

カナダ(英・仏: Canada)は、北アメリカ大陸北部に位置する連邦立憲君主制国家。イギリス連邦加盟国で、英連邦王国の
一つである。10の州と3の準州からなり、首都はオタワ。 国土面積はほぼ、1,000万平方キロメートルあり、ロシア連邦に
次いで世界で2番目に広い。 国土の南側はカナダ=アメリカ合衆国国境が走り、北西部でもアメリカ合衆国アラスカ州と

The signing of the Alaska Treaty of Cessation in 1867

[L]New and old National flag [R]The land of Canada

"Flag Debate" と呼ばれる大議論の末、1965年に新しい国旗が制定された。左右の赤で太平洋と大西洋を表していて、白は

Ottawa, Ontario

Ontario is a province located in the east-central Canada, the largest by population. The great majority
of population and arable land in Ontario is located in the South, which contrasts with its relatively small
land area in comparison to the North. The capital of Ontario is Toronto, the most populous city in Canada.
Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is located in Ontario as well. Population of Ontario isestimated 13,150,000
in 2009. Ontario is the leading manufacturing province accounting for 52% of the total national
manufacturing shipments in 2004. Ontario's largest trading partner is the American state of Michigan.

A whole land of Ontario covered by an autumn color of yellow and red leaves.

(L) Fairmont Hotel Ottawa and a Parliament Hill ( Photographed in October
(R)Peace Tower, Parliament Hill in

(L) Octagonal Library of Parliament( Photographed in October
(R) Parliament Hill in 1962.

Ottawa, the Capital of Canada. Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Home of the federal government.
Centennial Flame since 1967.

Fairmont Hotel Ottawa ( Fairmont Chateau Laurier ). The exterior and a pathway. A ballroom in the left of a passage.
No-smoking sign plate on the wall.

(L)A very valuable historic photography is displayed in the corridor of the Fairmont Hotel Ottawa.
No smoking sign plate on the wall.
(R) The Wellington Street in front of Parliament Building ( A view from the Fairmont Hotel Ottawa ).

The Fairmont Chateau Laurier has the 25 smoking rooms which locate on the first floor.
The hotel's total guest rooms are 427, and the percentage of the smoking room is 5.9%.

カナダの首都、オタワの宿泊した Fairmont Hotel Ottawa は1912年にオープンし、チャーチル、ルーズベルトなど、
2023年現在はフェアモント シャトー ローリエ(Fairmont Chateau Laurier)となり、全館禁煙となった模様

 The Smoke-Free Ontario Act (2006)

The Basics

  • The Smoke-Free Ontario Act came into force on May 31, 2006.
  • The act prohibits smoking in enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places
  • in Ontario in order to protect workers and the public from the hazards of second-hand smoke.
Condominiums, Apartment Buildings and College and University Residences

Smoking is prohibited in common areas of condominiums, apartment buildings
and college and university residences. Examples of common areas include
elevators, stairwells, hallways, parking garages, laundry facilities, lobbies,
exercise areas and party or entertainment rooms.

Responsibilities of Proprietors
  • Ensure that everyone is aware that smoking is prohibited in common areas.
  • Remove ashtrays and any object that serves as one.
  • Ensure no one smoke in the common areas of these residences.
  • Post 'No Smoking' signs at all entrances, exits, washrooms, and other appropriate locations.

Local public health units will carry out inspections and investigate complaints in
apartments, condominiums and college and university campuses in order to enforce the act.


There is no maximum corporate fine listed for contravention of this section of the act, meaning the fine amount
would be left up to a justice of the peace. An individual could be subject to a maximum fine of $5,000.

(L) No smoking sign plate at the entrance of McDonald's. The name of 'Ontario' on the left lower corner of the plate.
(R) Interior of the Macdonald's,located near Ottawa.


A roadside harvest shop, selling pumpkins to prepare for Halloween.
This photo was taken in the roadside near Montreal.

Provincial Highway No.40 Heading for Montreal.
The road junction of Canadian Highway 10. The left line for Sherbrooke and Vermont, the right line for New York.

(L) A signboard to show that the penalty for smoking in a guest room is $200.
(R) Agreement for not smoking in a hotel room, which is requested for all hotel guests.

At a check-in time, a guest is asked from the hotel receptionist to sign the oath stating not to smoke and
to pay $200 if violate the rule. The photos show the $200 penalty notice and the written oath, at the
Hotel le President, Sherbrooke, Quebec.

An old French-style general store and a peaceful scene of Magog & Lake Memphremagog,
near the Quebec and Vermont border.

The boundary line district between the Vermont,United States and Quebec,Canada.
(L) American site custom office near Stanstead, Quebec. Highway 143 in front.
(R) Beebe Plain in the town of Derby, Vermont.

 Smoking Ban in the states of Vermont and New Hampshire

オンタリオ州から再びケベック州に入り、モントリオールの東、約150キロにある都市、Sherbrooke のホテルに
宿泊したが、ここのフロントデスクには 喫煙行為に対し200ドルの罰金を科すとの表示があり、さらに罰金を


Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey

The ratio of a non-smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on-the-spot investigation.

 Photography: Quebec and Ontario 2007

States in USA and Province of Canada, including smoking restriction

smorking ban bc canada BC Canada
smorking ban alberta canada Alberta
smorking ban Saskatchewan Saskatchewan 
smorking ban manitoba canada Manitoba 
smorking ban ontario canada Ontario 
smorking ban quebec canada Quebec 
smorking ban new Brunswick New Brunswick 
smorking ban nova scotia Nova Scotia 

smorking ban New Jersey  New Jersey 
smorking ban Illinois USA Illinois 
smorking ban California USA California
smorking ban Beverly Hills California Beverly Hills 
smorking ban condominium Condominium of California
smorking ban Washington state State of Washington
smorking ban Oregon USA Oregon  
smorking ban Montana USA Montana
smorking ban Colorado USA Colorado
smorking ban Arizona USA Arizona 
smorking ban Maine USA Maine
smorking ban Vermont USA Vermont 
smorking ban Massachusetts Massachusetts
smorking ban New York New York 
smorking ban Maryland USA Maryland 
smorking ban Washington DC Washington,D.C.
smorking ban Virginia USA Virginia
smorking ban Minnesota USA Minnesota 
smorking ban Delaware USA Delaware 
smorking ban Ohio USA Ohio 
smorking ban Iowa USA Iowa 
smorking ban Utah USA Utah 
smorking ban Rhode Island Rhode Island 
smorking ban Nevada USA Nevada 
smorking ban Michigan USA Michigan 
smorking ban Wisconsin USA Wisconsin

smorking ban nova scotia Nova Scotia 1973

USA and CANADA 2007

Arrival to Boston State of Maine to the Canadian Border Quebec City Autumn-tinted Quebec, Montreal Ottawa
Vermont and New Hampshire Boston  Boston Railway Boston Subway  Amtrak Acela Express  Manhattan1
Manhattan2 New York Railway  New York Subway and JFK Airport

USA and CANADA 2010
Washington, DC Ontario Michigan

Canada 2011
British Columbia Alberta  Trip to Canada 2011 Vancouver North Vancouver Whistler
Skytrain  VIA train Jasper Icefield and Bow Summit Emerald Lake Lake Louise Banff Calgary
Edmonton Hospitals in BC and Alberta Tobacco control in B.C. and Alberta 2011

執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
写真撮影 2007年10月 2007年10月執筆 2009年11月 英文加筆  2010年10月 索引加筆 2023年12月 情報加筆
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
All photographs were taken in October 2007, unless otherwise described.
The article was written in October 2007, and finnaly revised in December 2023,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

smorking ban nova scotia
Quebec City in Canada

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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