Shinkansen train will be abolished in March 2024.
JR-West and JR-Kyushu and Kintestu-Express trains will also abolish it at the same time.
The reason is said by these rail companies to be a decline in smoking rates.
However, smoking had been completely prohibited inside JR-Hokkaido trains in 2006, JR-East trains in 2007,
except for night trains.
By 2007, smoking on trains had been completely banned in all countries in Europe, USA and Canada.●●●

Railway Travel around the World 世界鉄道旅行
All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
This article was written in April 2009, and finally revised in May 2014, and
all photography was taken by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto in April 2012 and May 2014.
Information on a smoke-free train service was added in April 2017, and February 2024.
A new information was added in October 2023.
Copyright (C) 2009 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world


Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban


  Twitter@worldviewtokyo Twitter@smokefreejpn Twitter@criticismjpn