Metro in Nanjing and Shanghai

Metro in Nanjing 南京地鉄

The Nanjing Metro is a rapid transit system serving the urban and suburban districts of Nanjing.
The system has ten lines and 159 stations running on 393km of track. The total length of the system ranks
fourth in China, after Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.
In 2017, the metro system carried a total of 977.4 million annual riders.

玄武門駅 Xuanwumen

(L) Inside the metro car (R) A platform of Gulou station 鼓楼駅 

鼓楼駅 Gulou Station

Gulou Station

Metro in Shanghai  

The Shanghai Metro system is the world's largest rapid transit system by route length. Opening in 1993
with full-scale construction extending back to 1986, the Shanghai Metro is the third-oldest underground
transit system in mainland China, after the Beijing Subway and the Tianjin Metro.

The East Nanjing Road subway station 南京東路駅 Line 2 and 10

上海軌道交通: もとの正式名称は「上海地下鉄」、「上海地鉄」であったが、5号線は全期間、3号線は鉄力路駅付近を
いる。 2号線は観光客にもよく利用されており、上海浦東空港から上海虹橋空港までの60Kmをつないでいる。一部路線は

Shangha Maglev train

Shanghai Maglev Train:Max speed 301Km/H

Shanghai Transrapid magnetic levitation train line that operates in Shanghai. The line is the third commercially
operated magnetic levitation line in history, after the British Birmingham Maglev and the German M-Bahn.
It was the fastest commercial electric train in the world until 2015; however, it is not so, since in many countries,
high-speed railway trains became in active service, including that of China. In Japan, Tohoku-Shinkansen line
runs at maximum seed of 320 Km/H. at a regular schedule.

上海トランスラピッド、上海マグレブトレイン(上海磁浮示範運營線) は上海浦東国際空港に連絡する、磁気浮上式鉄道
(常電導リニア) の交通機関。建設は2001年に開始され、2004年に商業運行を開始した。この列車の最高商業運転速度は
305km/Hを出しており、日本の東北新幹線は320Km/Hで 走行していることを考えると、通常時間帯内では世界最速ではない。 
運行距距離、30.5Km、 利用料金、片道50元、VIP席100元

China in 2019
Arrival to Beijing Airport High-grade Hotels in Beijing Great Wall in China Forbidden City in Beijing
Jingshan Park and Temple of Heaven, Beijing Summer Palace in Beijing Beijing Restaurants
High-speed train in China Hotels in Nanjing and Shanghai Metro in Nanjing and Shanghai
Cities of Nanjing and Shanghai A fast-growing nation, China Smoking ban in China in 2019
Departure from Shanghai Airport

Shanghai in 2013
Shanghai's Smoking Ban Smoking Ban in Restaurant looks hazy Smoking Ban in Restaurant appeared to fail.
Suzhou Shanghai Shanghai Hotels Shanghai Railways Shanghai Life Smoking in Shanghai in 2013

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written and photograph was taken in May 2019, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

Copyright (C) 2019 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

The Cities of Nanjing and Shanghai

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

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Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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