Smoking restriction in hotels in Hawaii

Honolulu is the capital of and the most populous in the state of Hawaii. Although Honolulu refers to the
urban area on the southeastern shore of the island of Oahu, the city and the county are consolidated,
known as the City and County of Honolulu, and the city and county are designated as the entire island.

A downtown Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii

Waikiki Beach
Waikiki Beach is perhaps the world's most famous and most filmed beach. It actually consists of nine
individually named beaches stretching along the two miles from Kahanamoku Beach near the Hilton
Hawaiian Village to the Outrigger Canoe Club Beach near the foot of Diamond Head. The beach today
is almost entirely artificial, as new sand has been added to control erosion.

Royal Hawaiian Hotel shows the sign plate of 'Smoking in this area is prohibited by law.' in various places. The number
of total guest rooms is 528. Smoking floor locates on the top floor of six-story's Historic Wing,and 10th to 15th and
17th floor of the Royal Tower. The rates of smoking rooms are between 30% and 40%. However, this numerical answer
by a receptionist was soon withdrawn, saying it is 20% or less, perhaps because of Hawaian smoke-free act. Anyway,
if you want a room with a nice view, you have to stay in a smoking guest room, in some cases.

(L) A smoking ban sign board in the wall of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.
(R) The view from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel is the representative of Waikiki Beach and the Diamond Head all the time.

Waikiki's Pacific Beach Hotel provides smoking rooms on the 7th to 10th floor, 19th to 22nd, 30th and 31st floor of
the 38-story's Oceanarium Tower. The approximate rate of smoking rooms is about 10 percent of the total guest rooms.

(L)The Waikiki Beach viewed from the Pacific Beach Hotel. (R) A sign plate of the non-smoking floor, Pacific Beach Hotel..
Most of the sign plate is written in English and Japanese.

Sheraton Waikiki Hotel has a total of 1852 guest rooms. Smoking rooms are located from the 25th to 30th floor
of the 31st story's building. The rate of smoking room to total is about 20%.

(L) The entrance approach of Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. We can see a large limousine at Waikiki, Honolulu..
(R) A lobby sign board shows that 'Smoking is prohibited by law', at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Waikiki.
The notice is written in English and Japanese.

Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel, Waikiki has a total of 1152 guest rooms. The 104 smoking rooms are distributed
on the seven floors. Three floors are located at Kaiulani Wing, one floor at Princess Wing, three floors at the Tower.
The rate of smoking rooms is about nine percent of the total. Many hotel users are smoking around the stand ashtray
set nearby the hotel entrance.

(L) The exterior of Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel, Waikiki
(R) A stand cigarette butte receptor provided by Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel.

A sign plate on the wall of Sheraton Moana Surfrider.
A total smoking ban is applied to the whole inside area in the hotel.

Sheraton Moana Surfrider hotel, Oahu is a smoke-free hotel. No smoking is allowed in a guest room.

(L) No smoking sign plate near the entrance to Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach.
(R) A stand cigarette butt receptacle at the entrance/exit of the shops of Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa.

(L) A stand cigarette butte receptor provided by Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel.
(R) A nonsmoking mark beside the bench seat at the entrance to Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa.

Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach faced on the Kalakaua Avenue has the 1230
guestrooms. All rooms are smokefree. However, hotel guests may smoke at a balcony limited to
the 11 floorsof this hotel. It consists about 20 to 30 % of the whole building. No smoking is
allowed at the main entrance to the hotel. Although, at the two entrance to the shopping arcade,
there is a stand ashtray,and almost always, there is a smoker around that place.

Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort Spa is a smoke-free hotel. No one can smoke inside.
The only place a hotel guest can smoke is the outside poolside.

  Total Smoking Ban at Sheraton and Marriott Hotels in North America  

 Photography: Hawaii 2007

The city center of Waikiki Beach
(L) No smoking sign plate near the entrance to Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach.
(R) A stand cigarette butt receptacle at the entrance/exit of the shops of Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa.

Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa, Waikiki Beach faced on the Kalakaua Avenue has the 1230
guestrooms. All rooms are smokefree. However, hotel guests may smoke at a balcony limited to
the 11 floorsof this hotel. It consists about 20 to 30 % of the whole building. No smoking is allowed
at the main entrance to the hotel. Although, at the two entrance to the shopping arcade, there is
a stand ashtray, and almost always, there is a smoker around that place.

(L) A night view of the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort Spa, which enforces a total smoking ban inside of the hotel.
(R) A sign board stating this is a smoke free resort. It says that 'This is a smoke Free Resort 'Smoking allowed
on the Kealohilani Tower Pool Deck only'.
下の日本語表示 (おタバコでなく、タバコとすべきであろう)
Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort Spa is a smoke-free hotel. No one can smoke inside.
The only place a hotel guest can smoke is the outside poolside.

 オアフ島ホテル喫煙規制 オアフ島の観光客は日本人が圧倒的に多い。しかもそのほとんど団体客だ。

オアフ島ワイキキ、シェラトン・モアナ・サーフライダー・ホテルは1901年創立され、“First lady of Waikiki”,と

標識を要所要所に掲示している。528のゲストルームのうち、6階建てのHistoric Wing の最上階が喫煙フロア、
17階建てRoyal Tower の10階〜15階、17階を喫煙フロアに当てている。喫煙ルームの全客室への割合を聞くと、

Avenue に面した高級レゾートホテルである。1230室、全客室が禁煙である。ただし、11フロアの客室バルコニー


ワイキキのパシフィックビーチホテルには38階の Oceanarium Towerと17階のBeach Tower がある。喫煙


7フロア、104室が喫煙ルームとなっている。内訳はKaiulani wing 3フロア, Princess Wing 1フロア、Tower
灰皿が設けられ、日本人などの多数の観光客がかたまってタバコを吸っていたが、「Smoke-free State」を

と勘違いし、押しこらえていた感情を爆発させた。禁煙は・・「It's law」、「It's law」、「It's law」、と3回、
2006年年1月にハワイは健康社会を目指し「Smoke-Free State 」を宣言したことなどを立て続けに語った。

Smoking Ban in Hotels at Big Island of Hawaii

All hotel rooms of 1240 are smoke-free at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. The only place at which smoking is allowed is
a balcony on the top floor of the Ocean Tower. There are three designated places for smoking in a garden of the hotel.

The smoking guest rooms are located on the top floor but smoking inside is prohibited.
At the balcony is the only place a hotel guest can smoke.
Oriental smokers, perhaps Japanese, are smoking at the forbidden area of the hotel without hesitation.
(左)ハワイ島 Hilton Waikoloa Village 最上階ゲストルーム・バルコニーの灰皿

 マウイ島ホテル喫煙規制 ハワイ島の西北西に位置するマウイ島は気候が温暖で、カアナパリ


歩行者が受動喫煙の被害に遭うことがある。バレ-(ト) パーキングならともかく、セルフパーキングの

(L) An information board is placed on the desk of Sheraton Maui Resort. It says the fine is $200 in case of violation.
(R) No smoking sign pasted on the room key at the Sheraton Maui Resort.

A black sand beach

Big Isle Council approved smoking bans in beach parks.

In April 2008, the Hawaii County Council voted to approve a ban on smoking at Big Island beach
parks and recreational facilities. In addition to parks and beaches, the measure would also ban
smoking at the municipal golf course. Two beaches in Hawaii are currently smoke-free; this is
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve of Oahu Island and Kahaluu Beach Park of Big Island. This bill is
the first countywide initiative in the state.

Hilo Councilman J Yoshimoto, who introduced the island wide ban, said the measure would improve
health and the quality of life on the Big Island. He also said he was most concerned about protecting
children's health, setting a positive example and preventing cigarette butt litter. Nosia Shammy,
a Kealakehe IntermediateSchool fifth-grader, said she worries about people and the environment.

"I'm not here to tell adults what not to do, but to let them know that we care about what happens
if everyone chooses to smoke," she said. "Can you imagine what it would be like if adults could
smoke wherever they liked? That would be so unhealthy. "We're trying to get smoke-free beaches
all across the state," she said. "We hope this will lead the way for other counties to take the same
Source: March 13, 2008 Star Bulletin

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on the on-the-spot investigation.

Smokefree Hotels in Japan

Arrival to Hawaii Airports in Hawaii Shopping malls Restaurant and cafe Kauai Island  Maui Island
Hotels of Island of Maui  Island of Hawaii  Oahu Island  Smoking ban in the states of Hawaii
smoking ban in hotels in Hawaii Tobacco sales Smoking Travellers

2007年3月写真撮影 2007年4月執筆 2009年10月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯

The photographs were taken in March, and the article was written in April2007,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Smokers in the islands of Hawaii


Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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