Smoking ban reduced medical cost up to $86billion in California.

Nature in California

The common use of the name "sequoia" generally refers to sequoiadendron, which occurs naturally only
in the various groves that exist on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California.

(L) Closepin tree in the Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park
(M) General Sherman, is the largest tree in the world. The top of the giant sequoia reaches to a high of 83.8m.
The tree is believed to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old, and is located in the area of Giant Forest
of Sequoia National Park.
(R) Redwood National Park, California

Active flame front of the Zaca Fire, the second largest fire on record in California,
which was started in early July and almost ended in late August 2007.

Smoking ban reduced medical cost up to $86billion in California.

University of California researchers has shown California's tobacco control program managed to reduce
medical costs by about 86 billion dollars (roughly 9 trillion yen) over a 15-year period. During this period,
the state invested 1.8 billion dollars in the control program, indicating the return from the investment
was about 50-fold.The research team compared California's medical expense and other factors with those of
38 other states that had not implemented comprehensive tobacco control programs prior to 2000. It found
that the number of patients with heart disease, lung cancer and other ailments dropped, and the spending
for a health care in 2004 was about 7.3 percent below the figure recorded in 1989, saving roughly 86
billion dollars.
Source: The Mainich Daily News, September13, 2008

NHK reported on TV that the state of California saved the 1.8 billion dollars medical expenditure brought by a smoke-free ordinance.



資料引用  2008年9月12日付毎日新聞

United States UCSF Medical Center 2012
  California senate approved smoking ban for apartments.

Total Smoking Ban in USA

smorking ban New Jersey  New Jersey
smorking ban Illinois USA Illinois
smorking ban California USA California
smorking ban Beverly Hills California Beverly Hills, California 
smorking ban condominium Condominium of California
smorking ban Washington state State of Washington
smorking ban Oregon USA Oregon  
smorking ban Montana USA Montana
smorking ban Colorado USA Colorado
smorking ban Arizona USA Arizona 
smorking ban Maine USA Maine
smorking ban Vermont USA Vermont 
smorking ban Massachusetts Massachusetts state.
smorking ban New York New York 
smorking ban Maryland USA Maryland 
smorking ban Washington DC Washington,D.C.
smorking ban Virginia USA Virginia
smorking ban Minnesota USA Minnesota 
smorking ban Delaware USA Delaware 
smorking ban Ohio USA Ohio 
smorking ban Iowa USA Iowa 
smorking ban Utah USA Utah 
smorking ban Rhode Island Rhode Island 
smorking ban Nevada USA Nevada 
smorking ban Michigan USA Michigan 
smorking ban Wisconsin USA Wisconsin


2008年9月執筆 2009年11月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
The articles were written in September 2008, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

Beverly Hills banned all outdoor dining areas.

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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