Nova Scotia ノバスコシア州 |
Nova Scotia is a Canadian province located on the southeastern coast of Canada. It is the most
populous province in Atlantic Canada. Its capital, Halifax, is a major economic centre of the region.
Nova Scotia is the second-smallest province in Canada. A population of Nova Scotia is estimated
as about 940,000, the second in the most-densely populated area in Canada. It was named after
the Scotland, and today people of Scottish descent are still the largest
ethnic group in the province.
(L) A map of Nova Scotia (R) A satellite photograph of Nova Scotia
(L) A map of Halifax (R) Halifax skyline
(L) A night view of Halifax (R) Historic site of Halifax
The urban area of Halifax Regional Municipality is a major economic centre in eastern Canada with a large
concentration of government services and private sector companies. Halifax serves as the business, banking,
government and cultural centre for the Maritime region. Major employers and economic generators include
the Department of National Defence, as well as the Port of Halifax. The municipality has a growing
concentration of manufacturing industries and is becoming a major multi-modal transportation hub through
growth at the port, the Halifax Stanfield International Airport, and improving rail and highway connections.
Peggys Cove light house and the Atlantic Ocean
From its inception, the community's economy revolved around the fishery. However, tourism began
to overtake fishing industry in economic importance following the Second World War. Today, Peggys Cove
is primarily a tourist attraction, although its inhabitants still fish for lobster, and the community maintains
a rustic undeveloped appearance. The regional municipality and the provincial government have been
strict land-use regulations close to Peggys Cove, with most property development being prohibited.
Similarly there are restrictions on who can live in the community to prevent inflation of property values
for year-round residents.
Source: Wikipedia
(L) Peggys Cove (R) This photo was referred from the website of e-tourism Network Canada.
Peggys Cove Nova Scotia, photographed in June 1973
(L) Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, photographed in June 1973.
The car parked in the highway was the writer's station wagon, Vista Cruiser manufactured in 1973 by GM.
(R) This photo was referred from the website of Parks Canada.
A water fall at Black Brook Beach, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia,
photographed in June 1973.
Nova Scotia ノバスコシアとはラテン語でNew Scotland を意味する。1973年、筆者がオンタリオ州に
居住していたとき、車でこの地を訪れている。三方を大西洋の海に囲まれ 、12月から3月までは低い
乗っていた車のオンタリオ・プレートを見て、親しげに話しかけて来た初老の男性は オンタリオ州から
ハリファックスの南西にPeggy's Cove という漁村がある。大西洋岸のフォトスポットとしても知られている。
ノバスコシア州の北西端の島の突端近くに位置する国立公園が Cape Breton Highlands National Parkである。
Smoke-free Places Act Prohibitions
No person shall smoke in any enclosed place that is or includes:
(a) a daycare or pre-school
(b) a school, community college or university
(c) a library, art gallery or museum
(d) a health-care facility
(e) a cinema or theatre
(f) a video arcade or pool hall
(g) a recreational facility, including, but not limited to, a bowling alley, fitness centre,
gymnasium, pool or rink
(h) a multi-service centre, community centre or hall, arena, fire hall or church hall
(i) a meeting or conference room or hall, ballroom or conference centre
(j) a retail shop, boutique, market or store or shopping mall
(k) a laundromat
(l) a ferry, ferry terminal, bus, bus station or shelter, taxi, taxi shelter, limousine or vehicle
carrying passengers for hire
(m) a vehicle used during the period of employment while carrying two or more employees
(n) the common area of a commercial building or multi-unit residential building,
including, but not limited to, corridors, lobbies, stairwells, elevators, escalators, eating areas,
washrooms and restrooms
(na) a restaurant
(nb) a lounge or beverage room
(nc) a private club
(nd) a cabaret, club or other place licensed to serve alcoholic beverages
(ne) a place that is being used for bingo
(nf) a facility as defined in the Hospitals Act
(o) offices of the Government of the Province, a municipality, a village or a school board,
or any agency thereof
(p) a provincial jail, prison, detention centre, lock-up or reformatory or another penal
(2) No person shall smoke on the grounds of a school.
No person shall smoke in a motor vehicle when any person under the age of nineteen
years is present in the vehicle regardless of whether any window, sunroof, car top, door
or other feature of the vehicle is open.
(3) No person shall smoke in the outdoor area of a restaurant or a place licensed to
serve alcoholic beverages if that area is used for the serving or consumption of food or
(4) No person shall smoke in an outdoor area within four metres of an intake for a building
ventilation system, an open window of a place of employment or an entrance to a place
of employment.
Source: Smoke-free Places Act Nova Scotia 2002, 2005, 2007
Nova Scotia became 100% smoke-free starting December 2006. Amendments to the provincial Smoke-Free Places Act
(SFPA) makes Nova Scotia's legislation the strongest in Canada. The goal is to protect Nova Scotians from tobacco smoke.
カナダ Nova Scotia (ノバスコシア)州では2006年12月より、レストラン、バー、カジノ、プライベート
実施される。法律に違反すると 385ドル(2007年12月現在、1カナダドルは112円)の罰金が科せられる。
資料 2007年12月15日 AFP 通信
Provinces of Canada, including a smoking restriction
BC, Canada
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
USA and CANADA 2007
Arrival to Boston
State of Maine to the Canadian Border
Quebec City
Autumn-tinted Quebec, Montreal
Vermont and New Hampshire
Boston Railway
Boston Subway
Amtrak Acela Express
New York Railway
New York Subway and JFK Airport
Detroit Airport
London Hospitals
Niagara Falls
Around Lake Houron
Upper Michigan
Lower Michigan
Smoking Ban in Ontario
Smoking Ban in Michigan
Arrival to Washington, D.C.
The U.S.capitol
Metro railway
Union Station
Socioeconomic aspect
Smoking ban in Washington, D.C.
Canada 2011
British Columbia
Trip to Canada 2011
North Vancouver
VIA train
Icefield and Bow Summit
Emerald Lake
Lake Louise
Hospitals in BC and Alberta
Tobacco control in B.C. and Alberta 2011
Vanvouver Airport
2007年12月執筆 2009年11月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★ This Web site is link-free.
The article was written in December 2007, and revised in November 2009,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.