Shanghai, China

Shanghai is the largest city by population in the People's Republic of
China. Shanghai is a global city and is the
commercial and financial center of mainland of China.

A residential complex for common people in Shanghai

A residential complex for common people in Shanghai

A residential complex for common people in Shanghai

(L) Shanghai Theatre Academy is a public university in Shanghai, dedicated
to dramatic art education.
(R) Europen-style condominium in Shanghai

(L) An outdoor unit of air conditioner is placed within a pedestrian-walk
(R) This shows a hospital in Bund area, which accept an emergency case.

(L) No-smoking sign of hospitals in Shanghai
(R) Hua Dong Hospital, Shanghai

(L) The front view of the Hua Dong Hospital, Shanghai (R) The waiting room
of Hua Dong Hospital:
No patients put the mask on the face to prevent the highly pathogenic avian
influenza, which caused 36 deaths
in Shanghai and other cities.

The 790-bed hospital in Shanghai: This was one of the two hospitals, which
treats a foreign patient before 2003.
It is well-known that Jiang Zemin, who was the former General Secretary
of the Communist Party of China had a treatment
in this hospital. He did not trust a hospital in Beijing.

(L) The doctors of the special clinic, Shanghai Prenatal Diagnosis Center
(R) The entrance to the Shanghai Prenatal Diagnosis Center
(L) Information and laboratory building (R) Emergency entrance to the hospital

A public mail box, telephone stand and Kiosk on the pedestrian walk

There is a traffic rule in Shanghai. However, a few people violate the
rule. When you are crossing
a pedestrian crossing, you have to be very careful about the nearby vehicles.
You have to yield the way
to a car making a turn to the left or right. This is a traffic rule in
Shaghai. Sometimes, a car driving
to straight direction dashes into a pedestrian crossing, with or without
a horn. This is clearly illegal
in Shanghai. However, it is rather rare to arrest a driver here. China
lacks enforcement of legislation
in this problem as well.Shanghai's road is noisy. Many cars blow their
horn, to the front car away.
This is noexception even in front of a hospital.
The toilets in the airports, hotels, big restaurants and major tourist
attractions tend to be clean as well
as most hotels also have toilet paper in their cubicles. However,the public
toilets on the streets and in
normal living-quarters are often very smelly and dirty, with lack of privacy,
and normally have no toilet
paper available. The writersaw a mother let her child to urinate on the
sidewalk. A man also passed
water in a space between buildings.
A receptionist in hotels and in first-class restaurants may understand
English.However, no railway-station
clerk, except at the International Airport, can assimilate English at all.
Almost all pedestrian walking on
a street cannot grasp a foreign language.Shanghai Municipality office is
aware of the status of a global
city, and decorating Bund and other principal area with a flower, and cleaning
a street at a regular
intervalby a city staff.

Chinese's currency: one Chinese yuan = 0.162 U.S. dollars or 0.127 euros
( May 2013 )
Shanghai in 2013
Shanghai 2013 Shanghai Hotels Sahghai Railways Shanghai Life
China in 2019
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Summer Palace in Beijing Beijing Restaurants High-speed train in China Hotels in Nanjing and Shanghai
Metro in Nanjing and Shanghai Cities of Nanjing and Shanghai A fast-growing nation, China
Smoking ban in China in 2019 Departure from Shanghai Airport
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★This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written and photograph was taken in May 2013,
and last revised in June Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2013 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.