

In the state of Utah, about 80 % of people live along the Wasatch Front, which area includes the cities of
Salt Lake City and Ogden. In contrast, vast expanses of the state are nearly uninhabited. The name of Utah
is derived from the Indian language, meaning ' people of the mountains'. Utah is known for being one of
the most religiously homogeneous states, which greatly influences Utah culture and daily life.

(L) Salt Lake City, the state capital of Utah, Elevation, 1288 m, Population, about 180,000 (R) Ogden City, Utah

  Bryce Canyon National Park ブライスキャニオン国立公園

Monument Valley モニュメントバレー
Arches National Park  アーチズ国立公園

(L) A natural amphitheater of the Bryce Canyon National Park
(M) A vehicle permit paper to enter the Bryce Canyon National Park
(R) A tower of the Sedimentary rock at the Bryce Canyon National Park
All three pictures were taken in September

Bryce Canyon National Park is located in southwestern Uta. Despite the name of Bryce Canyon, this is not
actually a canyon, but rather a giant natural amphitheater created by erosion.

(L) Erosion of sedimentary rocks has created natural arches at the Bryce Canyon National Park.
(R) Bryce Canyon Lodge built in 1925 from local materials

(L) Source: University of Texas Libraries
(R) Autumn-tinted Utah's mountains

Utah Clean Air Act

The Wasatch Range, which forms the mountain wall in the east of Salt Lake Valley urban area,
stretches mountains over for 260 kms at the Utah and Idaho border.

To make the air clear from smoking in Utah's bars and restaurants, Governor Huntsman signed an update
to the Utah Clean Air Act in March 2006. It will eventually make every bar, restaurant, private club and
fraternal organization, 'clean air zone'. All other bars, private clubs, and taverns will be smoke-free in 2009.

As President of the Coalition for Tobacco Free Utah, we recognize the significant harms of secondhand smoke.
It is a major cause of negative health effects in our country, and is not just a problem in enclosed facilities.
According to recent scientific studies, levels of tobacco smoke in outdoor public places can be as high as
those found in indoor facilities. The Surgeon General of the United States recently pointed out that there is
no safe level of ingestion of smoke and just five minutes exposure can cause negative health effects.

The passing of the ordinance banning smoking in public areas of Salt Lake City not only protect the health
of those who use the facilities, but also help eliminate the perception of young people that tobacco use is
normal, which will likely decrease the probability that they will ultimately take up smoking.
Source: KSL Television and Radio, Salt Lake City Utah.

Apartment and condominium residents, managers, and owners can now breathe easier. The Utah Smoke-
Free Apartment and Condominium Guide, an online resource, promotes the housing free from tobacco smoke,
in the State of Utah. Nationally, 50,000 people die each year as consequent on secondhand smoke (SHS)
exposure. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of people exposed to it suffer various other illnesses, such
as asthma and bronchitis.



ユタ州のレストラン、カフェ、バーは全面禁煙 すでに1995年にユタ州ではレストランでの喫煙を禁止していた。

Smoking Ban in the US International Airport

Total Smoking Ban in USA

smorking ban New Jersey  New Jersey 
smorking ban Illinois USA Illinois 
smorking ban California USA California
smorking ban Beverly Hills California Beverly Hills 
smorking ban condominium Condominium of California
smorking ban Washington state State of Washington
smorking ban Oregon USA Oregon  
smorking ban Montana USA Montana
smorking ban Colorado USA Colorado
smorking ban Arizona USA Arizona 
smorking ban Maine USA Maine
smorking ban Vermont USA Vermont 
smorking ban Massachusetts Massachusetts
smorking ban New York New York 
smorking ban Maryland USA Maryland 
smorking ban Washington DC Washington,D.C.
smorking ban Virginia USA Virginia
smorking ban Minnesota USA Minnesota 
smorking ban Delaware USA Delaware 
smorking ban Ohio USA Ohio 
smorking ban Iowa USA Iowa 
smorking ban Utah USA Utah 
smorking ban Rhode Island Rhode Island 
smorking ban Nevada USA Nevada 
smorking ban Michigan USA Michigan 
smorking ban Wisconsin USA Wisconsin

2008年12月執筆 2009年11月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in December 2008, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

smorking ban Wisconsin USA

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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