![]() Smoking Ban in Apartments 賃貸住宅喫煙規制 |
(L) Long Beach, California (R) Golden Gate Bridge viewed from underneath, San Francisco, California
California Senate approves smoking ban for apartments.
The California senate has passed a proposal to ban smoking in apartments. Anti-smoking act will
allow the landlords to prohibit smoking in their apartment buildings to protect non-smoking
tenants from second hand smoke.However, the news report did not disclose what punishment
would be meted out in case of violation.
The measure will strengthen previous anti-smoking measures that bar Californians lighting up
in many public places, including playgrounds, concert halls, restaurants, offices and some beaches.
The California Apartment Association, which represents about 50,000 property owners, supports
the smoking ban. The Western Center on Law and Poverty (WCLP), an NGO working among
low-income Californians, argued that the proposal discriminates against the poor, the disabled
and people of color, who smoke and rent at higher rates than other segments of the population.
Source: Los Angeles Times, May 31,2008
Honolulu, Hawaii
Smoking ban in apartments and condominiums came in sight in Hawaii.
Now anti-smoking forces in Hawaii are setting their sights on apartments and condos. The Coalition
for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii hopes to convince owners of residential rental and condominium buildings
to prohibit smoking inside a private living area. The nonprofit group argues second-hand smoke
emanating from the privacy of one unit may affect others when people live in close quarters. As
laws like this become the norm, I think people are going to start thinking about how, about where
we live," said H. Lee, University of Hawaii speech professor. The state has already banned smoking
in restaurants, bars and within 20 feet of the entrances or windows of smoke-free buildings.
Source: The Honolulu Advertiser.
Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. Photographed in August 1962 by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto.
Agencies ban smoking in Oregon.
The North Bend City and Coos-Curry Housing Authorities have adopted the policy to ban smoking
in the apartments and buildings they own. It will go into effect March 2010. The Woodland Apartments
Preservation and Powers Housing Development adopted the policy to prohibit smoking in the houses
for rent in October 2009. They will not be allowed to smoke inside the units or other buildings owned
by the agencies. However, residents will be allowed to smoke outside their units 10 feet from
the doors of neighbors.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published a notice in July, 2009, strongly
encouraging housing authorities adopt the policies to prohibit smoking inside. The purpose of this
ordinance is to protect staff from second-hand smoke while working in the units and to reduce costs
of preparing vacant units for leasing.
In the state of Oregon, the landlords have already banned smoking in about 40 percent of their rental units.
Source: Portland Press Herald and others.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Utah’s Smoke-free Apartment and Condominium
Apartment and condominium residents, managers, and owners can now breathe easier. The Utah
Smoke-Free Apartment and Condominium Guide, an online resource, promotes smoke-free housing
in Utah. Nationally, 50,000 people die each year as consequent on secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure.
Additionally, hundreds of thousands of people exposed to it suffer various other illnesses, such as
asthma and bronchitis.
For condominium associations, smoking ban hits home
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, photographed in May 2008, by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto.
As smoking restrictions become increasingly widespread, smokers find the last place they can indulge
freely is at home. Perhaps not for long if that home is a condominium. Associations are passing their
own bans, and some include living units as well as common areas. The 1418 N. Lake Shore Drive
Condominium Association in Chicago, recently amended its declaration to prohibit smoking in the interior
inside the units.
The amendment was prompted by a desire to create a healthier environment for residents and their guests
at the 28-unit high-rise, which was built in 1981 in Chicago. The owners are very health-conscious in this
building, and smoking isn't healthy," she said. The association is seeking certification as a "green building"
under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating program of the U.S. Green Building
Council. The vote to adopt the no-smoking amendment was nearly unanimous. Smoke-free policies also
save money and lives by reducing cleaning and painting chores and by lowering the risk of fire. . There are
two ways to impose a restriction. One is to amend the association's declaration; the other is to pass a rule.
Reference: Chicago Tribune, October 01, 2010
Co-op & Condo Boards Consider Smoking Ban
It has become a hot-button real estate issue: many condos and co-ops considering a vote to ban smoking
in their buildings. Some say it is a health issue, while others say it is a violation of people's rights. However,
when your cigarette smoke goes into a neighbor's apartment, then you are smoking in your neighbor's
apartment, and your neighbor has a right to not have second-hand smoke taking place in their apartment.
If they cannot physically prevent the smoke from seeping into the units, in that situation, banning to put
cigarettes may be the best way to protect residents' health and the building. Many argue that it is not fair
for a building to tell people what they can do in their own homes. Nevertheless, tenants knew that before
they moved in. It affects the market value as it's not normative in the market. It can result in litigation,
which is costly to the building, and it makes potential purchasers suspect as to what other kinds of rules
might be passed that could infringe on their privacy. While a board has yet to pass a smoking ban, many
continue to discuss it.
Reference: May14, 2011, Jill Urban NY1 News
New Smoking Ban Proposal Targets Condos, Co-Ops
Some buildings don't want you to smoke in your own apartment.
At least half a dozen Manhattan condos and co-ops are considering a highly controversial measure that
would make it illegal for individuals to smoke in their own apartments. The co-op boards are expected
to raise the issue of smoke-free buildings before their shareholders at meetings this spring, reports Wall
Street Journal. More co-ops are considering putting the matter to vote. Such a proposal is in line
with the city's anti-smoking campaign, which has become increasingly aggressive over the years. It
banned smoking in restaurants, then extended the ban to parks, pedestrian plazas and public beaches.
The city has already banned smoking in public places in any building with at least 10 units, but most
privately owned residential buildings have thus far refrained from imposing an all-out smoking ban on
condo and co-op owners. Now, fueled in part by the city's efforts, fear of potential smoking-related
lawsuits and increasing concern about the effects of second-hand smoke, the long-standing rules may
be about to change. Despite the health benefits, some property owners aren't enthusiastic about the
no-smoking proposal. Some fear it could decrease their property value. Others, non-smokers included,
say such a rule would breach their constitutional right to privacy. Either way, such a hotly debated
proposal faces roadblocks. More than two-thirds of all shareholders have to vote to pass a proposal in
most co-ops, reports the Journal, and condos may call for at least a three-quarters majority vote to
enact the ban.
Reference: NBC NEW YORK, Mar 16, 2011
Increasingly, Smoking Indoors Is Forbidden at Public Housing.
Tenement buildings in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City
In January 2012, Maine will be the first state to ban smoking in public housing in the country, in which
all of its public housing authorities are smoke-free, affecting about 12,000 tenants, after the model of
Auburn Housing Authority ( HA ), Maine, which became the authority to prohibit smoking inside early
in 2004. Similar policies are being adopted with increasing frequency across the country as cities move
aggressively to restrict smoking in more public places, from bars and restaurants to parks, beaches and
vehicles. Boston will become the biggest city to ban smoking in its public housing in coming September,
which serves about 25,000 tenants. Detroit, San Antonio and Portland, Oregon, already have similar
restrictions in place. A smoking ban is largely a response to the risks posed to nonsmokers by secondhand
smoke. In addition, property managers say smokeless apartments are cheaper to clean, especially if there
is carpeting, and reduce the risk of fire.
Depending on who is asked, banning smoking in public housing is either an effective way to promote
healthier living, as many officials and nonsmokers contend, or a violation of individual liberties, as some
tenants argue. However, after several years of the ban, the objections have gained no legal traction.
Smokers are not perceived as protected classes, and civil liberties groups and legal aid societies say
they tend not to defend such cases. people. There are so many legitimate issues that landlords can raise.
Housing officials point out that they do not require tenants to quit, only to smoke outside, and they
often provide shelters for smokers. They also offer smoking-cessation programs, although they say
few people attend. Many smokers just violate the ban and hope they avoid getting caught, and are annoyed
when a neighbor reported him for smoking in his apartment. Smokers do not like to go outside, especially
at night, because they are afraid of getting mugged and there are no security cameras. Officials recognize
that a ban can be a burden for tenants, particularly because many are elderly or disabled. Secondhand
smoke is an overwhelming public policy issue. Officials at various housing authorities, including the federal
Department of Housing and Urban Development( HUD), say they hear far more complaints from nonsmokers
about their neighbors, who smoke than from smokers claiming the right to light up cigarette.
The federal housing department says it is planning to gather information next year on how various cities
have carried out their bans and will publish a report of best practices, in the hope of encouraging more HA
to enact their own. In Los Angeles, a spokeswoman said the HA was conducting a review and might consider
a ban. In New York City, a HA spokeswoman said it had in no position to enforce a ban. One hand,
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has been one of the most aggressive advocates of ridding smoke from public
spaces and clamping down on other health-related menaces like trans fats. A spokeswoman at the city
health department said officials were reviewing the experiences of other municipalities. The federal
department cited reports that secondhand smoke caused the deaths of 50,000 nonsmokers nationwide
each year. In 2006, it said, smoking was responsible for more than 18,000 apartment fires that resulted in
the deaths of 700 people, excluding firefighters, and caused almost $500 million in property damage.
It issued a second memorandum in September 2010 extending its recommendation to other types of housing
by a local government, which provides housing vouchers to low-income families. The New England Journal
of Medicine called for a complete smoking ban in any housing complex receiving public found. However, HUD
is not likely to require a ban nationwide anytime soon. The director of public housing programs for the agency,
said a mandate could result in evicting entire families, even if just one person smoked. Most housing
authorities have long waiting lists, she said, and evictions would increase homelessness, especially in a sour
economy. The experience in Maine suggests that evictions solely for smoking violations are unusual. A concern
shifted to fairness to nonsmokers, and the dispensation for smokers was revoked, prompting some to quit
the habit and some to move out. Still, questions of fairness persist because those below the poverty line tend
to smoke more than those above it. Studies show that, on average, 30 percent of people in public housing is
smokers, compared with 20 percent of the general population.
Reference: The New York Times December 17, 2011
Smoke-Free Environments Law Project
Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Tokyo
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Korea
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Macau
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Bangkok
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Hong Kong
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Vancouver
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Seattle
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at San Francisco
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Shanghai
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels at Nice
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Austria
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Germany
Non-smoking-room ratio in hotels in Switzerland
Total smoking Ban in hotels at Moscow, Russia
Total smoking Ban in hotels at Saint Pertersburg, Russia
Smoking ban in hotels of Canberra and Sydney
Smoking ban in hotels of Gold Coast
Smoke-free hotels in Japan
Smoke-free hotels in Tokyo
Smoke-free hotels in Kyoto and Nara, Japan
Total Smoking Ban in USA
New Jersey
Beverly Hills
Condominium of California
State of Washington
New York
Rhode Island
引用 2007年10月USA TODAY
引用 2008年5月 Yahoo! India News
Did You Know? The Utah Department of Health has a resource guide available for those interested in implementing
secondhand smoke policies inmultiple- dwelling units.
住宅でも高い受動喫煙リスク( 日本での取り組み)
資料引用 2008年3月8日付熊本日日新聞
完成は2009年1月。 マンションは敷地230平方メートルで3階建て3棟の物件で、来館者を含め全館禁煙とする。
資料引用 2008年9月17日付北陸中日新聞
引用:2010年12月27日 読売新聞
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
The report was written in December 2007 and added in December 2011, photographs used in part of this article
were taken in August 1962, by Junhaku Miyamoto, MD, PhD.
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.