United States smoking ban
The 50th-Year Trip to Seattle

Seattle 1962-2012

Space Needle at the 50th anniversary

Seattle World's Fair

The Century-21 Exposition, also known as the 'Seattle World's Fair' was held from April to October 1962
in Seattle. Nearly 10 million people attended the fair.Unlike some other World's fairs of its era, Century-21
made a profit. As planned, the exposition left behind fairground and numerous public buildings and public
works; some credit it, with revitalizing Seattle's economic and cultural life. The fair saw the construction
of Space Needle and monorail, as well as several sports venues and performing arts buildings.

(L) A commemorative postage stamp 1962 (M) Monorail is cerebrating 50 golden years, 1962-2012
(R) A round-trip ticket of the Seattle's Monrail

(L) The entrance to monorail station (R) Westlake downtown terminal and a monorail train

(L) Monorail tracks with the Space Needle visible, in the distance.
(M) The monorail passes through the EMP ( Experience Music Project ) building.
(R) The Space Needle terminal station

Monorail trucks at Seattle in the evening

Seattle skyline, which is viewed from the Space Needle, photographed in June 2012.

(L) A ticket of the monorail in Seattle (R) The monorail train departs from the third floor of Westlake Center Mall.

The 'Seattle World's Fair' was held from April to October 1962 in Seattle. The writer attended to this historical
event in July 1962. I was drawn to the stage of the venue, and participated in the demonstration of the newly
developed fax to send a compressed image to others, writing the content in Japanesee. When the message
was transmitted to the other side, a storm of the applause has broken out. It was a feeling that I want to bury
my head in shame. Since then, exactly, fifty years has passed.



Downtown Seattle: Smith Tower and Columbia Tower Club

A Carriage tour in the street of Seattle, $25 for a 15-minute ride.

(L) Bank of America Fifth Avenue Plaza (R) Interstate expressway 5, for the direction to Tacoma and Portland

(L) Vancouver, Canada is only three hours driving distance from Seattle. However, it may take extra one hour to arrive there.
(R) Sea port of Seattle is the ninth largest US seaport in terms of dollar value.
Cruise passengers were beyond 800,00 per annum, mainly for the 7-day Alaska cruise.

No smoking is allowed in a public indoor space. However, Washington-state senators have approved a plan
that would allow cigar and pipe smoking at a limited number of establishments. The plan would permit up
to 100 cigar lounges and500 retail tobacco shops to allow smoking. Cigarettes would still be banned.

Source: The Seattle Times, May 17, 2011

(L) A policeman on bicycle (R) A tobacco shop at downtown, Seattle

Indoor and outdoor smoking ban in Seattle

(L) Lonely smokers on a Seattle's street (R) No-smoking notice posted in the city of Seattle

University of Washington Medical Center

University of Washington Medical Center is one of the nations leading academic medical centers, which
provides highly specialized in medical care in areas such as cardiology, high-risk pregnancy and neonatal
intensive care, oncology, orthopedics and organ transplantation. Patients travel from across Washington,
Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho for these specialized services.

Harborview Medical Center is one of the leading hospitals, and provides highly specialized services such
as trauma and burn care, as well as neurosurgery, eye care, vascular, rehabilitation,

(L) Emergency Room, Harborview Medical Center (R) The hospital is easily accessible by Interstate 5.

(L) No pet and smoking in the Harborview Medical Venter (M) A floor directory of hospital (R) A lounge of Medical Center

(L) A various clinic is open for a patient at each floor. (R) Exterior of the Harborview Medical Venter

Harborview Medical Venter is a non-smoking campus.

 US West Coast and National Parks 2012

Seattle, US National Parks and San Francisco

Seattle 01 Seattle 02 Amtrak to Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Grand Teton National Parks
Yellowstone National Park 01 Yellowstone National Park 02 Smoking ban in National Parks San Francisco 01
San Francisco 02 Hotels in San Francisco UCSF Medical Center
Smoking control in Midwestern US and at San Francisco

シアトル1962-2012・・ シアトル50年目の旅
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This web site is link-free.
The article was written in July 2012. All photographs, except for Sea port of Seattle, were taken
in June 2012, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

United States smoking ban
Empire Builder-Railway Trip to Glacier National Parks

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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