Railway Travel in France


The SNCFrench National Railway Corporation, is France's national state-owned railway company.
SNCF operates the country's national rail services, including the TGV, France's high-speed rail
network. Its functions include operation of rail services for passengers and freight, and
maintenance and signaling of rail infrastructure. SNCF employs more than 180,000 people in
120 countries across the globe. The rail network consists of about 32,000 km of route, of which,
1,800 km are high-speed lines and 14,500 km electrified. About 14,000 trains are operated daily.
Source: Wikipedia

(L) A TVG train at Montparnasse station, Paris (M) A ticket validator (R) A sign bord of Gare Montparnasse Place Dautry

(L) An electric bulletin board at Gare Montparnasse (R) A TVG train leaving for Rennes at the plateform of Gare Montparnasse

(L) A first-class TVG train with a compartment seat (M) A conductor is checking passenger's ticket.
(R) The interior of a bar car

(L) TVG train arrived at the Rennes station. (R) Gare de Rennes
SNCF seat reservation documents

(L) TGV train for Paris at the plateform of Gare de Rennes (R) An upper deck first-class seat of TGV, operating from Rennes to Marseille

TGV train arrived at Marseille station at night time.

Gare de Marseille St Charles at night

A local train serving the district of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur

A local train serving the district of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur

TER train at Gare de Marseille St Charles

(L) TGV train at Gare de Marseille St Charles (R) A departure board at Gare de Marseille St Charles

(L) SNCF office building and TER train at Gare de Marseille St Charles
(R) An electric bulletin board at Gare Marseille, showing the composition of trains

Gare de Marseille St Charles and a car house of Bougainville

(L) French electric SNCF locomotive is hauling a passenger train in the Marseille-Nice railway. (R) A corridor of the compartment car

(L) A fertile soil along the railroad in France (R) TGV train stops Toulon, well-known a large military harbour on the Mediterranean.

A blue Mediterranean sea stirs train-passenger's imagination of a good life on the beach line, between Nice and Monaco.

A blue Mediterranean sea and residences, viewed from the SNCF train.

A blue Mediterranean sea and residences, viewed from the SNCF train.

Is it a good lifestyle to live on the land of a blue Mediterranean sea?

(L) The interior of a local train in the nice district (M) Underground station of Monaco (R) The main entrance of Gare de Monaco

A sparkling light like a diamond is seen at the underground station of Monaco.

(L) A Monaco to Nice ticket (R) A seat reservation document of Nice-Lyon-Strasbourg railroad section

(L) Roya ( Roia ) River, which forms the borderline between France and Itary.
(R) Ventimiglia station, located in Italy, the border city between with France.
French train services to and from Ventimiglia are operated by SNCF.

A Russian night train from Moscow to Nice at Ventimiglia station

(L) Gare de Nice-Ville (R) A local train serving Marseille and Ventimigria, the station of Italian border

Gare de Nice-Ville and an arrived long-distance train.
Trenitalia trains connect the Nice district with the Italian cities, like Milan, Genoa, Roma and Venice.

(L) An electric bulletin board at Gare de Nice-Ville, showing the composition of trains, to Lyon and Geneva
(R) A railway track runs in parallel to the long beach line at Mediterranean sea.

(L) Cannes railway station (R) Gare de Lyon Perrache

A plateform of Lyon Perrache station, which is covered by two twin iron rooftops.
Lyon Perrache, which is an older station that now often serves as the starting station
of the regional and long-distance rail services.

An electric bulletin board at Gare de Lyon Perrache

Gare de Lyon Perrache is the station for Auto-Train.

A train to Strasbour starts from Gare de Lyon Perrache.

(L) Gare de Lyon Perrache and railways (R) A rail track is crossing a bridge of Rhone River.

TGV train is running between the stations of Gare de Lyon Perrache and Gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu.

Gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu

(L) A rich in green field along the railway track (R) There is a single-track railroad between Lyon and Strasbourg.

A beautiful farm land along the railroad

As we approached Strasbourg, the single-track line becomes double-track line.
Like in Germany, a SNCF train runs to the right, here.

Gare de Strasbourg

Gare de Strasbourg was renovated in 2007, added the framework of glass, so that this station seems like a jewel, which shines hit by sunlight.

The exterior of a glass frame of the Strasbourg station

Strasbourg tram, a new modern urban transport system

Strasbourg tram, a new modern urban transport system

Railway tracks in Lyon and Strasbourg, France

All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.

イタリア鉄道旅行・シシリア イタリア鉄道旅行記  Italia Rail: Trenitalia
アイルランド鉄道旅行 アイルランド鉄道旅行記   Rail Travel Ireland
フィンランド鉄道 路面電車 地下鉄 フィンランド鉄道、路面電車、地下鉄  Railways in Helsinki, Finland
 トロンハイム・オスロ間鉄道 Trohdheim-Oslo Railway, Norway

米国・東北部鉄道旅行 ボストン-ニューヨーク高速鉄道  Amtrak Acela Express/Boston_Newyork
シカゴ鉄道 シカゴCTA鉄道 Chicago CTA Rail
マイアミ鉄道 マイアミMETRO鉄道  Miami Metro Rail
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 ワシントンDC地下鉄・ユニオン駅 Washington DC Metro/Union Station

ストックホルム・空港鉄道 ストックホルム・アーランダ急行  Stockholm Arlanda Airport and Express
ストックホルム地下鉄 ストックホルム地下鉄・近郊鉄道   Stockholm County Railways
スエーデンX2000の旅 X2000の旅  X2000:Stockholm_Copenhagen Express
コペンハーゲン近郊鉄道・地下鉄 コペンハーゲン地下鉄・近郊鉄道  Greater Copenhagen Railways

タイ・バンコク鉄道 バンコク・スカイトレイン・地下鉄・タイ鉄道
  Bangkok Mass Transit/Thai Railways
台湾高速鉄道 台湾高速鉄道  Taiwan High Speed Rail
インド鉄道 インド鉄道・地下鉄  Indian Railways and Dehli Metro
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 韓国高速鉄道・空港急行・地下鉄 Korea Train Express, Airport Express and Metro
  香港空港エクスプレス・地下鉄  Airport Express and MTR, Hong Kong
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 中国高速鉄道 High-speed railway in China

シカゴ鉄道 ポルトガル地下鉄・鉄道  Portugal Metro, Railways
マイアミ鉄道 アムステルダム鉄道・市電  Amsterdam Rail
シカゴ鉄道 スペイン高速鉄道   High-speed train in Spain
マイアミ鉄道 バロセロナ都市交通  Barcelona Railways
パリ鉄道ターミナル駅 パリ鉄道ターミナル  Paris Rail Terminals
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 パリ地下鉄・近郊鉄道  Paris Metro_RER_Tram
  フランス国鉄の旅  Railway Travel in France
 ドイツ国鉄の旅 Railway Travel in Germany
サンフランシスコ鉄道 スイス・オーストリア・ドイツ鉄道 
EU Trains 2013

 バンクーバー・スカイトレイン Vancouver Skytrain
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 カナダ・エドモントン地下鉄  Edomonton Metro
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 カナダ大陸横断鉄道・VIA Trans-Canada Railway, VIA
米国・東北部鉄道旅行 シアトル・モノレール、リンク鉄道 Monorail and Link railway st Seatle
米国・東北部鉄道旅行 米国アムトラックで氷河国立公園へ Amtrak: Seatle to Glacier National Park
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 サンフランシスコ・バート、 ケーブルカー、市電  San Francisco, cablecar, tram and Bart
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 アラスカ鉄道 Alaskan Railroad

 モスクワ地下鉄 Moscow Metro
 サンクトベルグ地下鉄 Saint Petersburg Metro
 ロシア高速鉄道 Sapsan, high-speed train of Russia
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 ヘルシンキ・サンクトベルグ間高速鉄道 Allegro, high-speed train between Finland and Russia

ニュージランド鉄道旅行 ニュージランド鉄道旅行記  NZ Rail: Tranz Alpine/Scenic
オーストラリア鉄道旅行 オーストラリア鉄道旅行記   Brief Journey by Australian Rail
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 キャンベラ・シドニー間鉄道 Railways connecting Canberra and Sydney, Australia
 ゴールドコースト・ライトレール Gold Coast Light-Rail

 成田空港・東京間鉄道 Narita Airport-City Rail Service
 東北新幹線・はやぶさ Japanese high-speed train 'Hayabusa'
 秋田新幹線・スパーコマチ Japanese high-speed train 'Super-Komachi'

 Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world

パリ鉄道ターミナル Paris Rail Terminal





リヨンへと向かった。 それから40年。TGVのネットワークはフランス国内だけでなく近隣国へも乗り入れ、欧州を


(L) TGV1981 (M) Smoking vehicle was abolished in 2004.
(R) マクロン大統領が披露した「TGV M」は高速化を狙うのではなく、エネルギー効率の拡大を目指す
Picture source: NHK BS October 1 2021

TGV at 40: The new version of the iconic high-speed train is launching into an era of global rivalry.

Almost 40 years to the day since the first TGV rolled into service from Paris' Gare de Lyon, the new
generation of France's iconic high-speed train was unveiled by President Emmanuel Macron on September
17, 2021. Its fortieth anniversary and the arrival of the TGV M come as the race to produce the best
high-speed railway heats up around the world. The first engine of the new train, which will not officially
enter service until 2024 in time for the Paris Olympic Games, was first presented at a press conference
on May 26 at the Belfort factory in eastern France. Compared to the previous versions, the stylistic
evolution is obvious. The front of the train is somewhat reminiscent of the Japanese Shinkansen.

高速鉄道網建設 高速鉄道網建設高速鉄道網建設 高速鉄道網建設   Market Booms for new High-speed Trains

Paris 2011

Railway tracks in Lyon, France
Railway tracks between two major stations in Lyon.
"Railways around Gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu
ICE leaving from Freiburg Station, Deutche Bahn
SNCF train is now leaving Gare de Lyon-Part-Dieu, France.
An express train rode from Lyon to Strasbourg, France
As principal, all French train runs left rail of double tracks.
A high-speed SNCF train from Lyon to Strasbourg
A SNCF train is now almost arrived at Gare de Strasbourg.
A single-track line between Lyon and Strasbourg

France, Germany and Switzerland
Paris 2011 Mont Saint-Michel Marseille Nice Monaco Lyon Strasbourg Freiburg Basel
Berlin  Paris Rail Terminals 2008-2010 Paris Metro, Train and Tram
Railway Travel in Europe 2011 Smoking restrictions in France, Germany and Switzerland

2011年5月写真撮影 2011年7月執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in May, and the article was written in June 2011,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2011 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

Mont Saint-Michel

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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