US smoking ban
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
イエローストーン国立公園 (続)

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Terrace Mountain at Mammoth Hot Springs is the largest known carbonate-depositing spring in the world. The most
famous feature at the springs is the Minerva Terrace, a series of travertine terraces. The terraces have been deposited
by the spring over many years but, due to recent minor earthquake activity, the spring vent has shifted, rendering
the terraces dry.

Bull Elk in Yellowstone National Park

Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel

Restaurant and cafeteria of the Mammoth Hot Springs

A dinning room of the restaurant of Mammoth Hot Springs serves a broad selection of a menu. It is decorated with colorful flowers.
The steak served was tender and very delicious.

A group of elks appeared over the area of Mammoth Hot Springs hotel just before dusk.

(L) Elk, Bison and patrol car, that is in surveillance of wild animals in hotel and restaurant area, Mammoth Hot Springs.

(L) Many elks and a bison are eating grass in the early morning near the restaurants of a hotel.
(R) Hot springs terraces were much more dry than the earlier time, e.g., in that of 1962.

(L) Dying Minerva Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park
(R) Hot springs terraces with an active steam

Hot springs terraces with an active steam:
All terraces in Mammoth are almost dying due to the changes in groundwater level fluctuation in the adjacent region.

Active hot springs terraces were observed at the time of 1960s:
This photography was taken by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto in the summer of

(L) Mommoth village viewed from the lower terrace area (R) Dried terrace at Mammoth, Yellowstone National Park

(L)A hot spring steaming at Mammoth, Yellowstone National Park
(M) A film camera is still on sale at a local store of Mammoth
(R) All gas stations in the National Parks are self-service.
Average price for gasoline is 75 to 80 yen per liter, slightly differ from place to place.

Golden gate canyon and Golden gate bridge of Yellowstone, 2012

(L) Widening of the Golden Gate viaduct, Yellowstone National Park, 1933
(R) Rustic Falls is located at the entrance to Golden Gate Canyon

The name comes from the color of the rocks, some of which is due to native lichens. Golden Gate Canyon was
named in 1883-84 when the first stagecoach road was built through it. It was most likely named by someone
on the construction crew or by an early tour operator. The bridge was originally built in 1885 of wood. The first
concrete bridge was built in 1901, widened in 1934, and totally rebuilt in 1977.

Roaring Mountain and a fumarole, an opening in a planet's crust, in Yellowstone National Park

(L) A river along the Grand Loop Road, north to Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
(R) A warning sign plate saying ' Do not approach wildlife.'

A bison is observed in a meadow near Twin Lakes.

(L) A guide map of Norris Geyser Basin (R) A bison in Yellowstone National Park

Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone

Norris Geyser Basin

Steamboat Geyser at Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park

Steamboat-Geyser eruptions occur at irregular intervals with a powerful jet of steam.

Fire Hole Falls, viewed from the Fire Hole Canyon Road, south of Madison, Yellowstone National Park.

Sapphire Pool in Yellowstone National Park
A temperature 94°C., dimensions, 5.5 m x 9.1 meter
Sapphire Pool, named for its blue, crystal-clear water and for its resemblance to an Oriental sapphire, was once a placid hot pool.
It was not there, until after the 1959 earthquake that major eruptions occurred.

Sapphire Pool, Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park

Crested Pool

Crested Pool is a hot spring in the Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. The spring is 42 12.8 m
deep. It is named for the "crest" which surrounds the pool. Although it is considered a spring, Crested Pool
sometimes erupts like a geyser.

Castle Geyser is in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park. It is noted for the particularly
large geyserite sinter deposits. They have been likened in appearance to a castle.

(L) Firehole River and Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
(R) Siliceous sinter geyser basin: Old-faithful Village is viewed, in the distance.

Sawmill Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park

Eruptions of the Sawmill Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin
It erupts up to 11 m height, every one-to-three hour interval, sprinkling water over the trail:
However, the water is not felt hot to us.

(L) Solitary Geyser is a fountain-type geyser in Yellowstone National Park, located above the Upper Geyser Basin.
Eruptions last about a minute and are four to eight minutes apart; most eruptions are less than 2 m in height.
(R) Ear Spring, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park

(L) Solitary Geyser with a meter high (M) Burbling Aurum Geyser (R) Grand Gyser, Yellowstone National Park

Beehive Geyser, heart pool

Scalloped Spring, Upper Old Faithful Basin, Yellowstone National Park

The Old Faithful Inn is a hotel in Yellowstone National Park. The building features a multi-story log lobby,
flanked by long frame wings containing guest rooms. The inn is a prime example of the "Golden Age" of
rustic resort architecture, that harmonized with their natural environment. It is also unique in that it is one
of the few log hotels still standing in the United States. Besides of the Inn, there are Old Faithful Lodge and
Old Faithful Snow Lodge, which is open during the winter season, at a different location.

The main building and the entrance of the Old Faithful Inn

Old Faithful Inn is the prime example of rustic resort architecture.

(L) East Wing section of the Old Faithful Inn: The guest rooms are faced to the Old Faithful Geyser.
(R) Exterior of the Old House section of Old Faithful Inn

(L) Old Faithful Snow Lodge, the only accommodation open during the winter.
(M) A cafeteria of the Old Faithful Lodge (R) A new section of the dinning room of the Old Faithful Inn

(L) Glass etchings, Old Faithful Inn dining room and Bear Pit bar
(R) A clinic building at the Old Faithful Village

Old Faithful Inn: It hoisted national flags on the roof and in a lobby, in which a piano was playing.

(L) Interior of Old Faithful Inn (M) A lobby of the Old faithful Lodge Cabins (R) The souvenir shop of Old Faithful Inn on the first floor

(L) A display plate that shows the predicted time of next eruption. (M) A guide plate of the Old Faithful Geyser
(R) Old Faithful Geyser 1948

(L) Historical poster of Yellowstone created in 1938 (R) Old Faithful Geyser at sunrise

Old Faithful Geyser in the early morning

(L) A signboard of Observation Point
(R) Old Faithful Geyser viewed from the hill behind: This was photographed in
1962 by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto.
Please observe that we can find a few facilities other than the main building section of Old Faithful Inn at that time.

Old Faithful Geyser eruption and many watchers: It was photographed from the observation point in June 2012.

Old Faithful Geyser 2012

Old Faithful Geyser eruption occurs, with an interval of 45 to 125 minutes. This geyser is located at 2245 m above sea level.

(L) Many geyser-watchers sit and wait around the site, expecting a higher eruption to the sky.
(R) Old Faithful Geyser eruption before the sunset

Old Faithful Geyser eruption at the maximum power

Beehive Geyser is a geyser in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park. The 1.2 m tall cone
resembles a beehive. Beehive's indicator is a small, jagged cone-type geyser located about 3.0 m from
Beehive. Eruptions of Beehive Geyser last about five minutes and reaches 61 m high. The fountain
maintains its full height for the duration of the eruption, dropping just slightly near to the end. The interval
between the geyser eruptions ranges from eight to 24 hours during the summer.

Beehive eruption is a geyser in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park.

(L) Old Faithful Geyser before sunset (R) Old Faithful Geyser at sunset

Old Faithful Geyser at sunset

The driving distance from Jackson Hole to Jackson Hole, Milage recorders for a vehicle, was 435km.

From and To The Jackson Hole International Airport

The Jackson Hole Airport is located at the base of the spectacular Teton mountain range. It is located entirely
within Grand Teton National Park. It has come the third in a global pollof the world favorite-scenic airport
landings, by the private jet-hire-booking network. The security-check for air passengers is very severe at this
airport. No-smoking sign was found inside of Jackson Hole Airport. However, a frequent announcement was
conducted to prohibit smoking in the airport terminal.

(L) Delta Air freight at Jackson Hole International Airport.
(R) A check-in counter and a lobby of the terminal building

A picture panel is displayed on the wall of the airport, which shows a nature and an animal in the Grand Teton National Park.

Delta Airline freight from Jackson Hole International Airport for Salt Lake
San Francisco-Salt Lake direct flight was augmented from July 2012.

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey

The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on the on-the-spot investigation.

  US West Coast and National Parks 2012
Yellowstone National Park 2012
Old Faithful Geyser 2012 Edited in 2024

United States Grand Teton National Park
United States Smoking restriction within US National Parks
United States A smoking control in Midwestrn US and at San Francisco




Midwestern US and at San Francisco
Seattle 01 Seattle 02 Amtrak to Glacier National Park Glacier National Park
Grand Teton National Parks Yellowstone National Park 01 Yellowstone National Park 02
Smoking ban in National Parks San Francisco 01 San Francisco 02 Hotels in San Francisco
UCSF Medical Center Smoking control in Midwestern US and at San Francisco

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
All photographs were taken in June 2012, and, the article was written in July 2012,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright(C) 2012 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

United States smoking ban
San Francisco/Oakland
Airport and Railway

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
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