Saskatchewan, Canada


Saskatchewan is a prairie province in Canada, with an estimated population of about 1,000,000 in 2009,
which are mostly living in the southern half of the province. Of these, 234,000 live in the province's largest
city, Saskatoon, while 195.000 live in the provincial capital, Regina. Saskatchewan's economy is associated
with agriculture. However, oil and natural gas industries are also a very important part of Saskatchewan's
economy. Only Alberta exceeds the province in overall oil production. Average low temperature in Regina
is -21.6 in January, and high temperature is 25.7 centigrade in July.
Source: Wikipedia

(L) The location of Saskatchwan (R) A group of buffalos on the western plains

(L) Battle of Fish Creek in 1885 (M) Passengers boarding a train at Union Station in Regina, circa1915,
when trains were the principal means of transportation to and from Regina.
At present, Canadian Pacific Railway no longer operates passenger train services.
(R) The map shows railway routes served by VIA Rail Canada.

(L) An automobile pulled by horse during the Great Depression in the 1930's
(M) General Motors Factory, Regina 1928
(R)Old post office in the City of Regina

(L) Decorative storm reservoir and newer residential area (R) Government House in Regina

(L) Regina City Hall (R) Downtown Regina in winter

Smoking Ban in Saskatchewan, Canada

Saskatchewan banned smoking in public places in January 2005 and banned smoking in workplaces in May 2009.
The province reinstated'shower curtain law' (2005) requires shop owners to keep tobacco sales out of sight. There are
finesof up to $10 000 for violation of the Tobacco Control Act, which bans smoking in all public areas, indoor and outdoor,
including clubs for veterans.

Questions and Answers- Tobacco Control Act

Q. What is a public place?
The ban prohibits smoking in enclosed public places. "Enclosed public place" as defined
in the Act means "all or any part of a building or other enclosed public place or conveyance
to which the public has access as of right or by express or implied invitation and includes:
  • an outdoor bus shelter
  • a public building or facility
  • a vehicle that:
    *is used or made available for public transit or as a commercial vehicle; and
    *is used to transport members of the public; but only during any period that the vehicle
  • is made available for hire, including any break periods;
  • a building, enclosed place or facility owned or leased by a private club that restricts
  • admission to members and guests."

Some examples are: Bars, billiard halls, bingo halls, bowling centres, casinos, restaurants,
private clubs, retail stores and taxis.

Q. Why are municipalities being given jurisdiction to enact bylaws to
restrict smoking in outdoor places such as open air sports grounds, etc.?

Municipalities are showing leadership in the area of smoke-free public places, and this provides
them with the opportunity to go above and beyond the Act.

Providing municipalities with this authority enables them to pass bylaws that reflect the views
and interests of the local community.

Q. Why are private clubs among the smoke-free public places?

Our goal is to de-normalize smoking in Saskatchewan, to reduce the use of tobacco and to
improve the health of Saskatchewan residents.

Prohibiting smoking in private clubs provide a level playing field with other hospitality
establishments in our province and protect people from the hazards of second-hand smoke.

To allow smoking in private clubs could have a major negative impact on other bars and
restaurants subject to smoking restrictions.

Q. Why have you not included outdoor patios in the smoking ban?

The Tobacco Control Act does not include a ban on smoking on outdoor patios. However,
municipalities have the authority to enact bylaws to restrict smoking outside buildings,
including patios outside. In such an instance, the stricter law applies

Q. Will Designated Smoking Rooms be permitted in public places?

Designated Smoking Rooms are not allowed under The Tobacco Control Act in enclosed
public places.

We do not believe that designated rooms for smokers are an effective solution to the
problem of second-hand smoke in public establishments.

Designated smoking rooms do not support our goal to de-normalize smoking in Saskatchewan,
to reduce the use of tobacco and to improve the health of Saskatchewan residents.

Permitting designated smoking rooms creates an uneven playing field among public
establishments. Some owners may be able to afford to build them, while others may not.

Ventilation systems must be carefully maintained and can break down. The door to
the smoking rooms will have to be opened when people enter and exit the room,
allowing second-hand smoke to enter the rest of the establishment. When the designated
space becomes too smoky, their doors are sometimes left open, allowing toxic tobacco-smoke
to enter the rest of the establishment.

Source: Government of Saskatchewan



Provinces of Canada, including a smoking restriction

smorking ban bc canada BC, Canada
smorking ban alberta canada Alberta
smorking ban Saskatchewan Saskatchewan
smorking ban manitoba canada Manitoba
smorking ban ontario canada Ontario
smorking ban quebec canada Quebec
smorking ban new Brunswick New Brunswick
smorking ban nova scotia Nova Scotia

Smokefree British Columbia Smokefree Alberta  Trip to Canada 2011 Vancouver North Vancouver
Whistler Skytrain  VIA train Jasper Icefield and Bow Summit Emerald Lake Lake Louise
Banff Calgary Edmonton Hospitals in BC and Alberta Tobacco control in B.C. and Alberta 2011

2010年2月執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
The article was written in February 2010, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2010 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.


Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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